ImageGear for Java
ImageGearJava Project
PackageDescription The ImageGear ART package allows you to add redlining and annotation capabilities to any application built with ImageGear. If you have an application that can read, display, and print images, then with ImageGear ART package enabled, you can add marking capabilities, such as lines, arrows, highlighting, and sticky notes to document images, and use them as though you were working on printed sheets of paper.
com.accusoft.imagegear.callbackinterfaces Interfaces used to notify clients of certain events.
com.accusoft.imagegear.core This package is the basis of the ImageGear for Java toolkit. This package contains classes to operate with graphics primitives, license the product and, most importantly, primary ImageGear entities like page and document.
com.accusoft.imagegear.core.shapes This package provides the various shape and point types available.

This package provides the ImageGear for Java API for annotation and presentation state support.

com.accusoft.imagegear.formats This package provides the ImageGear for Java API for working with formats filters, thumbnails and formats metadata.
com.accusoft.imagegear.formats.dicom This package provides features that are used with medical and DICOM images.
com.accusoft.imagegear.formats.exif This package provides the API for operating with EXIF non-image data.
com.accusoft.imagegear.formats.iptc This package contains classes, structures, and enumerations that provide simplified access to IPTC metadata.
com.accusoft.imagegear.formats.jpg This package provides enumerations values for JPEG format filter control parameters.
com.accusoft.imagegear.formats.tif This package provides public API for TIFF format metadata operating and for TIFF filter control parameters.
com.accusoft.imagegear.formats.xmp This package provides the API for XMP format.
com.accusoft.imagegear.formats.xmp.adobepdf This package provides the API for XMP AdobePDF format.
com.accusoft.imagegear.formats.xmp.basic This package provides the API for XMP Basic format.
com.accusoft.imagegear.formats.xmp.basicjobticket This package provides the API for XMP BasicJobTicket format.
com.accusoft.imagegear.formats.xmp.dublincore This package provides the API for XMP DublinCore format.
com.accusoft.imagegear.formats.xmp.dynamicmedia This package provides the API for XMP DynamicMedia format.
com.accusoft.imagegear.formats.xmp.exif This package provides the API for XMP EXIF format.
com.accusoft.imagegear.formats.xmp.exifaux This package provides the API for XMP EXIFAux format.
com.accusoft.imagegear.formats.xmp.iptc This package provides the API for XMP IPTC4XMPCore format.
com.accusoft.imagegear.formats.xmp.mediamanagement This package provides the API for XMP MediaManagement format.
com.accusoft.imagegear.formats.xmp.microsoftphoto This package provides the API for XMP MicrosoftPhoto format.
com.accusoft.imagegear.formats.xmp.pagedtext This package provides the API for XMP PagedText format.
com.accusoft.imagegear.formats.xmp.photoshop This package provides the API for XMP Photoshop format.
com.accusoft.imagegear.formats.xmp.rightsmanagement This package provides the API for XMP RightsManagement format.
com.accusoft.imagegear.formats.xmp.tiff This package provides the API for XMP TIFF format.
com.accusoft.imagegear.processing This package represents the image and color processing API that allows you to promote or reduce colors using different interpolation algorithms. This API also allows you to rotate, flip, resize, and crop images and provides image transformation methods, such as, remove red eye, perspective, solarize, warp, wave, etc.
com.accusoft.imagegear.processing.layers This package provides an API for creating and editing image layers. It also introduces a new type of ImGearLayeredPage class, which consists of two parts: raster composition image and array of layers.
com.accusoft.imagegear.utility This is the package for infrastructure classes. This is the package for event handling.



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