ImageGear for Java
reduce Method
Image to reduce bit depth.
Color space to reduce image to.
Channel depths to reduce image to.
Method to use for reducing bit depth.
Options to use for reduction, or set to null to use defaults.

All methods except for ImGearReductionMethods.SCALE change the color space of the image to Indexed. ImGearReductionMethods.SCALE does not change the image's color space, but only scales the channel depths. Different reduction methods have their own options, which can be set using the options parameter.

For more information about a particular method, see its options. The following reduction methods are available in ImGearReductionMethods:

Method Input color spaces and bit depths Output color spaces and bit depths Options
BAYER RGB (24)Grayscale (8)Indexed (>1) Indexed (1 or 4) ImGearBayerReductionOptions
BITONAL RGB (24)Grayscale (8)Indexed (>1) Indexed (1) ImGearBitonalReductionOptions
DIFFUSE RGB (24)Grayscale (8)Indexed (>1) Indexed (1 or 4) ImGearDiffuseReductionOptions
HALFTONE RGB (24)Grayscale (8)Indexed (>1) Indexed (1) ImGearHalftoneReductionOptions
MEDIAN RGB (24)Grayscale (8) Indexed (8) ImGearMedianCutReductionOptions
OCTREE RGB (24)Grayscale (8) Indexed (4 or 8) ImGearOctreeReductionOptions
POPULARITY RGB (24)Grayscale (8) Indexed (8) ImGearPopularityReductionOptions
SCALE Any color space except Indexed Same color space as input ImGearScaleReductionOptions


Reduces bit depth of an image using the specified reduction method.


Image to reduce bit depth.
Color space to reduce image to.
Channel depths to reduce image to.
Method to use for reducing bit depth.
Options to use for reduction, or set to null to use defaults.

All methods except for ImGearReductionMethods.SCALE change the color space of the image to Indexed. ImGearReductionMethods.SCALE does not change the image's color space, but only scales the channel depths. Different reduction methods have their own options, which can be set using the options parameter.

For more information about a particular method, see its options. The following reduction methods are available in ImGearReductionMethods:

Method Input color spaces and bit depths Output color spaces and bit depths Options
BAYER RGB (24)Grayscale (8)Indexed (>1) Indexed (1 or 4) ImGearBayerReductionOptions
BITONAL RGB (24)Grayscale (8)Indexed (>1) Indexed (1) ImGearBitonalReductionOptions
DIFFUSE RGB (24)Grayscale (8)Indexed (>1) Indexed (1 or 4) ImGearDiffuseReductionOptions
HALFTONE RGB (24)Grayscale (8)Indexed (>1) Indexed (1) ImGearHalftoneReductionOptions
MEDIAN RGB (24)Grayscale (8) Indexed (8) ImGearMedianCutReductionOptions
OCTREE RGB (24)Grayscale (8) Indexed (4 or 8) ImGearOctreeReductionOptions
POPULARITY RGB (24)Grayscale (8) Indexed (8) ImGearPopularityReductionOptions
SCALE Any color space except Indexed Same color space as input ImGearScaleReductionOptions


See Also


ImGearRasterProcessing Class
ImGearRasterProcessing Members



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