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ImagXpress 12 for ActiveX - API Reference > Properties, Methods & Events by Category > Saving

Glossary Item Box


ImagXpress® can save to many different file formats while allowing the user to have a great deal of control over each file formats specific settings. The following properties, methods and events affect the saving of images.


Async Gets and sets whether all subsequent image loading/processing/saving operations occur in a thread separate from the main ActiveX thread.
AsyncCancelOnClose Gets and sets whether pending asynchronous operations are allowed to complete when the control is being terminated.
AsyncMaxThreads Gets and sets the maximum number of threads each ImagXpress control can spawn off when the Async property is true.
AsyncPriority Gets and sets the separate image loading/processing/saving threads priority when the Async property is True.
CancelLoad Gets and sets the cancel load flag.
CancelMode Gets and sets an event that cancels the loading (decompression), saving (compression) or processing of images.
CancelRemove Gets and sets the cancel remove flag.
ClipboardFormat Gets and sets the format of the type of image to place on the Window's clipboard.
EvalMode Gets and sets whether a watermark or dialog box will be displayed periodically when in evaluation mode.
FileTimeout Gets and sets how long a separate loading thread should wait for data.
FTPMode Gets and sets the mode to use for FTP.
FTPPassword Gets and sets the password used to log into an ftp site.
FTPUserName Gets and sets the user name used to log into an ftp site.
hDIB Gets and sets an image from a device independent bitmap.
Idle Gets if the control is performing an operation or not.
ImagError Gets the control's last error.
LibraryThreadsAllowed Gets and sets the number of threads allowed in the compression and decompression libraries.
OwnDIB Gets and sets whether or not the ImagXpress control owns the DIB after getting or setting the hDIB property.
PICPassword Gets and sets the password for an encrypted Accusoft (ePIC) file.
Picture Gets and sets a bitmap to display in the control.
PictureEnabled Gets and sets whether the Picture property can be used to load images.
ProcessImageID Gets and sets the active image ID for all loading, saving and image processing operations that the user chooses.
ProcessStatus Gets and sets the status of the current process buffer.
ProgressPct Gets and sets the Progress event frequency.
ProxyServer Gets and sets the proxy server name or ID for http and ftp requests.
RaiseExceptions Gets and sets whether exceptions are raised.
SaveBufferHandle Gets the handle to the global memory an image is saved to when SaveToBuffer property is set to True.
SaveCompressSize Gets and sets the requested compressed file size in bytes.
SaveEXIFThumbnailSize Gets or sets the requested EXIF thumbnail size.
SaveFileName Gets and sets the path and name of the file to save.
SaveFileType Gets and sets the type of file to save when setting the SaveFile method.
SaveFtpBuffered Gets and sets whether when saving to FTP address the image is buffered locally or streamed directly as it is compressed.
SaveGIFInterlaced Gets and sets whether a GIF file is to be saved in the interlaced or non-interlaced format.
SaveGIFType Gets and sets the GIF format for saving a GIF file.
SaveIFDOffset Gets and sets the location to append the next TIFF page in a multi-page tiff file.
SaveJBIG2EncodeModeCompression Gets and sets the encoding mode to use when creating the JBIG2 file.
SaveJBIG2FileOrgCompression Gets and sets the file organization of the JBIG2 bit-stream.
SaveJBIG2InvertedRegion Gets and sets whether the bits should be inverted prior to symbol analysis.
SaveJBIG2LoosenessCompression Gets and sets how loose to be when matching symbols and compressing text using either of the lossy text region encode modes.
SaveJLSInterLeave Gets or sets the interleave setting for JPEG-LS.
SaveJLSMaxValue Gets and sets the compression value for JPEG-LS.
SaveJLSNear Gets and sets the error tolerance for near-lossless compression for JPEG-LS.
SaveJLSPoint Gets and sets the precision of the point transform for JPEG-LS.
SaveJP2FavorSpeed Property Gets and sets whether when saving to a JPEG 2000 image that speed of compression and subsequently decompression is to be favored instead of quality and compressed image size.
SaveJP2Order Gets and sets the progression order for JPEG 2000.
SaveJP2Type Gets and sets the format of the JPEG 2000 file.
SaveJPEGChromFactor Gets and sets the chrominance quality setting for saving JPEG, TIFF-JPEG, and ePIC files.
SaveJPEGCosited Gets and sets enabling of DICOM decompression of JPEG images.
SaveJPEGGrayscale Gets and sets whether the JPEG image is being saved as gray scale.
SaveJPEGLumFactor Gets and sets the luminance quality for JPEG, TIFF-JPEG and ePIC files.
SaveJPEGProgressive Gets and sets whether a JPEG image file saves in standard or progressive format.
SaveJPEGSubSampling Gets and sets the sub-sampling type for saving a JPEG, TIFF-JPEG, or ePIC file.
SaveLJPCompMethod Gets and sets the compression method used for saving a lossless JPEG file.
SaveLJPCompOrder Gets and sets the order of compression for lossless JPEG.
SaveLJPCompType Gets or sets the type of compression for lossless JPEG.
SaveLJPPrediction Gets and sets the selection value which determines the prediction formula.
SaveModcaTagDocumentName Gets and sets the Modca tag document name.
SaveMultiPage Gets and sets if a TIFF, PDF, ICO, MODCA or DCX file should be saved as the next page in an existing file.
SavePDFCompression Gets and sets the compression type employed for saving a PDF file.
SavePDFSwapBlackandWhite Gets and sets whether when saving a PDF file the pixel value of zero is black or white.
SavePNGInterlaced Gets and sets whether image will be saved in the interlaced or non-interlaced PNG format.
SavePSNR Gets and sets the PSNR (Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio).
SaveTIFFByteOrder Gets and sets the TIFF byte order.
SaveTIFFCompression Gets and sets the compression for the TIFF file being saved.
SaveTIFFRowsPerStrip Gets and sets the number of rows to save in each strip of a TIFF file.
SaveTileHeight Gets and sets the requested tile height for the saved image.
SaveTileWidth Gets and sets the requested tile width for the saved image.
SaveToBuffer Gets and sets whether image data should be saved to a file or a memory buffer.
SaveTransparencyColor Gets and sets the transparency Color value.
SaveTransparent Gets or sets the type of TransparencyMatch to perform.
SaveUseIFDOffset Gets and sets whether fast multi-page tiff writes are enabled.
SaveWSQBlack Gets and sets the level of black used in the WSQ file compression.
SaveWSQQuant Gets and sets the quantization of the saved WSQ file.
SaveWSQWhite Gets and sets the level of white used in the WSQ file compression.


Cancel Cancels the current loading, processing or saving operation on an image buffer.
CloseImage Closes the specified image and frees up associated resources.
CompactFile Compacts a multiple page TIFF file by removing unused pages.
DeletePage Deletes a page from a multi-page TIFF document.
DeleteSaveBuffer Deletes the memory associated with image data saved after invoking the SaveFile method when the SaveToBuffer property is True.
FileSetTags Sets the collection of tags into the image file.
ImageStatus Returns the current status for a specified image buffer.
InsertPage Inserts a new page into a multi-page TIFF document.
SaveFile Saves the current image to the file specified by the SaveFileName property or to memory if the SaveToBuffer property is true..
ToHBitmap Gets a handle to a device dependent bitmap for the image.


ImageStatusChanged Raised when image status has changed.
Progress Raised when loading, saving or image processing reports progress.

See Also

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