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adjustForXYDPI(RasterMaster) - Static method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.ImageUtils
This method resizes an image that has an X-DPI that is different the Y-DPI.
alertOnConfigurationError(String) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.StructuredLogger
AllAnnotationsInterface - Interface in com.snowbound.contenthandler.interfaces
This interface defines a more efficient method for retrieving annotations on a document.
AnnotationLayer - Class in com.snowbound.common.transport
This class represents an annotation layer on a document.
AnnotationLayer() - Constructor for class com.snowbound.common.transport.AnnotationLayer
AnnotationsInterface - Interface in com.snowbound.contenthandler.interfaces
Defines base methods to save and retrieve annotations.
AnnotationWrapper - Interface in com.snowbound.common.transport
Defines a facade for the RasterMaster annotation object.
asciiAttributesToSnowDocParams(AsciiAttributes, HashMap<SnowDocFactory.Config, String>) - Static method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.AsciiUtils
AsciiUtils - Class in com.snowbound.common.utils
AsciiUtils() - Constructor for class com.snowbound.common.utils.AsciiUtils
AvailableDocumentsInterface - Interface in com.snowbound.contenthandler.interfaces
Defines method for retrieving a list of available and viewable documents.


BookmarksInterface - Interface in com.snowbound.contenthandler.interfaces
Allows for retrieving and saving page bookmarks.
build() - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.RestfulContentHandlerRequestBuilder
ByteResponseHandler - Class in com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest
ByteResponseHandler() - Constructor for class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.ByteResponseHandler


cacheOperationOccurred(String) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.StructuredLogger
CacheValidator - Interface in com.snowbound.contenthandler.interfaces
Allows VirtualViewer to confirm whether specific documents should be retrieved or stored in the VirtualViewer cache.
CapacityLimitedHashtable<K,​V> - Class in com.snowbound.common.utils
Map that will eject its least-recently-accessed values to remain within a specified capacity.
CapacityLimitedHashtable(long) - Constructor for class com.snowbound.common.utils.CapacityLimitedHashtable
CAPTIONS - com.snowbound.common.transport.MediaCaption.Kind
CHAPTERS - com.snowbound.common.transport.MediaCaption.Kind
checkAvailable(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.example.FileContentHandler
checkAvailable(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in interface com.snowbound.contenthandler.interfaces.HealthCheckInterface
Returns null, or an empty ContentHandlerResult for a successful "healthy" result, or throws a VirtualViewerAPIException for an "unhealthy" result.
checkAvailable(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.RestfulHttpContentHandler
checkInterruptedError(int) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
checkInterruptedError(int[]) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
ClientServerIO - Class in com.snowbound.common.utils
Utility class for manipulating URL, stream, and File data.
ClientServerIO() - Constructor for class com.snowbound.common.utils.ClientServerIO
com.snowbound.common - package com.snowbound.common
Contains utility classes and classes that are used to send information between VirtualViewer and the content handler.
com.snowbound.common.transport - package com.snowbound.common.transport
Classes that may be used to transport data to and from VirtualViewer.
com.snowbound.common.utils - package com.snowbound.common.utils
Utility classes that may be used in the content handler.
com.snowbound.contenthandler - package com.snowbound.contenthandler
Interfaces and classes that are required for the content handler.
com.snowbound.contenthandler.example - package com.snowbound.contenthandler.example
Demonstration content handlers, including the default FileContentHandler.
com.snowbound.contenthandler.interfaces - package com.snowbound.contenthandler.interfaces
Interfaces that can be used to add features to a content handler.
com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest - package com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest
com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.error - package com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.error
com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.model - package com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.model
configurationMayCauseProblems(String) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.StructuredLogger
contentHandlerInput(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.RestfulContentHandlerRequestBuilder
ContentHandlerInput - Class in com.snowbound.contenthandler
All of VirtualViewer's content handler API's methods have an input parameter of ContentHandlerInput.
ContentHandlerInput() - Constructor for class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
Default constructor.
ContentHandlerInput(String, String) - Constructor for class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
ContentHandlerInput(String, String, Object) - Constructor for class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
ContentHandlerResult - Class in com.snowbound.contenthandler
All of VirtualViewer's content handler API's methods have a return type of ContentHandlerResult.
ContentHandlerResult() - Constructor for class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
convertJsonToPdf(String, String) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
copyFile(File, File) - Static method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.ClientServerIO
Copies data from sourceFile to destinationFile.
CREATE - Static variable in class com.snowbound.common.transport.PermissionLevel
Annotations on this layer can be created, but not edited or deleted afterwards.
createDocument(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.example.FileContentHandler
createDocument(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in interface com.snowbound.contenthandler.interfaces.CreateDocumentInterface
createDocument(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.RestfulHttpContentHandler
CreateDocumentInterface - Interface in com.snowbound.contenthandler.interfaces
Allows a user to upload a document through the client interface.
createFromByteArray(byte[]) - Static method in class com.snowbound.common.transport.VirtualViewerSnowAnn
Deserialize a VirtualViewerSnowAnn from the provided byte array.
createFromXML(String) - Static method in class com.snowbound.common.transport.VirtualViewerSnowAnn
Attempt to create and initialize a VirtualViewerSnowAnn object from an XML string.
currentSize() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.CapacityLimitedHashtable
Return the current size of all of the table's values as judged by the implementation of getObjectSize.


debug() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.StructuredLogger.LogBuilder
DELETE - Static variable in class com.snowbound.common.transport.PermissionLevel
Annotations on this layer can be created, edited, and deleted.
deleteAnnotation(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.example.FileContentHandler
deleteAnnotation(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in interface com.snowbound.contenthandler.interfaces.AnnotationsInterface
Called when the client has requested to delete the specified annotation layer.
deleteAnnotation(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.RestfulHttpContentHandler
deleteBookmarkContent(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.example.FileContentHandler
deleteBookmarkContent(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in interface com.snowbound.contenthandler.interfaces.BookmarksInterface
Delete the bookmark XML content for the specified document key, if it exists.
deleteBookmarkContent(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.RestfulHttpContentHandler
deleteNotesContent(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.example.FileContentHandler
deleteNotesContent(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in interface com.snowbound.contenthandler.interfaces.DocumentNotesInterface
Called when the client has requested to delete all notes for the specified document.
deleteNotesContent(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.RestfulHttpContentHandler
deleteWatermarkContent(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.example.FileContentHandler
deleteWatermarkContent(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in interface com.snowbound.contenthandler.interfaces.WatermarksInterface
Delete the watermark content for the specified document key, if it exists.
deleteWatermarkContent(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.RestfulHttpContentHandler
DESCRIPTIONS - com.snowbound.common.transport.MediaCaption.Kind
detailForDebug(String) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.StructuredLogger
DOCUMENT_ID_TO_RELOAD - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
Key for an updated document key to use after saving.
DocumentContentRetrievalResponseHandler - Class in com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest
DocumentContentRetrievalResponseHandler() - Constructor for class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.DocumentContentRetrievalResponseHandler
documentId(String) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.StructuredLogger.LogBuilder
DocumentNotesInterface - Interface in com.snowbound.contenthandler.interfaces
Enables the document notes feature.
DocumentNotesTest - Class in test.java
DocumentNotesTest() - Constructor for class test.java.DocumentNotesTest
duration(long) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.StructuredLogger.LogBuilder


EDIT - Static variable in class com.snowbound.common.transport.PermissionLevel
Annotations on this layer can be created and edited.
EmptyResponseHandler - Class in com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest
EmptyResponseHandler() - Constructor for class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.EmptyResponseHandler
equals(Object) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
error() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.StructuredLogger.LogBuilder
errorMayCauseFurtherProblems(String) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.StructuredLogger
errorOccurred(String) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.StructuredLogger
errorOccurredButContinuing(String) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.StructuredLogger
eventNotification(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.example.FileContentHandler
eventNotification(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in interface com.snowbound.contenthandler.interfaces.EventSubscriberInterface
This method is called when some events occur in the VirtualViewer client, such as opening a document or viewing a new page on the document.
eventNotification(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.RestfulHttpContentHandler
EventSubscriberInterface - Interface in com.snowbound.contenthandler.interfaces
Implement this interface to subscribe to client events.
ExternalReference - Class in com.snowbound.common.transport
Represents an external reference for a CAD/DWG file.
ExternalReference() - Constructor for class com.snowbound.common.transport.ExternalReference
extractURLToFile(File, URL) - Static method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.ClientServerIO
Writes the content provided at a specified URL into a file.


FileContentHandler - Class in com.snowbound.contenthandler.example
This is a sample content handler for demonstration and example purposes.
FileContentHandler() - Constructor for class com.snowbound.contenthandler.example.FileContentHandler
format(DateFormat, Date) - Static method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.ThreadSafeDateFormatter
This class / method exists because DateFormats are notoriously not thread safe.
FormatRenderProperties - Class in com.snowbound.common.utils
Defines a set of render properties for a specified format.
FormatRenderProperties(int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.snowbound.common.utils.FormatRenderProperties
Create a set of render properties for the given format.
FormatRenderProperties(int, int, int, double, double) - Constructor for class com.snowbound.common.utils.FormatRenderProperties
Create a set of render properties for the given format.
fromJson(byte[]) - Static method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.model.Metadata
fromJson(Object) - Static method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.model.RestLink
fromJson(JSONArray) - Static method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.model.Xref
fromJson(JSONObject) - Static method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.model.Metadata


get(Object) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.CapacityLimitedHashtable
Retrieve a value from the map.
get_links() - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.model.Metadata
getAction() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.transport.VirtualViewerSnowAnn
getAdjustedHeightForYDPI(RasterMaster) - Static method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.ImageUtils
Returns height of image adjusted to match the X-DPI (instead of the Y-DPI).
getAllAnnotationsForDocument(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.example.FileContentHandler
getAllAnnotationsForDocument(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in interface com.snowbound.contenthandler.interfaces.AllAnnotationsInterface
Returns a map of all of the annotations for a specified document key.
getAllAnnotationsForDocument(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.RestfulHttpContentHandler
getAnnotationContent() - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
getAnnotationContent() - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
getAnnotationContent(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.example.FileContentHandler
getAnnotationContent(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in interface com.snowbound.contenthandler.interfaces.AnnotationsInterface
Returns the content for the specified annotation layer and document key in the form of a byte array.
getAnnotationContent(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.RestfulHttpContentHandler
getAnnotationContentFromFile(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.example.FileContentHandler
getAnnotationData() - Method in interface com.snowbound.common.transport.AnnotationWrapper
getAnnotationData() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.transport.VirtualViewerSnowAnn
getAnnotationId() - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
Shortcut to get ContentHandlerInput.KEY_ANNOTATION_ID's value.
getAnnotationLayers() - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
getAnnotationNames() - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
getAnnotationNames(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.example.FileContentHandler
getAnnotationNames(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in interface com.snowbound.contenthandler.interfaces.AnnotationsInterface
Returns an array of annotation layer names for the specified document key and client instance key.
getAnnotationNames(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.RestfulHttpContentHandler
getAnnotationProperties() - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
getAnnotationProperties() - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
getAnnotationProperties(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.example.FileContentHandler
getAnnotationProperties(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in interface com.snowbound.contenthandler.interfaces.AnnotationsInterface
Returns the properties for a specified annotation layer key in the form of a hashtable.
getAnnotationProperties(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.RestfulHttpContentHandler
getAttachment(byte[], int) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
getAttachmentInfo(byte[]) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
Read attachment information from a document.
getAvailableCaptions() - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
getAvailableDisplayNames() - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
getAvailableDocumentIds() - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
getAvailableDocumentIds(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.example.FileContentHandler
getAvailableDocumentIds(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in interface com.snowbound.contenthandler.interfaces.AvailableDocumentsInterface
Returns an array containing the set of document keys available for viewing.
getAvailableDocumentIds(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.RestfulHttpContentHandler
getBitDepth() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.FormatRenderProperties
getBitsPerPixel() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
Returns the bit depth of the image.
getBookmarkContent() - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
getBookmarkContent() - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
getBookmarkContent(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.example.FileContentHandler
getBookmarkContent(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in interface com.snowbound.contenthandler.interfaces.BookmarksInterface
Returns the bookmark XML content for the specified document key in the form of a byte array.
getBookmarkContent(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.RestfulHttpContentHandler
getBottom() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.PercentRect
getBytes(InputStream) - Static method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.ClientServerIO
This method returns a byte array containing the data in the specified stream.
getClientInstanceId() - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
getClientPreferencesXML() - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
No longer used. See client-side config.js and User Preferences settings instead.
getClientPreferencesXML() - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
No longer used.
getCropboxX() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
Returns the xpos of the cropbox for vector pdf images.
getCropboxY() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
Returns the ypos of the cropbox for vector pdf images.
getData() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.transport.AnnotationLayer
Get the contents of this annotation layer.
getData() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.URLReturnData
Return the response contents.
getDefaultDepth() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
getDefaultResolution() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
getDeletedAnnotationLayers() - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
getDisplayName() - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.model.Metadata
getDocumentContent() - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
getDocumentContent() - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
getDocumentContent(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.example.FileContentHandler
getDocumentContent(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in interface com.snowbound.contenthandler.interfaces.VirtualViewerContentHandlerInterface
Returns the content for the specified document key.
getDocumentContent(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.RestfulHttpContentHandler
getDocumentContentByFile(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.example.FileContentHandler
getDocumentContentElements() - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
getDocumentDisplayName() - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
getDocumentFile() - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
No longer used.
getDocumentFile() - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
getDocumentFormat() - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
getDocumentId() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.transport.AnnotationLayer
Returns the key of the document to which this annotation layer belongs.
getDocumentId() - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
Shortcut to get ContentHandlerInput.KEY_DOCUMENT_ID's value.
getDocumentIds(String) - Static method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.VirtualDocumentId
getDocumentPageCount() - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
Shortcut to get ContentHandlerInput.KEY_PAGE_COUNT's value.
getDocumentSparseElements() - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
getDocumentStream() - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
getDpi() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.FormatRenderProperties
getExternalReferenceData() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.transport.ExternalReference
Get the external reference's file contents.
getExternalReferenceID() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.transport.ExternalReference
Get the ID used to refer to the external reference in the DWG file.
getFile() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.transport.MediaCaption
getFileBytes(File) - Static method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.ClientServerIO
Returns a byte array containing a File's content.
getFileContent(File) - Static method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.ClientServerIO
Returns the text content of a file.
getFormat(int) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.VirtualViewerFormatHash
Retrieve a detailed information object about a format by providing the code VirtualViewer and RasterMaster uses to identify that format.
getHeaderFields() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.URLReturnData
Returns an unmodifiable Map of the header fields.
getHeight() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.FormatRenderProperties
getHeight() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
Returns the height of the image in pixels.
getHref() - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.model.RestLink
getHttpServletRequest() - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
getIncludedExternalReferences() - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.model.Metadata
getIndex() - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.model.Xref
getInstance() - Static method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.VirtualViewerFormatHash
Retrieve the VirtualViewerFormatHash instance.
getIsEmailAttachment() - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
getJpegExifRotation(byte[]) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
Retrieve the exif rotation of a jpeg.
getKind() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.transport.MediaCaption
getKnownExtensions() - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.VirtualViewerFormatHash
Return a list of file extensions known and supported by VirtualViewer, including video file extensions.
getLabel() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.transport.MediaCaption
getLanguageTag() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.transport.MediaCaption
getLargeImageScaleFactor(int, int, int, long) - Static method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.ImageUtils
Call if scaling is configured (rpConfig.isScalingConfigured()) to determine the scale factor.
getLayerName() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.transport.AnnotationLayer
Returns the name/key of this annotation layer.
getLayerName() - Method in interface com.snowbound.common.transport.AnnotationWrapper
Return annotation layer name.
getLayerName() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.transport.VirtualViewerSnowAnn
getLayerObjectId() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.transport.AnnotationLayer
getLeft() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.PercentRect
getLogger(Class) - Static method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.SnowLoggerFactory
Return a logger named corresponding to the class passed as a parameter.
getLogger(String) - Static method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.SnowLoggerFactory
Return a logger named according to the name parameter.
getName() - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.model.RestLink
getName() - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.model.Xref
getNoteCountTest() - Method in class test.java.DocumentNotesTest
getNotesContent() - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
Shortcut to get ContentHandlerInput.KEY_NOTES_CONTENT's value.
getNotesContent() - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
getNotesContent(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.example.FileContentHandler
getNotesContent(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in interface com.snowbound.contenthandler.interfaces.DocumentNotesInterface
Returns the contents of the document notes XML file for the specified document key in the form of a byte array.
getNotesContent(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.RestfulHttpContentHandler
getNotesPermissionLevel() - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
No longer used.
getNotesTemplates() - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
No longer used.
getObjectSize(Object) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.LRUByteLimitedHashtable
Estimates the size of the object in bytes.
getObjectSize(Object) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.LRUHashtable
Always returns 1; this makes capacity a measure of the number of items in the table.
getObjectSize(V) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.CapacityLimitedHashtable
Return the size this object will be inside of this hashtable.
getOCRDataForDocument(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.example.FileContentHandler
getOCRDataForDocument(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in interface com.snowbound.contenthandler.interfaces.OCRDataProviderInterface
Returns a JSON file, passed as a byte array, of OCRed text data for a document.
getOCRDataForDocument(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.RestfulHttpContentHandler
getOCRDataOnPerformOCR(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.example.FileContentHandler
getOCRDataOnPerformOCR(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in interface com.snowbound.contenthandler.interfaces.OCRDataProviderInterface
Returns a JSON file, passed as a byte array, of OCRed text data for a document.
getOCRDataOnPerformOCR(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.RestfulHttpContentHandler
getOffice_BitsPerPix() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
getOffice_resolution() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
getOfficePagesizeX() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
getOfficePagesizeY() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
getPage() - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.model.Metadata
getPageCount() - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.model.Metadata
getPageSpecificIndex() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.transport.AnnotationLayer
-1 indicates that the annotations are not page-specific.
getPagesWithPattern(DataInputStream, String) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
getPagesWithText(DataInputStream, String) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
getParentDocumentId() - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
getPdfLinkCountForPage(DataInputStream, int) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
getPdfLinksForPage(DataInputStream, int) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
getProperties() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.transport.AnnotationLayer
The properties map contains additional properties for this Annotation Layer.
getProperties() - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.model.Metadata
getRenderFormat() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.FormatRenderProperties
getRight() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.PercentRect
getSecureDocumentBuilderFactory() - Static method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.XMLUtils
getSize() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
getSizeInCache() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.transport.ExternalReference
Get the size of the external reference file in bytes, used to easily determine size when caching.
getSizeInCache() - Method in interface com.snowbound.common.utils.Sizeable
Return the estimated byte-size, or memory footprint, of this object.
getSnowbndObject() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
Retrieve the internal Snowbnd object wrapped by this RasterMaster class.
getSparseRequestedPageCount() - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
getSparseRequestedPageIndex() - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
getSparseRequestedPageNumber() - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
ContentHandlerInput.getSparseRequestedPageIndex() should be used instead. This method returns a non-nullable int value, but that is misleading as the null value is important and means all pages should be returned.
getStampStatus() - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
No longer used.
getStringFromElement(Element) - Static method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.XMLUtils
Convert an XML element to its String representation.
getStructuredLogger(Class) - Static method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.SnowLoggerFactory
getThumbnailSize(int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.ImageUtils
Calculate the best dimensions for a thumbnail of a document page with the given width, height, and DPI.
getTop() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.PercentRect
getURLBytes(String) - Static method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.ClientServerIO
Returns the content provided at a specified URL.
getURLBytes(String, String) - Static method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.ClientServerIO
Returns the content provided at a specified URL.
getURLInputStream(String) - Static method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.ClientServerIO
Returns the content provided at a specified URL as a stream.
getUserAppropriateMessage() - Method in exception com.snowbound.contenthandler.VirtualViewerAPIException
getUtf8Mode() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
getWatermarkContent() - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
getWatermarkContent() - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
getWatermarkContent(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.example.FileContentHandler
getWatermarkContent(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in interface com.snowbound.contenthandler.interfaces.WatermarksInterface
Returns the watermark file for the specified document key in the form of a byte array.
getWatermarkContent(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.RestfulHttpContentHandler
getWidth() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.FormatRenderProperties
getWidth() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
Returns the width of the image in pixels.
getXdpi() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
Returns the X resolution, in DPI (dots per inch), of the image.
getYdpi() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
Returns the Y resolution, in DPI (dots per inch), of the image.
gUseExactPoints - Static variable in class com.snowbound.common.transport.VirtualViewerSnowAnn
Use exact point sizes in calculating font sizes in Text objects.


handleResponse(ClassicHttpResponse) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.ByteResponseHandler
handleResponse(ClassicHttpResponse) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.DocumentContentRetrievalResponseHandler
handleResponse(ClassicHttpResponse) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.EmptyResponseHandler
handleResponse(ClassicHttpResponse) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.JsonResponseHandler
handleResponse(ClassicHttpResponse) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.MultipartResponseHandler
hasAnnotation() - Method in interface com.snowbound.common.transport.AnnotationWrapper
hasAnnotation() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.transport.VirtualViewerSnowAnn
hasDocumentContent() - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
hashCode() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
HealthCheckInterface - Interface in com.snowbound.contenthandler.interfaces
HIDDEN - Static variable in class com.snowbound.common.transport.PermissionLevel
Annotations are not visible.
HttpUtils - Class in com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest
HttpUtils() - Constructor for class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.HttpUtils


ImageUtils - Class in com.snowbound.common.utils
Contains utility methods used for sizing and adjusting images.
IMG_add_watermark(byte[], int, int, String, String, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
This method adds a watermark string at the designated placement.
IMG_color_gray() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
This method converts 24-bit color image to 8-bit gray scale.
IMG_create_thumbnail(int, int) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
This method intelligently resizes down images.
IMG_decompress_bitmap(DataInputStream, int) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
This method decompresses data from a DataInputStream and automatically detects the file format.
IMG_decompress_bitmap(String, int) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
This method decompresses an image from the local disk.
IMG_despeckle_bitmap(int) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
This method removes noise (random pixel data) from 1-bit images.
IMG_dwg_to_svg_mem(byte[], int[], int[], int[], int) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
This method returns a byte array containing SVG representation of requested layer of the DWG buffer passed in.
IMG_flip_bitmapx() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
This method inverts the current image, changing pixels by a simple XOR operation applied to each byte of the image in memory.
IMG_flip_bitmapy() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
This method flips the image vertically to produce a mirror image.
IMG_invert_bitmap() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
This method inverts the current image, changing pixels by a simple XOR operation applied to each byte of the image in memory.
IMG_promote_24() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
This method permanently converts the current 1, 4, or 8-bit image to a 24-bit image.
IMG_promote_8() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
This method permanently converts the current 1, 4, 16 or 24-bit image to 8 bit.
IMG_resize_bitmap(int, int) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
This method changes the internal size of the image according to the input parameters.
IMG_rotate_bitmap(int) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
This method rotates the current image clockwise by display angle.
IMG_save_bitmap(int) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
This method saves the current Snowbnd image object to a returned byte array.
IMG_save_bitmap(String, int) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
This method saves the current Snowbnd image object to the format specified by comp_type.
IMG_save_document(byte[], int) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
This method will save to a searchable Pdf file.
IMG_sharpen_bitmap(int) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
This method sharpens or blurs the image.
IMG_vector_to_pdf(DataInputStream, int, int[]) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
Convert document to (vector) PDF.
IMG_vector_to_svg(DataInputStream, int[], int[], int) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
This method will any vector format to .SVG returned in a bytearray.
IMG_window_level(int, int, int) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
This method changes the range of displayed pixels.
IMGLOW_append_page(String, byte[], int) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
This method appends a specified page to an existing multipage pdf or Tiff document.
IMGLOW_appendRedactionAnnots(DataInputStream, SnowAnn, int) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
IMGLOW_close_pdf_writer() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
IMGLOW_create_pdf(byte[], boolean) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
Creates a PDF page containing a raster image without processing the raster image at all.
IMGLOW_extract_page(DataInputStream, int, int[]) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
This method extracts the specified page from a multipage pdf or Tiff document.
IMGLOW_extract_page(DataInputStream, String, int[]) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
This method extracts the specified page from a multipage pdf or Tiff document.
IMGLOW_extract_page(String, int, int[]) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
This method extracts the specified page from a multipage pdf or Tiff document.
IMGLOW_extract_text(DataInputStream, int) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
This method extracts text from PTOCA files.
IMGLOW_get_dwg_layers(byte[], int[]) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
This method returns an array of Strings containing layer and color names.
IMGLOW_get_fileinfo(DataInputStream, int) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
This method fills in the height, width, and bits-per-pixel without decompressing the entire file.
IMGLOW_get_fileinfo(String, int) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
This method fills in the height, width, and bits-per-pixel without decompressing the entire file.
IMGLOW_get_filetype(DataInputStream) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
This method returns the filetype of an image.
IMGLOW_get_filetype(String) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
This method returns the file type of an image.
IMGLOW_get_image_orientation() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
This method returns the orientation of the last image decompressed, if the information is available.
IMGLOW_get_page_rotation(byte[], int) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
IMGLOW_get_pages(DataInputStream) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
This method returns the number of pages in a multipage document.
IMGLOW_get_pages(String) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
This method returns the number of pages in a multipage document.
IMGLOW_get_tiff_tag(int, int, int[], DataInputStream, byte[], int) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
This method reads a TIFF tag from the file specified.
IMGLOW_get_tiff_tag(int, int, int[], String, byte[], int) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
This method reads a TIFF tag from the file specified.
IMGLOW_ocr_bitmap(byte[]) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
Convert raster buffer to vector pdf buffer.
IMGLOW_ocr_is_available() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
IMGLOW_ocr_set_dll_path(String) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
IMGLOW_ocr_set_engine_path(String) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
Set path to parent of tessdata folder
IMGLOW_ocr_set_lan(String) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
Set language for Tesseract machine
IMGLOW_page_has_text(DataInputStream, int) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
IMGLOW_page_is_image(byte[], int) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
IMGLOW_pdf_append_file(DataInputStream) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
IMGLOW_pdf_append_file(DataInputStream, boolean) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
IMGLOW_rects_intersect_with_image_on_page(byte[], Rectangle2D.Double[]) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
IMGLOW_redact_ann(byte[], SnowAnn, int, int[]) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
This method returns a byte array in Snowbound intermediate format, for saving via IMG_save_document(), with any text or image data inside the annotation rectangles redacted.
IMGLOW_redact_page(DataInputStream, Rectangle2D.Double[], int, int, int[]) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
This method supports PDF redaction by removing text that intersects any of the rectangles in the rarray argument.
IMGLOW_rotate_page(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
IMGLOW_search_pattern(byte[], String, int[]) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
This method returns an array of structures of classes of the type, SNBD_SEARCH_RESULT.
IMGLOW_search_text(byte[], String, int, int[]) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
This method returns an array of structures of classes of the type, SNBD_SEARCH_RESULT.
IMGLOW_set_brightness(int) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
This method sets the brightness of the current image.
IMGLOW_set_comp_quality(int) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
Set the quality of a JPEG
IMGLOW_set_contrast(int) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
This method sets the relative difference between the image's black and white values.
IMGLOW_set_decompsize(int, int) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
This method allows setting the destination size for an image being decompressed.
IMGLOW_set_document_input(int, int, int) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
This method sets the rendering parameters for decompression of Office files.
IMGLOW_set_document_input(int, int, int, double, double) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
This method sets the rendering parameters for decompression of Office files.
IMGLOW_set_dwg_path(String) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
This method sets the path for dwg files with xrefs
IMGLOW_set_fontmap_path(String) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
This method sets the path for finding the Afp font mapping file.
IMGLOW_set_gamma(int) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
This method sets a gamma correction factor which corrects for the gamma or response curve of the monitor.
IMGLOW_set_msg_render_preference(int) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
IMGLOW_set_overlay_parameters(String) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
IMGLOW_set_overlay_path(String) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
This method sets the path for finding overlay files.
IMGLOW_set_pdf_input(int, int) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
This method allows the conversion of PDF files into bitmaps when decompressed by RasterMaster products.
IMGLOW_set_pdf_output(int, int) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
This method sets the destination size for saving pdf files.
IMGLOW_set_pdf_writer(String) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
IMGLOW_set_UTF_8(int) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
This method sets the decompression to force Ascii UTF8.
IMGLOW_setHtmlFontPath(String) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
Sets the path for finding fonts when rendering HTML files.
importantNormalEvent(String) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.StructuredLogger
increaseBytes(byte[]) - Static method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.ImageUtils
Return a new byte array with the same contents, double the size of the original.
info() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.StructuredLogger.LogBuilder
init(ServletConfig) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.example.FileContentHandler
init(ServletConfig) - Method in interface com.snowbound.contenthandler.interfaces.VirtualViewerContentHandlerInterface
Used to set up each content handler instance before any methods are called.
init(ServletConfig) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.RestfulHttpContentHandler
interruptedAndSafelyBailing(String) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.StructuredLogger
isDebugEnabled() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.StructuredLogger
isModified() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.transport.AnnotationLayer
Whether this annotation has been modified since it was last saved.
isModified() - Method in interface com.snowbound.common.transport.AnnotationWrapper
isModified() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.transport.VirtualViewerSnowAnn
isNew() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.transport.AnnotationLayer
Whether this annotation has been saved before.
isSparse() - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.model.Metadata
isVirtualDocumentId(String) - Static method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.VirtualDocumentId


journalNormalOperation(String) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.StructuredLogger
JsonResponseHandler - Class in com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest
JsonResponseHandler() - Constructor for class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.JsonResponseHandler


KEY_ALL_ANNOTATIONS_HASH - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
Key for map of annotation layer keys to annotation layer objects.
KEY_ANNOTATION_CONTENT - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
Key for the contents of an annotation file, used when saving a single annotation layer.
KEY_ANNOTATION_CONTENT - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
Key for an annotation layer's file content.
KEY_ANNOTATION_CREATED_DATE - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
Key for date annotation layer was created.
KEY_ANNOTATION_DELETABLE - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
Key for whether an annotation is deletable.
KEY_ANNOTATION_DISPLAY_NAME - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
Key for annotation layer display name.
KEY_ANNOTATION_ID - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
Key for an annotation layer key, used to identify a specific annotation layer on a document.
KEY_ANNOTATION_ID - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
Key for annotation layer key.
KEY_ANNOTATION_IMAGE_DOCUMENT_ID - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
No longer used.
KEY_ANNOTATION_LAYERS - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
Key for an array of annotation layer objects.
KEY_ANNOTATION_NAMES - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
Key for a list of annotation layer keys/names.
KEY_ANNOTATION_OWNER - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
Key for user who created the annotation layer.
KEY_ANNOTATION_PERMISSION - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
No longer used.
KEY_ANNOTATION_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
Key for the map of annotation properties, which maps String keys to custom properties.
KEY_ANNOTATION_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
Key for custom annotation properties.
KEY_ANNOTATION_SESSION_ID - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
No longer used.
KEY_AVAILABLE_DISPLAY_NAMES - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
Key for list of document display names that are available to view.
KEY_AVAILABLE_DOCUMENT_IDS - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
Key for list of document keys that are available to view.
KEY_AVAILABLE_MEDIA_CAPTION_FILES - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
Key for list of WebVTT caption files for video or audio documents.
KEY_BOOKMARK_CONTENT - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
Key for the contents of a bookmarks XML file, used when saving.
KEY_BOOKMARK_CONTENT - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
Key for a document's bookmark file content.
KEY_CACHE_ACTION - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
Key for action to be confirmed by validateCache.
KEY_CLIENT_INSTANCE_ID - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
Key for a custom, configurable, value used to pass data from client to content handler.
KEY_CLIENT_INSTANCE_ID - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
Use equivalent in ContentHandlerInput.
KEY_CLIENT_PREFERENCES_XML - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
No longer used.
KEY_CLIENT_PREFERENCES_XML - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
No longer used.
KEY_CURRENT_USER_NAME - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
No longer used.
KEY_DELETED_ANNOTATION_LAYERS - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
Key for an array of Strings, representing the layer names of any annotation layers deleted by the user in the current session being saved.
KEY_DOCUMENT_CONTENT - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
Key for the document file content.
KEY_DOCUMENT_CONTENT - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
Key for the document content returned from getDocumentContent.
KEY_DOCUMENT_CONTENT_ELEMENTS - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
Key for the list of document content elements.
KEY_DOCUMENT_DISPLAY_NAME - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
Key for the user-friendly display name for a document.
KEY_DOCUMENT_DISPLAY_NAME - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
Key for the document name VirtualViewer displays to the user.
KEY_DOCUMENT_FILE - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
no longer used.
KEY_DOCUMENT_FILE - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
Key for a document file reference returned from getDocumentContent.
KEY_DOCUMENT_FORMAT - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
Key for a format code used to identify a file format like PDF or TIF by VirtualViewer and Rastermaster.
KEY_DOCUMENT_ID - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
Key for a document key, used to identify a specific document.
KEY_DOCUMENT_ID - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
Key for the document key.
KEY_DOCUMENT_INPUT_STREAM - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
Key for input stream to document content returned from getDocumentContent.
KEY_DOCUMENT_OCR_LANGUAGE - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
KEY_DOCUMENT_SPARSE_ELEMENTS - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
Key for the list of sparse content elements.
KEY_DOCUMENT_SPARSE_PAGE_INDEX - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
Key for the first page index of the pages returned in KEY_DOCUMENT_SPARSE_ELEMENTS.
KEY_DOCUMENT_SPARSE_RETURN_PAGE_COUNT - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
Key for the number of pages returned in KEY_DOCUMENT_SPARSE_ELEMENTS.
KEY_DOCUMENT_SPARSE_TOTAL_PAGE_COUNT - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
Key for the number of pages in the whole sparse document.
KEY_EVENT - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
Key for the type of event in an event notification.
KEY_EVENT - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
Use equivalent in ContentHandlerInput.
KEY_EVENT_EMAIL_BCC_ADDRESSES - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
Key for a comma-separated list of the "BCC:" addresses a document email was sent to in an export event.
KEY_EVENT_EMAIL_BODY - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
Key for the body of a sent document email in an export event.
KEY_EVENT_EMAIL_CC_ADDRESSES - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
Key for a comma-separated list of the "CC:" addresses a document email was sent to in an export event.
KEY_EVENT_EMAIL_FORMAT_NAME - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
Key for which format a document was emailed as in an export event.
KEY_EVENT_EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
Key for the address a document email was marked as from in an export event.
KEY_EVENT_EMAIL_SUBJECT - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
Key for the subject line of a sent document email in an export event.
KEY_EVENT_EMAIL_TO_ADDRESSES - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
Key for a comma-separated list of the "To:" addresses a document email was sent to in an export event.
KEY_EVENT_EXPORT_FORMAT_NAME - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
Key for which format a document was exported as in an export event.
KEY_EVENT_EXPORT_FORMAT_NAME - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
Use equivalent in ContentHandlerInput.
KEY_EVENT_PAGE_REQUESTED_NUMBER - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
Key for the zero-based page index of a specific page.
KEY_EVENT_PAGE_REQUESTED_NUMBER - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
Use equivalent in ContentHandlerInput.
KEY_EVENT_PRINT_PAGE_NUMBERS - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
Key for which pages were printed in a print event.
KEY_EVENT_PRINT_PAGE_NUMBERS - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
Use equivalent in ContentHandlerInput.
KEY_EVENT_ROTATE_DEGREES - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
Key for the degrees pages were rotated by in a rotate action.
KEY_EVENT_ROTATE_DEGREES - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
Use equivalent in ContentHandlerInput.
KEY_EVENT_ROTATE_PAGE - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
Key for a list of zero-based page indexes affected by a rotate action.
KEY_EVENT_ROTATE_PAGE - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
Use equivalent in ContentHandlerInput.
KEY_EVENT_SAVE_ANNOTATION_LAYER_NAME_BASE - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
Used for the annotations saved event.
KEY_EVENT_SAVE_ANNOTATION_LAYER_NAME_BASE - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
Use equivalent in ContentHandlerInput.
KEY_EXTERNAL_REFERENCE_CONTENT_ELEMENTS - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
Key for external reference files used by a CAD or DWG file.
KEY_HTTP_SERVLET_REQUEST - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
Key for the request object, used to retrieve information about the request that spawned the current content handler method.
KEY_IS_EMAIL_ATTACHMENT - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
Key sent to the CreateDocumentInterface function, marking if a new document is an email attachment.
KEY_MERGE_ANNOTATIONS - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
Key for whether annotations were merged into the document being sent.
KEY_METADATA_HASHTABLE - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
Key for custom document metadata that may be retrieved on the client.
KEY_NOTES_CONTENT - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
Key for the contents of a document notes XML file, used when saving.
KEY_NOTES_CONTENT - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
Key for a document's note file content.
KEY_NOTES_PERMISSIONS - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
No longer used.
KEY_NOTES_TEMPLATES - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
No longer used.
KEY_OCR_DATA_JSON - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
Key to pass existing OCR data to VirtualViewer, in JSON format.
KEY_OCR_DATA_JSON_STRING - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
Key to pass existing OCR data to VirtualViewer, in JSON format, as a string.
KEY_PAGE_COUNT - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
Key for the number of pages in the document.
KEY_PARENT_DOCUMENT_ID - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
Key sent to the CreateDocumentInterface function.
KEY_PUBLISH_STATUS - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
No longer used.
KEY_RETRIEVED_EXTERNAL_REFERENCES - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
Key for whether external references are being returned with the document.
KEY_SPARSE_PAGE_COUNT - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
Key for the suggested number of pages to return for a sparse document.
KEY_SPARSE_PAGE_INDEX - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
Key for the requested page index, used if the content handler's getDocumentContent supports sparse documents for the requested document.
KEY_STAMP_STATUS - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
No longer used.
KEY_USE_OF_CACHE_ALLOWED - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
Key for whether the cache's use is to be allowed.
KEY_USERS_AND_GROUPS - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
No Longer used.
KEY_WATERMARK_CONTENT - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
Key for the contents of a watermarks json file, used when saving.
KEY_WATERMARK_CONTENT - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
Key for a document's watermark file content.


level(String) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.StructuredLogger.LogBuilder
loadProperties(String) - Static method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.ClientServerIO
Loads an instance of java.util.Properties from the specified file path.
LogBuilder(Logger) - Constructor for class com.snowbound.common.utils.StructuredLogger.LogBuilder
logDuration(String, long) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.StructuredLogger
logOrThrowStatusCode(HttpRequest, int, String) - Static method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.HttpUtils
LRUByteLimitedHashtable<K,​V> - Class in com.snowbound.common.utils
Implementation of CapacityLimitedHashtable that attempts to keep its contents to a specific size in memory by ejecting least-recently-used items when reaching its maximum capacity.
LRUByteLimitedHashtable(long) - Constructor for class com.snowbound.common.utils.LRUByteLimitedHashtable
LRUHashtable<K,​V> - Class in com.snowbound.common.utils
Implementation of CapacityLimitedHashtable that only allows a specific number of entries before ejecting the least-recently-used items.
LRUHashtable(long) - Constructor for class com.snowbound.common.utils.LRUHashtable


makeXssSafe(String) - Static method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.ClientServerIO
Remove html entities from a string to prevent malicious Javascript and cross site scripting attacks.
MediaCaption - Class in com.snowbound.common.transport
Represents a media caption (and its metadata) for a video or audio document.
MediaCaption(String, byte[]) - Constructor for class com.snowbound.common.transport.MediaCaption
Creates a caption object with the provided label and .vtt data.
MediaCaption.Kind - Enum in com.snowbound.common.transport
merge(AnnotationWrapper) - Method in interface com.snowbound.common.transport.AnnotationWrapper
Merge the annotations in another layer with this layer.
merge(AnnotationWrapper) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.transport.VirtualViewerSnowAnn
The destination of the merge is *this* object itself.
mergeAnnotations() - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
message(String) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.StructuredLogger.LogBuilder
Metadata - Class in com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.model
Metadata() - Constructor for class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.model.Metadata
METADATA - com.snowbound.common.transport.MediaCaption.Kind
method(String) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.RestfulContentHandlerRequestBuilder
MultipartResponseHandler - Class in com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest
MultipartResponseHandler() - Constructor for class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.MultipartResponseHandler


OCRDataProviderInterface - Interface in com.snowbound.contenthandler.interfaces


pageIndex(int) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.StructuredLogger.LogBuilder
params(List<NameValuePair>) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.RestfulContentHandlerRequestBuilder
parse(DateFormat, String) - Static method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.ThreadSafeDateFormatter
This class / method exists because DateFormats are notoriously not thread safe.
PercentRect - Class in com.snowbound.common.utils
PercentRect() - Constructor for class com.snowbound.common.utils.PercentRect
PERM_CREATE - Static variable in interface com.snowbound.contenthandler.interfaces.VirtualViewerContentHandlerInterface
PERM_DELETE - Static variable in interface com.snowbound.contenthandler.interfaces.VirtualViewerContentHandlerInterface
PERM_EDIT - Static variable in interface com.snowbound.contenthandler.interfaces.VirtualViewerContentHandlerInterface
PERM_HIDDEN - Static variable in interface com.snowbound.contenthandler.interfaces.VirtualViewerContentHandlerInterface
PERM_PRINT - Static variable in interface com.snowbound.contenthandler.interfaces.VirtualViewerContentHandlerInterface
PERM_PRINT_WATERMARK - Static variable in interface com.snowbound.contenthandler.interfaces.VirtualViewerContentHandlerInterface
PERM_REDACTION - Static variable in interface com.snowbound.contenthandler.interfaces.VirtualViewerContentHandlerInterface
PERM_VIEW - Static variable in interface com.snowbound.contenthandler.interfaces.VirtualViewerContentHandlerInterface
PERM_VIEW_WATERMARK - Static variable in interface com.snowbound.contenthandler.interfaces.VirtualViewerContentHandlerInterface
PermissionLevel - Class in com.snowbound.common.transport
Enumerates allowed annotation permission levels.
PermissionLevel() - Constructor for class com.snowbound.common.transport.PermissionLevel
PRINT - Static variable in class com.snowbound.common.transport.PermissionLevel
Annotations on this layer are visible and will appear when printing or exporting but are not editable.
PRINT_WATERMARK - Static variable in class com.snowbound.common.transport.PermissionLevel
PROPERTIES_KEY_PERMISSION_LEVEL - Static variable in class com.snowbound.common.transport.AnnotationLayer
Key for annotation permission level in annotation properties map.
PROPERTIES_KEY_REDACTION_FLAG - Static variable in class com.snowbound.common.transport.AnnotationLayer
Key for redaction flag in the annotation properties map.
publish() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.StructuredLogger.LogBuilder
put(K, V) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.CapacityLimitedHashtable
Maps the specified key to the specified value in this table.


RasterMaster - Class in com.snowbound.common.utils
Facade that allows access to the RasterMaster API.
RasterMaster() - Constructor for class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
readBlocking(InputStream, byte[], int, int) - Static method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.ClientServerIO
Reads exactly length bytes from the input stream into the byte array.
readStringFromInputStream(InputStream) - Static method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.ClientServerIO
Reads data from the specified inputStream and returns it as a String.
REDACTION - Static variable in class com.snowbound.common.transport.PermissionLevel
remove(Object) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.CapacityLimitedHashtable
Removes the key (and its corresponding value) from this map.
RestfulContentHandlerRequestBuilder - Class in com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest
RestfulContentHandlerRequestBuilder(HttpHost) - Constructor for class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.RestfulContentHandlerRequestBuilder
RestfulHttpContentHandler - Class in com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest
RestfulHttpContentHandler() - Constructor for class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.RestfulHttpContentHandler
RestLink - Class in com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.model
RestLink() - Constructor for class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.model.RestLink
rmErrorCode(int) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.StructuredLogger.LogBuilder
rotate(int) - Method in interface com.snowbound.common.transport.AnnotationWrapper
Rotate any annotations in this layer by the provided angle.
rotate(int) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.transport.VirtualViewerSnowAnn
routeSegments(String[]) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.RestfulContentHandlerRequestBuilder


safeMessageArg(Object) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.StructuredLogger.LogBuilder
safeMessageArgs(Object...) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.StructuredLogger.LogBuilder
sanitizeStringArray(String[]) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.StructuredLogger
SANN_flipx() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.transport.VirtualViewerSnowAnn
Horizontally flip the annotations on this layer.
SANN_flipy() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.transport.VirtualViewerSnowAnn
Vertically flip the annotations on this layer.
SANN_rotate(int) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.transport.VirtualViewerSnowAnn
Rotate the annotations on this layer.
saveAnnotationContent(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.example.FileContentHandler
saveAnnotationContent(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in interface com.snowbound.contenthandler.interfaces.AnnotationsInterface
This method gets called when annotation data for the specified annotation file is ready to be saved.
saveAnnotationContent(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.RestfulHttpContentHandler
saveAnnotationContent(HttpServletRequest, String, String, String, int, byte[], Map) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.example.FileContentHandler
saveDocumentComponents(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.example.FileContentHandler
saveDocumentComponents(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in interface com.snowbound.contenthandler.interfaces.VirtualViewerContentHandlerInterface
This method is used to save or update an existing document and sub-components of the document, such as annotations, bookmarks, document notes and watermarks.
saveDocumentComponents(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.RestfulHttpContentHandler
saveDocumentComponentsAs(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.example.FileContentHandler
saveDocumentComponentsAs(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in interface com.snowbound.contenthandler.interfaces.VirtualViewerContentHandlerInterface
This method is used to save a copy of a document under a new key, along with sub-components of the document, such as annotations, bookmarks, document notes and watermarks.
saveDocumentComponentsAs(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.RestfulHttpContentHandler
saveDocumentContent(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.example.FileContentHandler
saveDocumentContent(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in interface com.snowbound.contenthandler.interfaces.VirtualViewerContentHandlerInterface
This method is used to update document data only.
saveDocumentContent(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.RestfulHttpContentHandler
saveFileBytes(byte[], File) - Static method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.ClientServerIO
Saves the specified byte array to the specified File.
sendDocumentContent(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.example.FileContentHandler
sendDocumentContent(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in interface com.snowbound.contenthandler.interfaces.SendDocumentInterface
This method gets called to send a document via a mechanism defined by the content handler.
SendDocumentInterface - Interface in com.snowbound.contenthandler.interfaces
Defines a method to export a document through the content handler.
set_croprect(int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
This method sets the cropping rectangle for the display engine.
set_links(List<RestLink>) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.model.Metadata
setAlias(int) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
setAnnotationContent(byte[]) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
setAnnotationId(String) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
Shortcut to set ContentHandlerInput.KEY_ANNOTATION_ID's value.
setAnnotationLayers(AnnotationLayer[]) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
setAnnotationProperties(Hashtable) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
setBitDepth(int) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.FormatRenderProperties
setBookmarkContent(byte[]) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
setBottom(float) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.PercentRect
setClientInstanceId(String) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
setClientPreferencesXML(String) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
No longer used. See client-side config.js and User Preferences settings instead.
setData(byte[]) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.transport.AnnotationLayer
Sets the contents of this annotation layer.
setData(byte[]) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.URLReturnData
Set the response contents.
setDecompVect(boolean) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
setDefaultDepth(int) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
setDefaultResolution(int) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
setDeletedAnnotationLayers(String[]) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.model.Metadata
setDocumentContent(byte[]) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
setDocumentDisplayName(String) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
setDocumentFile(File) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
No longer used.
setDocumentFormat(int) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
setDocumentId(String) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.transport.AnnotationLayer
Sets the document key of this annotation layer.
setDocumentId(String) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
Shortcut to set ContentHandlerInput.KEY_DOCUMENT_ID's value.
setDocumentPageCount(int) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
Shortcut to set ContentHandlerInput.KEY_PAGE_COUNT's value.
setDpi(int) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.FormatRenderProperties
setExternalReferenceData(byte[]) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.transport.ExternalReference
Set the external reference's file contents.
setExternalReferenceID(String) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.transport.ExternalReference
Set the external reference ID.
setFile(byte[]) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.transport.MediaCaption
setFilePath(String, ServletContext) - Static method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.example.FileContentHandler
setFormat(int) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.FormatRenderProperties
setFrame(Container) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
setHeaderFields(Map<String, List<String>>) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.URLReturnData
Set the header fields map.
setHeicEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
setHeicLibPath(String) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
setHeight(double) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.FormatRenderProperties
setHref(String) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.model.RestLink
setHttpServletRequest(Object) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
setIncludedExternalReferences(List<Xref>) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.model.Metadata
setIndex(Integer) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.model.Xref
setKind(MediaCaption.Kind) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.transport.MediaCaption
Allows setting the type of this text track.
setLabel(String) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.transport.MediaCaption
setLanguageTag(String) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.transport.MediaCaption
Set the language of this text track, as a BCP-47 language tag.
setLayerName(String) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.transport.AnnotationLayer
Sets the name/key of this annotation layer.
setLayerName(String) - Method in interface com.snowbound.common.transport.AnnotationWrapper
Set annotation layer name.
setLayerName(String) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.transport.VirtualViewerSnowAnn
setLayerObjectId(String) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.transport.AnnotationLayer
setLeft(float) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.PercentRect
setLocale(String) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
setMergeAnnotations(boolean) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
setModified(boolean) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.transport.AnnotationLayer
Set whether this annotation has been modified.
setModified(boolean) - Method in interface com.snowbound.common.transport.AnnotationWrapper
setModified(boolean) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.transport.VirtualViewerSnowAnn
setName(String) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.model.RestLink
setName(String) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.model.Xref
setNew(boolean) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.transport.AnnotationLayer
Set whether this annotation is new.
setNotesContent(byte[]) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
Shortcut to set ContentHandlerInput.KEY_NOTES_CONTENT's value.
setOffice_BitsPerPix(int) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
setOffice_resolution(short) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
setOfficePagesizeX(double) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
setOfficePagesizeY(double) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
setOverrideLoggingForCurrentThread(boolean) - Static method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.SnowLoggerFactory
This method causes the current thread to log all messages at the highest priority rather than their original assigned priority.
setPage(Integer) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.model.Metadata
setPageCount(Integer) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.model.Metadata
setPageSpecificIndex(int) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.transport.AnnotationLayer
Set the specific page index for this annotation.
setPrintStack(boolean) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
setProperties(Map) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.transport.AnnotationLayer
Set the properties map for this annotation layer.
setProperties(JSONObject) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.model.Metadata
setRight(float) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.PercentRect
setShowExchangeInfo(boolean) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
setSparse(boolean) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.model.Metadata
setSparseRequestedPageCount(int) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
setSparseRequestedPageIndex(Integer) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
setSparseRequestedPageNumber(int) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
setStampStatus(String) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
No longer used.
setSupportsTiffTagAnnotations(boolean) - Static method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.example.FileContentHandler
setTop(float) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.PercentRect
setWatermarkContent(byte[]) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
setWidth(double) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.FormatRenderProperties
setYdpi(int) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
This method sets the resolution, in dpi (dots per inch, 1/72nd of an inch), along the Y-axis of an image.
Sizeable - Interface in com.snowbound.common.utils
Defines a method to estimate the byte size of an object.
SnowLoggerFactory - Class in com.snowbound.common.utils
Use this class to obtain a reference to the SLF4J logger.
StructuredLogger - Class in com.snowbound.common.utils
Decorator class for our SLF4J logger.
StructuredLogger(Logger) - Constructor for class com.snowbound.common.utils.StructuredLogger
StructuredLogger.LogBuilder - Class in com.snowbound.common.utils
SUBTITLES - com.snowbound.common.transport.MediaCaption.Kind


test.java - package test.java
ThreadSafeDateFormatter - Class in com.snowbound.common.utils
Class for formatting Date objects in a thread-safe manner.
ThreadSafeDateFormatter() - Constructor for class com.snowbound.common.utils.ThreadSafeDateFormatter
throwable(Throwable) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.StructuredLogger.LogBuilder
TIFF_TAG_LAYER - Static variable in class com.snowbound.common.transport.VirtualViewerSnowAnn
Passing this constant as an annotation's layer ID marks that the annotation layer does not represent annotations loaded from the content handler, but instead WANG annotations extracted from the associated TIFF.
toByteArray() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.transport.VirtualViewerSnowAnn
Retrieve a byte array representation of the VirtualViewerSnowAnn object.
toBytes(Object) - Static method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.ClientServerIO
Serializes an object out to an ObjectOutputStream and then returns the serialized content as a byte array.
toJson() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.PercentRect
toJSON() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.transport.MediaCaption
toString() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.transport.VirtualViewerSnowAnn
toString() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.RasterMaster
trace() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.StructuredLogger.LogBuilder
transferStreams(InputStream, OutputStream) - Static method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.ClientServerIO
Copy an InputStream to an OutputStream, until EOF.
trimBytes(byte[], int) - Static method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.ImageUtils
Trim provided array to the provided size.


unsafeMessageArg(String) - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.StructuredLogger.LogBuilder
URLReturnData - Class in com.snowbound.common.utils
This class encapsulates data returned from a URL including a byte[] array containing the contents and a map representing the header data.
URLReturnData() - Constructor for class com.snowbound.common.utils.URLReturnData
URLReturnData(byte[]) - Constructor for class com.snowbound.common.utils.URLReturnData
UTF_8 - Static variable in class com.snowbound.common.utils.ClientServerIO
Constant for UTF-8 name.


validateCache(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.example.FileContentHandler
validateCache(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in interface com.snowbound.contenthandler.interfaces.CacheValidator
This method is called before each document is stored in or retrieved from the VirtualViewer document cache and can confirm the operation or prevent it on a document-by-document basis.
validateCache(ContentHandlerInput) - Method in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.RestfulHttpContentHandler
VALUE_CACHE_ACTION_GET - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
Value indicating retrieving from the cache.
VALUE_CACHE_ACTION_PUT - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
Value indicating storing to the cache.
VALUE_EVENT_CLOSE_DOCUMENT - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
Not used.
VALUE_EVENT_CLOSE_DOCUMENT - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
Not used. The afterTabClosed client-side callback should be used instead.
VALUE_EVENT_DOCUMENT_RETRIEVED_FROM_CACHE - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
Event fired when a document has been retrieved from the VirtualViewer cache.
VALUE_EVENT_DOCUMENT_RETRIEVED_FROM_CACHE - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
Use equivalent in ContentHandlerInput.
VALUE_EVENT_EMAIL - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
Event fired when a document is emailed.
VALUE_EVENT_EXPORT - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
Event fired when a document is exported.
VALUE_EVENT_EXPORT - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
Use equivalent in ContentHandlerInput.
VALUE_EVENT_PAGE_REQUESTED - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
Event fired when a user is viewing a specific page.
VALUE_EVENT_PAGE_REQUESTED - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
Use equivalent in ContentHandlerInput.
VALUE_EVENT_PRINT - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
Event fired when a document is printed.
VALUE_EVENT_PRINT - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
Use equivalent in ContentHandlerInput.
VALUE_EVENT_ROTATE_DEGREES - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
Use KEY_EVENT_ROTATE_DEGREES in ContentHandlerInput.
VALUE_EVENT_ROTATE_PAGE - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
Event fired when a page is rotated on the client.
VALUE_EVENT_ROTATE_PAGE - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
Not used.
VALUE_EVENT_SAVE_ANNOTATION - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
Event fired when annotation data is saved.
VALUE_EVENT_SAVE_ANNOTATION - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
Use equivalent in ContentHandlerInput.
VALUE_EVENT_SAVE_DOCUMENT - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput
Not used.
VALUE_EVENT_SAVE_DOCUMENT - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
Not used. Content handlers should put any actions they wish to perform when saving a document in VirtualViewerContentHandlerInterface.saveDocumentComponents(com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerInput).
VALUE_FALSE - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
Shorthand for Boolean.FALSE.
VALUE_PUBLISH_ERROR - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
No longer used.
VALUE_PUBLISH_SUCCESS - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
No longer used.
VALUE_TRUE - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
Shorthand for Boolean.TRUE.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.snowbound.common.transport.MediaCaption.Kind
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.snowbound.common.transport.MediaCaption.Kind
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VIEW - Static variable in class com.snowbound.common.transport.PermissionLevel
Annotations on this layer are visible but not editable.
VIEW_WATERMARK - Static variable in class com.snowbound.common.transport.PermissionLevel
VirtualDocumentId - Class in com.snowbound.common.utils
VirtualDocumentId() - Constructor for class com.snowbound.common.utils.VirtualDocumentId
VirtualViewerAPIException - Exception in com.snowbound.contenthandler
Exception base class for exceptions thrown by a content handler API method.
VirtualViewerAPIException(Exception) - Constructor for exception com.snowbound.contenthandler.VirtualViewerAPIException
VirtualViewerAPIException(String) - Constructor for exception com.snowbound.contenthandler.VirtualViewerAPIException
VirtualViewerAPIException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception com.snowbound.contenthandler.VirtualViewerAPIException
VirtualViewerContentHandlerInterface - Interface in com.snowbound.contenthandler.interfaces
The base required interface which defines methods for retrieving and saving document content.
VirtualViewerFormatHash - Class in com.snowbound.contenthandler
This singleton is used to get known format information, including the list of file extensions known and supported by VirtualViewer.
VirtualViewerRestException - Exception in com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.error
A protocol exception for issues specific to the REST CH--for example, incorrect json sent to VV, missing data, and so on.
VirtualViewerRestException(String) - Constructor for exception com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.error.VirtualViewerRestException
VirtualViewerRestException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.error.VirtualViewerRestException
VirtualViewerSnowAnn - Class in com.snowbound.common.transport
VirtualViewerSnowAnn() - Constructor for class com.snowbound.common.transport.VirtualViewerSnowAnn
VirtualViewerSnowAnn(int, int) - Constructor for class com.snowbound.common.transport.VirtualViewerSnowAnn
VOID - Static variable in class com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerResult
This constant value can be used for null or void returns.


warn() - Method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.StructuredLogger.LogBuilder
WatermarksInterface - Interface in com.snowbound.contenthandler.interfaces
Defines methods for retrieving and deleting watermarks.
writeInputStreamToTempFile(InputStream, String, String) - Static method in class com.snowbound.common.utils.ClientServerIO
Writes the data from the specified InputStream to a temp file.


XMLUtils - Class in com.snowbound.common.utils
Utility class to easily convert an XML object to its String representation.
XMLUtils() - Constructor for class com.snowbound.common.utils.XMLUtils
Xref - Class in com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.model
Xref() - Constructor for class com.snowbound.contenthandler.rest.model.Xref
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