Class VirtualViewerSnowAnn

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static boolean gUseExactPoints
      Use exact point sizes in calculating font sizes in Text objects.
      static java.lang.String TIFF_TAG_LAYER
      Passing this constant as an annotation's layer ID marks that the annotation layer does not represent annotations loaded from the content handler, but instead WANG annotations extracted from the associated TIFF.
      • Fields inherited from class Snow.SnowAnn

        ann_alpha, ann_bblue, ann_bgreen, ann_bold, ann_bred, ANN_BUFF_SIZE, ann_crop_xe, ann_crop_xs, ann_crop_ye, ann_crop_ys, ann_cur_object_id, ann_dpi, ann_fblue, ann_fcs, ann_fgreen, ann_font_height, ann_font_name, ann_fred, ann_height, ann_history, ann_idmCreateTimestamp, ann_idmLastModifyTimestamp, ann_idmStatus, ann_idmSubpage_Number, ann_italic, ann_line_style, ann_line_width, ann_notes, ann_rc, ann_rotation_angle, ANN_SOLID, ann_tags, ann_use_exact_points, ann_width, annClassId, annCreateDate, annCreateUser, annDelete, annDeleteDate, annDeleteUser, annHeight, annID, annModifyDate, annModifyUser, annOrdinal, annotatedDocumentID, annotatedFileName, annStartX, annStartY, annTransparent, annType, annWidth, bitmapData, bTrack, CLOUD_BUMPS, createDate, createUser, DAEJA_DPI, DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT_OPACITY, deleted, deleteDate, deleteUser, double_byte, EnableEditText, EnableProperties, fcs, fillColor, fontBold, fontColor, fontItalic, fontName, fontSize, fontStrike, fontUnderline, gCancelCommand, gCopyCommand, gCutCommand, gDeleteCommand, gEditTextCommand, gMoveCommand, gPermissionsCommand, gPropertiesCommand, graphic_id, graphic_num, gResizeCommand, gRotateCommand, IDM_DPI, IDM_MAX, IDM_SANN_DELETE, IDM_SANN_EDIT, IDM_SANN_EXIT, IDM_SANN_MOVE, IDM_SANN_OK, IDM_SANN_RESIZE, IDM_STATUS_DELETE, IDM_STATUS_MODIFIED, IDM_STATUS_NEW, IDM_STATUS_ORIGINAL, isDaeja, isFilenet, isIdm, lineColor, lineStyle, lineTransparent, lineWidth, modifyUser, Next, Org, p, pageHeight, pageNumber, pageWidth, pointArray, popup, Prev, rotationAngle, SANN_ARROW, SANN_BITMAP, SANN_BUBBLE, SANN_CIRCLE, SANN_CLOUD_EDIT, SANN_CUSTOM_STAMP, SANN_EDIT, SANN_ELLIPSE, SANN_FILLED_ELLIPSE, SANN_FILLED_POLYGON, SANN_FILLED_RECT, SANN_FREEHAND, SANN_HIGHLIGHT_RECT, SANN_LINE, SANN_POINT_SIZE, SANN_POLYGON, SANN_POSTIT, SANN_RECTANGLE, SANN_TRANSPARENT_BITMAP, swing_popup, textString, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, xmlannotations
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods Deprecated Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static VirtualViewerSnowAnn createFromByteArray​(byte[] data)
      Deserialize a VirtualViewerSnowAnn from the provided byte array.
      static VirtualViewerSnowAnn createFromXML​(java.lang.String xml)
      Attempt to create and initialize a VirtualViewerSnowAnn object from an XML string.
      int getAction()
      java.lang.Object getAnnotationData()  
      java.lang.String getLayerName()
      Return annotation layer name.
      boolean hasAnnotation()  
      boolean isModified()  
      void merge​(AnnotationWrapper sourceAnnWrapper)
      The destination of the merge is *this* object itself.
      void rotate​(int degrees)
      Rotate any annotations in this layer by the provided angle.
      int SANN_flipx()
      Horizontally flip the annotations on this layer.
      int SANN_flipy()
      Vertically flip the annotations on this layer.
      int SANN_rotate​(int rotate)
      Rotate the annotations on this layer.
      void setLayerName​(java.lang.String layerName)
      Set annotation layer name.
      void setModified​(boolean isModified)  
      byte[] toByteArray()
      Retrieve a byte array representation of the VirtualViewerSnowAnn object.
      java.lang.String toString()  
      • Methods inherited from class Snow.SnowAnn

        ann_dblclick, annLinePainting, centerTagInRect, GetClientRect, getGraphics, getVisibilityFlag, read_xml_file, remove_non_text_objects, remove_text_objects, resize_object, SANN_activate_all_objects, SANN_activate_object, SANN_add_object, SANN_add_object, SANN_count_objects, SANN_deactivate_all_objects, SANN_deactivate_object, SANN_delete_all_objects, SANN_delete_object, SANN_display_annotations, SANN_display_annotations, SANN_draw_object, SANN_get_croprect, SANN_get_graphic_struct, SANN_get_object_bounds, SANN_get_object_data, SANN_get_object_info, SANN_get_object_num, SANN_highlight_object, SANN_map_image_to_wnd, SANN_map_wnd_to_image, SANN_merge_annotations, SANN_move_object, SANN_output_pdf, SANN_print_annotations, SANN_print_annotations, SANN_read_ann, SANN_read_ann, SANN_read_ann, SANN_read_ann_stream, SANN_read_ann_stream, SANN_recalc_size, SANN_recalc_size, SANN_resize_object, SANN_rotate_object, SANN_set_bcolor, SANN_set_croprect, SANN_set_fcolor, SANN_set_fcolor, SANN_set_fnx_dpi, SANN_set_font, SANN_set_font, SANN_set_line_style, SANN_set_line_width, SANN_set_line_width, SANN_set_scrollbars, SANN_set_size, SANN_write_ann, SANN_write_ann, SANN_write_ann_fnx, SANN_write_ann_fnx, SANN_write_ann_idm, SANN_write_ann_idm, SANN_write_ann_pages, SANN_write_ann_pages, SANN_write_ann_xml, SANN_write_ann_xml, SANN_write_ann_xml_document, SANN_write_ann_xml_page, SANN_write_ann_xml_page, setAutoDetect, setPopupMenuStrings, setVisibilityFlag, setVisibilityFlags, setVisibilityFlagsEnabled, ui_delete, ui_exit, ui_rotate_object, ui_startmove, ui_startresize, ui_wm_lbuttondown, ui_wm_lbuttonup, ui_wm_mousemove, xml_boolean, xml_color, xml_convert, xml_find_page, xml_inches_pixels, xml_read
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail


        public static final java.lang.String TIFF_TAG_LAYER
        Passing this constant as an annotation's layer ID marks that the annotation layer does not represent annotations loaded from the content handler, but instead WANG annotations extracted from the associated TIFF. If the annotation layer ID is set to this constant, the annotation layer's contents will be ignored in favor of annotations from the TIFF.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • gUseExactPoints

        public static boolean gUseExactPoints
        Use exact point sizes in calculating font sizes in Text objects. All new annotation objects will default to this value.
    • Constructor Detail

      • VirtualViewerSnowAnn

        public VirtualViewerSnowAnn()
      • VirtualViewerSnowAnn

        public VirtualViewerSnowAnn​(int width,
                                    int height)
        width - Annotation width.
        height - Annotation height.
    • Method Detail

      • getAction

        public int getAction()
        Action code.
      • rotate

        public void rotate​(int degrees)
        Description copied from interface: AnnotationWrapper
        Rotate any annotations in this layer by the provided angle. Angle must be a value of 0, 90, 180, or 270 degrees.
        Specified by:
        rotate in interface AnnotationWrapper
        degrees - A value of 0, 90, 180, or 270 degrees.
        See Also:
      • setModified

        public void setModified​(boolean isModified)
        Specified by:
        setModified in interface AnnotationWrapper
        isModified - True to mark this layer as modified; false to mark it unmodified.
      • isModified

        public boolean isModified()
        Specified by:
        isModified in interface AnnotationWrapper
        Whether this annotation layer has been modified.
      • SANN_flipx

        public int SANN_flipx()
        Horizontally flip the annotations on this layer.
        SANN_flipx in class Snow.SnowAnn
        Zero for success; any value less than zero is a Snowbound error code.
        See Also:
      • SANN_flipy

        public int SANN_flipy()
        Vertically flip the annotations on this layer.
        SANN_flipy in class Snow.SnowAnn
        Zero for success; any value less than zero is a Snowbound error code.
        See Also:
      • SANN_rotate

        public int SANN_rotate​(int rotate)
        Rotate the annotations on this layer.
        SANN_rotate in class Snow.SnowAnn
        rotate - A value of 0, 90, 180, or 270 degrees.
        Integer. Any positive value (as well as 0) is a valid return.
        See Also:
      • toByteArray

        public byte[] toByteArray()
        Retrieve a byte array representation of the VirtualViewerSnowAnn object.
        Byte array serialization of this object.
      • createFromByteArray

        public static VirtualViewerSnowAnn createFromByteArray​(byte[] data)
        Deserialize a VirtualViewerSnowAnn from the provided byte array.
        data - Byte array containing VirtualViewerSnowAnn data.
        Deserialized VirtualViewerSnowAnn instance, null if deserialization failed.
      • createFromXML

        public static VirtualViewerSnowAnn createFromXML​(java.lang.String xml)
        Attempt to create and initialize a VirtualViewerSnowAnn object from an XML string.
        xml - XML string containing VirtualViewerSnowAnn data.
        VirtualViewerSnowAnn instance; null if data could not be retrieved from XML string.
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object
      • getLayerName

        public java.lang.String getLayerName()
        Description copied from interface: AnnotationWrapper
        Return annotation layer name.
        Specified by:
        getLayerName in interface AnnotationWrapper
        Annotation layer name.
      • setLayerName

        public void setLayerName​(java.lang.String layerName)
        Description copied from interface: AnnotationWrapper
        Set annotation layer name.
        Specified by:
        setLayerName in interface AnnotationWrapper
        layerName - Annotation layer name.