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ImagXpress 12 for ActiveX - API Reference > Properties, Methods & Events by Category > Loading

Glossary Item Box


ImagXpress® can load many file formats through many mechanisms. ImagXpress can load from a local or remote file, an ftp/http address, a memory buffer, or from user supplied data through a callback mechanism. ImagXpress can also crop, resize or rotate an image as it loads it. The following properties, methods and events affect the loading of images.


Async Gets and sets whether all subsequent image loading/processing/saving operations occur in a thread separate from the main ActiveX thread.
AsyncCancelOnClose Gets and sets whether pending asynchronous operations are allowed to complete when the control is being terminated.
AsyncMaxThreads Gets and sets the maximum number of threads each ImagXpress control can spawn off when the Async property is true.
AsyncPriority Gets and sets the separate image loading/processing/saving threads priority when the Async property is True.
AutoInvalidate Gets and sets whether the control will receive notifications to perform a refresh on the view if the image buffer has changed.
CadLayoutToRender Gets and sets the CAD layout to render.
CadPaperBitDepth Gets and sets the CAD paper bit depth.
CadPaperHeight Gets and sets the CAD paper height.
CadPaperResolutionUnits Gets and sets the paper resolution units for CAD images.
CadPaperResolutionX Gets and sets the CAD paper x-coordinate resolution.
CadPaperResolutionY Gets and sets the CAD paper y-coordinate resolution value.
CadPaperWidth Gets and sets the CAD paper width.
CameraRawEnabled Gets and sets whether the control examines the image on loading to determine if it is in a Camera RAW file format.
CancelLoad Gets and sets the cancel load flag.
CancelMode Gets and sets an event that cancels the loading (decompression), saving (compression) or processing of images.
CancelRemove Gets and sets the cancel remove flag.
FileName Gets and sets loading an image from a filename.
FileOffset Gets and sets the offset in the file or memory buffer where ImagXpress will begin reading image data.
FileOffsetUse Gets and sets the behavior of the FileOffset property when loading a TIFF file.
FileTimeout Gets and sets how long a separate loading thread should wait for data.
FTPMode Gets and sets the mode to use for FTP.
FTPPassword Gets and sets the password used to log into an ftp site.
FTPUserName Gets and sets the user name used to log into an ftp site.
hDIB Gets and sets an image from a device independent bitmap.
Idle Gets if the control is performing an operation or not.
ImagError Gets the control's last error.
JB2SwapBlackandWhite Gets and sets whether in a JBIG2 image file the pixel value of zero is black or white.
JPEGCosited Gets and sets an indicator as to whether the image was compressed with cosited sub-sampling.
JPEGEnhDecomp Gets and sets the JPEG enhanced decompression flag indicating whether to use standard decoding or Accusoft enhanced decoding.
LibraryThreadsAllowed Gets and sets the number of threads allowed in the compression and decompression libraries.
LoadAlphaChannel Gets and sets whether alpha channel data is loaded with the image.
LoadCropEnabled Gets and sets whether load cropping is enabled.
LoadCropHeight Gets and sets the height (in pixels) of the load crop rectangle.
LoadCropWidth Gets and sets the width (in pixels) of the load crop rectangle.
LoadCropX Gets and sets the left component (x-coordinate) of the top-left of the load crop rectangle.
LoadCropY Gets and sets the top component (y-coordinate) of the top-left of the load crop rectangle.
LoadMode Gets whether image data will be interpreted as a raw image format or a standard image format.
LoadResizeAntiAlias Gets and sets whether the image is anti-aliased during a load resize.
LoadResizeEnabled Gets and sets whether the image will be resized when loading an image.
LoadResizeHeight Gets and sets the height to resize the image to when loading an image.
LoadResizeMaintainAspectRatio Gets or sets the option to preserve image aspect ratio when loading an image into the viewer control.
LoadResizePreserveBlack Gets and sets whether when loading with LoadResizeEnabled, black objects in the image should be enhanced during the resize to increase readability.
LoadResizeWidth Gets and sets the width to resize the image to when loading an image.
LoadRotated Gets or sets the rotation options of the image to be loaded.
LoadScaleToGray Gets and sets whether to scale to gray when LoadResizeEnabled is set during a load.
LoadThumbnail Gets and sets the thumbnail style (JPEG and ePIC images only).
OLEDropMode Gets and sets the type of OLE drop to allow if any.
OwnDIB Gets and sets whether or not the ImagXpress control owns the DIB after getting or setting the hDIB property.
PageNbr Gets and sets the page number to read for a multiple page image file.
Pages Gets the number of pages in the current image file.
PDFSwapBlackandWhite Gets and sets whether in a PDF image file the pixel value of zero is black or white.
PFileName Gets and sets the filename that contains the palette for the control.
PICPassword Gets and sets the password for an encrypted Accusoft (ePIC) file.
Picture Gets and sets a bitmap to display in the control.
PictureEnabled Gets and sets whether the Picture property can be used to load images.
ProcessImageID Gets and sets the active image ID for all loading, saving and image processing operations that the user chooses.
ProcessStatus Gets and sets the status of the current process buffer.
ProgressPct Gets and sets the Progress event frequency.
ProxyServer Gets and sets the proxy server name or ID for http and ftp requests.
RaiseExceptions Gets and sets whether exceptions are raised.
SpecialTIFFHandling Gets and sets the flag denoting an abnormally formatted TIFF file.
TIFFIFDOffset Gets and sets the number of bytes preceding the IFD (Image File Directory).


AssignDIB Assigns the DIB from the control to a receiver and removes the DIB from the control.
CadClose Closes the CAD file.
CadLayerEnableView Enables or disables viewing a particular CAD layer.
CadOpen Opens the CAD file for repeated renderings of differently selected layers and layouts.
CadView Changes the CAD file view.
Cancel Cancels the current loading, processing or saving operation on an image buffer.
Capture Captures the screen area bounded by the control and saves it to the current image.
CaptureWindow Captures the screen area within the specified window and saves it to the current image.
CloseImage Closes the specified image and frees up associated resources.
CreateDIB Creates a new solid color bitmap.
FileGetTags Retrieves the collection of tags for the page requested.
GetImageHnd Gets the global handle of the image associated with the image buffer.
GetUniqueImageID Gets a long integer that represents a unique image buffer that is currently not already in use.
ImageStatus Returns the current status for a specified image buffer.
IsValid Returns whether or not the supplied image buffer ID has been allocated from the image buffer manager.
LoadBlob Loads an image file stored in memory.
LoadBuffer Loads an image file stored in memory.
LoadBufferPtr Loads an image file from memory.
LoadCB Initiates a user load through the CB Event into the current image buffer specified by the current value of the ProcessImageID property.
LoadRaw Enables/disables RAW mode processing of input data from all loading functions.
LoadVirtualImage Loads a virtual image and allows passing in the image's area and resolution.
Merge Merges the current image with images that are subsequently loaded.
NumPages Retrieves the number of image pages in a multiple page PDF, TIFF or DCX file.
Paste Pastes the current bitmap or DIB from the clipboard.
QueryBufferPtr Retrieves information about an image that is located in a memory buffer.
QueryCadFormat Query the CAD format with the given attributes.
QueryCadLayer Query the CAD layer with the given attributes.
QueryCadLayout Query the CAD layout with the given attributes.
QueryFile Obtains information about an image file.
QueryFileV Obtains information about an image file.
WriteCBData Writes user supplied image data to the image buffer for processing.
WriteCBDataPtr Writes user supplied image data to the image buffer for processing.


CB This event is raised several different times in response to the user initiating a LoadCB method to load an image via Call Back.
ImageStatusChanged Raised when image status has changed.
OLEDragDrop Raised when a source component is dropped onto a target component when the source component determines that a drop can occur.
OLEDragOver Raised when one component is dragged over another.
Progress Raised when loading, saving or image processing reports progress.

See Also

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