Interface WatermarksInterface

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    FileContentHandler, RestfulHttpContentHandler

    public interface WatermarksInterface
    Defines methods for retrieving and deleting watermarks. Watermarks allow the user or an administrator to overlay semi-transparent text onto all or specific pages of a document. The text can include automatically-generated values like the document name or page number.
    • Method Detail

      • getWatermarkContent

        ContentHandlerResult getWatermarkContent​(ContentHandlerInput input)
                                          throws VirtualViewerAPIException
        Returns the watermark file for the specified document key in the form of a byte array.
        input - ContentHandlerInput containing the following values:
        Every row is an expected value in the ContentHandlerInput. The first column is the string key for the value. The second column is the type of the value. The third column is the detailed description of the value.
        KEY_DOCUMENT_ID java.lang.String The key representing the document. Can be retrieved with String documentId = input.getDocumentId(); .
        KEY_CLIENT_INSTANCE_ID java.lang.String Custom configurable value used to pass data from client to content handler. If not set then will be the session ID. Can be retrieved with String clientInstanceId = input.getClientInstanceId();
        KEY_HTTP_SERVLET_REQUEST javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest Request that called this method. Can be retrieved with HttpServletRequest request = input.getHttpServletRequest();
        ContentHandlerResult with the following values:
        Every row is an expected value in the ContentHandlerResult. The first column is the string key for the value. The second column is the type of the value. The third column is the detailed description of the value.
        KEY_WATERMARK_CONTENT byte[] Contents of the watermark file for this document, or null if no watermarks have been saved.
        VirtualViewerAPIException - if content handler throws exception
      • deleteWatermarkContent

        ContentHandlerResult deleteWatermarkContent​(ContentHandlerInput input)
                                             throws VirtualViewerAPIException
        Delete the watermark content for the specified document key, if it exists. If it does not exist no action is needed.
        input - ContentHandlerInput containing the following values:
        Every row is an expected value in the ContentHandlerInput. The first column is the string key for the value. The second column is the type of the value. The third column is the detailed description of the value.
        KEY_DOCUMENT_ID java.lang.String The key representing the document. Can be retrieved with String documentId = input.getDocumentId(); .
        KEY_CLIENT_INSTANCE_ID java.lang.String Custom configurable value used to pass data from client to content handler. If not set then will be the session ID. Can be retrieved with String clientInstanceId = input.getClientInstanceId();
        KEY_HTTP_SERVLET_REQUEST javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest Request that called this method. Can be retrieved with HttpServletRequest request = input.getHttpServletRequest();
        ContentHandlerResult with no values currently expected.
        VirtualViewerAPIException - if content handler throws exception