ImageGear for Java
convertColorSpace Method
Converts page to new color space.

Note: Conversion to Grayscale colorspace takes into account the human eye's sensitivity to different parts of the light spectrum. ImageGear uses the following formula when converting from RGB to Grayscale: Gray = Red * 77 / 255 + Green * 151 / 255 + Blue * 28 / 255. If you need to convert an image to Grayscale using equal weights for Red, Green and Blue, or any other weights, use convertColorSpace(ImGearRasterPage,ImGearColorSpace,double[,])


Overload List
convertColorSpace(ImGearRasterPage,ImGearColorSpace)Converts page to new color space.

Note: Conversion to Grayscale colorspace takes into account the human eye's sensitivity to different parts of the light spectrum. ImageGear uses the following formula when converting from RGB to Grayscale: Gray = Red * 77 / 255 + Green * 151 / 255 + Blue * 28 / 255. If you need to convert an image to Grayscale using equal weights for Red, Green and Blue, or any other weights, use convertColorSpace(ImGearRasterPage,ImGearColorSpace,double[,])


convertColorSpace(ImGearRasterPage,ImGearColorSpace,boolean)Converts a page to new color space.

This method Converts page to the newColorSpace. This method works in two modes:

If dontScalePixels is false (default), the image's pixels are recalculated.

If the new color space differs from the old color space only by an alpha channel (add, remove, set to pre-multiplied/non-pre-multiplied), ChannelDepths of color channels are preserved. For example, 5-6-5-8 RGBA will be converted to 5-6-5 RGB. Otherwise, ChannelDepths of color channels are set to maximum of original channel depths. For example, 3-5-4 RGB will be converted to 5-5-5-5 CMYK.

Any conversions are supported, except for conversion into Indexed color space.

The following formula is used to burn alpha (i.e., to convert from RGBA/P to RGB):

If Page is not pre-multiplied:

I = I * A + B (1-A)

If Page is pre-multiplied:

I = I + B (1-A)

If the image contains extra channels and newColorSpace contains extra channels, the method does not change them.

If dontScalePixels is true, the page's color space property is changed, but the pixels are not modified. The number of channels of newColorSpace should be the same as that of the original image. When converting from Indexed to Grayscale, the palette is removed. When converting from Grayscale to Indexed, a default palette is created. Conversion to Grayscale colorspace takes into account the human eye's sensitivity to different parts of the light spectrum. ImageGear uses the following formula when converting from RGB to Grayscale: Gray = Red * 77 / 255 + Green * 151 / 255 + Blue * 28 / 255. If you need to convert an image to Grayscale using equal weights for Red, Green and Blue, or any other weights, use convertColorSpace(ImGearRasterPage,ImGearColorSpace,boolean)


convertColorSpace(ImGearRasterPage,ImGearColorSpace,ImGearPixel)Converts a page to new color space.

If conversion removes the alpha channel from the image, the image is composited over a solid background specified by BackColor. Background should be in the same color space as the original image, but without the Alpha channel. For example, if the original image is in RGBA color space and newColorSpace is CMYK, background should have an RGB color space. The method will first transform the image into RGB and then to CMYK.

The following formula is used to burn alpha (i.e., to convert from RGBA/P to RGB):

If Page is not pre-multiplied:

I = I * A + B (1-A)

If Page is pre-multiplied:

I = I + B (1-A)

If the image contains extra channels, and newColorSpace contains extra channels, the method does not change them.

Note: Conversion to Grayscale colorspace takes into account human eye's sensitivity to different parts of the light spectrum. ImageGear uses the following formula when converting from RGB to Grayscale: Gray = Red * 77 / 255 + Green * 151 / 255 + Blue * 28 / 255. If you need to convert an image to Grayscale using equal weights for Red, Green and Blue, or any other weights, use convertColorSpace(ImGearRasterPage,ImGearColorSpace,double[,])


convertColorSpace(ImGearRasterPage,ImGearColorSpace,boolean,ImGearPixel)Converts a page to new color space.

If conversion removes the alpha channel from an image, the image is composited over a solid background specified by BackColor. BackColor should be in the same color space as the original image, but without the Alpha channel. For example, if original image is in RGBA color space and newColorSpace is CMYK, BackColor should have RGB color space. The method will first transform the image into RGB and then to CMYK.

The following formula is used to burn alpha (i.e., to convert from RGBA/P to RGB):

  • If Page is not pre-multiplied: I = I * A + B (1-A)
  • If Page is pre-multiplied: I = I + B (1-A)

If the image contains extra channels, and newColorSpace contains extra channels, the method does not change them.

Note: Conversion to Grayscale colorspace takes into account the human eye's sensitivity to different parts of the light spectrum. ImageGear uses the following formula when converting from RGB to Grayscale: Gray = Gray = Red * 77 / 255 + Green * 151 / 255 + Blue * 28 / 255.


convertColorSpace(ImGearRasterPage,ImGearColorSpace,double[,])Converts an image's color space using the specified matrix.

Converts an image to a new color space using a conversion matrix. Destination pixels are calculated as Dst = M * Src, where M is conversion matrix. Number of channels after conversion will be equal to first of the conversionMatrix. Second dimension of conversionMatrix should be equal to number of channels in the source page.


convertColorSpace(ImGearRasterPage,ImGearColorSpace,ImGearColorProfile,ImGearColorProfile,ImGearRenderingIntents)Converts an image's color space using the specified color profiles and rendering intent.

The image's pixel data is modified to conform to the new color space. This method does not concern itself with any of the settings of com.accusoft.imagegear.core.ImGearColorProfileManager class. Instead, it allows immediate and explicit specification of color profiles to use for the conversion.


See Also


ImGearRasterProcessing Class
ImGearRasterProcessing Members



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