Class RasterMaster

  • public class RasterMaster
    extends java.lang.Object
    Facade that allows access to the RasterMaster API.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void checkInterruptedError​(int error)  
      void checkInterruptedError​(int[] error)  
      byte[] convertJsonToPdf​(java.lang.String ocrJsonBlob, java.lang.String fontName)  
      boolean equals​(java.lang.Object obj)  
      byte[] getAttachment​(byte[] inBuffer, int index)  
      java.lang.String getAttachmentInfo​(byte[] inBuffer)
      Read attachment information from a document.
      int getBitsPerPixel()
      Returns the bit depth of the image.
      double getCropboxX()
      Returns the xpos of the cropbox for vector pdf images.
      double getCropboxY()
      Returns the ypos of the cropbox for vector pdf images.
      int getDefaultDepth()  
      int getDefaultResolution()  
      int getHeight()
      Returns the height of the image in pixels.
      int getJpegExifRotation​(byte[] byteBlob)
      Retrieve the exif rotation of a jpeg.
      int getOffice_BitsPerPix()  
      int getOffice_resolution()  
      double getOfficePagesizeX()  
      double getOfficePagesizeY()  
      int[] getPagesWithPattern​( pdfInputStream, java.lang.String searchPattern)  
      int[] getPagesWithText​( pdfInputStream, java.lang.String searchString)  
      int getPdfLinkCountForPage​( dis, int pageNumber)  
      com.snowbound.rastermaster.LinkInfo[] getPdfLinksForPage​( dis, int pageNumber)  
      int getSize()  
      Snow.Snowbnd getSnowbndObject()
      Retrieve the internal Snowbnd object wrapped by this RasterMaster class.
      int getUtf8Mode()  
      int getWidth()
      Returns the width of the image in pixels.
      int getXdpi()
      Returns the X resolution, in DPI (dots per inch), of the image.
      int getYdpi()
      Returns the Y resolution, in DPI (dots per inch), of the image.
      int hashCode()  
      byte[] IMG_add_watermark​(byte[] inBuffer, int page, int filetype, java.lang.String text, java.lang.String fontName, int fontSize, int verticalPos, int textDirection, int color, boolean transparent)
      This method adds a watermark string at the designated placement.
      int IMG_color_gray()
      This method converts 24-bit color image to 8-bit gray scale.
      int IMG_create_thumbnail​(int xsize, int ysize)
      This method intelligently resizes down images.
      int IMG_decompress_bitmap​( di, int page)
      This method decompresses data from a DataInputStream and automatically detects the file format.
      int IMG_decompress_bitmap​(java.lang.String bitmapName, int page)
      This method decompresses an image from the local disk.
      int IMG_despeckle_bitmap​(int quality)
      This method removes noise (random pixel data) from 1-bit images.
      byte[] IMG_dwg_to_svg_mem​(byte[] buffer, int[] length, int[] error, int[] layer, int view)
      This method returns a byte array containing SVG representation of requested layer of the DWG buffer passed in.
      int IMG_flip_bitmapx()
      This method inverts the current image, changing pixels by a simple XOR operation applied to each byte of the image in memory.
      int IMG_flip_bitmapy()
      This method flips the image vertically to produce a mirror image.
      int IMG_invert_bitmap()
      This method inverts the current image, changing pixels by a simple XOR operation applied to each byte of the image in memory.
      int IMG_promote_24()
      This method permanently converts the current 1, 4, or 8-bit image to a 24-bit image.
      int IMG_promote_8()
      This method permanently converts the current 1, 4, 16 or 24-bit image to 8 bit.
      int IMG_resize_bitmap​(int xsize, int ysize)
      This method changes the internal size of the image according to the input parameters.
      int IMG_rotate_bitmap​(int angle)
      This method rotates the current image clockwise by display angle.
      byte[] IMG_save_bitmap​(int outputFormat)
      This method saves the current Snowbnd image object to a returned byte array.
      int IMG_save_bitmap​(java.lang.String bitmapName, int compType)
      This method saves the current Snowbnd image object to the format specified by comp_type.
      byte[] IMG_save_document​(byte[] vbuff, int filetype)
      This method will save to a searchable Pdf file.
      int IMG_sharpen_bitmap​(int svalue)
      This method sharpens or blurs the image.
      byte[] IMG_vector_to_pdf​( inPtr, int page, int[] error)
      Convert document to (vector) PDF.
      byte[] IMG_vector_to_svg​( inPtr, int[] length, int[] error, int page)
      This method will any vector format to .SVG returned in a bytearray.
      int IMG_window_level​(int min, int max, int onOff)
      This method changes the range of displayed pixels.
      int IMGLOW_append_page​(java.lang.String bitmapName, byte[] buff, int format)
      This method appends a specified page to an existing multipage pdf or Tiff document.
      byte[] IMGLOW_appendRedactionAnnots​( singlePageStream, Snow.SnowAnn sann, int pageNum)  
      void IMGLOW_close_pdf_writer()  
      byte[] IMGLOW_create_pdf​(byte[] imageData, boolean shrinkToFit)
      Creates a PDF page containing a raster image without processing the raster image at all.
      byte[] IMGLOW_extract_page​( di, int page, int[] error)
      This method extracts the specified page from a multipage pdf or Tiff document.
      byte[] IMGLOW_extract_page​( di, java.lang.String pageRange, int[] error)
      This method extracts the specified page from a multipage pdf or Tiff document.
      byte[] IMGLOW_extract_page​(java.lang.String bitmapName, int page, int[] error)
      This method extracts the specified page from a multipage pdf or Tiff document.
      byte[] IMGLOW_extract_text​( di, int page)
      This method extracts text from PTOCA files.
      java.lang.String[] IMGLOW_get_dwg_layers​(byte[] buffer, int[] error)
      This method returns an array of Strings containing layer and color names.
      int IMGLOW_get_fileinfo​( di, int page)
      This method fills in the height, width, and bits-per-pixel without decompressing the entire file.
      int IMGLOW_get_fileinfo​(java.lang.String bitmapName, int page)
      This method fills in the height, width, and bits-per-pixel without decompressing the entire file.
      int IMGLOW_get_filetype​( di)
      This method returns the filetype of an image.
      int IMGLOW_get_filetype​(java.lang.String bitmapName)
      This method returns the file type of an image.
      int IMGLOW_get_image_orientation()
      This method returns the orientation of the last image decompressed, if the information is available.
      int IMGLOW_get_page_rotation​(byte[] pageBuff, int pageNum)  
      int IMGLOW_get_pages​( di)
      This method returns the number of pages in a multipage document.
      int IMGLOW_get_pages​(java.lang.String bitmapName)
      This method returns the number of pages in a multipage document.
      int IMGLOW_get_tiff_tag​(int tag, int maxBytes, int[] value, di, byte[] buff, int page)
      This method reads a TIFF tag from the file specified.
      int IMGLOW_get_tiff_tag​(int tag, int maxBytes, int[] value, java.lang.String bitmapName, byte[] buff, int page)
      This method reads a TIFF tag from the file specified.
      byte[] IMGLOW_ocr_bitmap​(byte[] inBuffer)
      Convert raster buffer to vector pdf buffer.
      boolean IMGLOW_ocr_is_available()  
      void IMGLOW_ocr_set_dll_path​(java.lang.String path)  
      void IMGLOW_ocr_set_engine_path​(java.lang.String pathName)
      Set path to parent of tessdata folder
      void IMGLOW_ocr_set_lan​(java.lang.String language)
      Set language for Tesseract machine
      boolean IMGLOW_page_has_text​( documentStream, int pageNum)  
      boolean IMGLOW_page_is_image​(byte[] pageBuf, int pageNum)  
      int IMGLOW_pdf_append_file​( dis)  
      int IMGLOW_pdf_append_file​( dis, boolean addMargin)  
      boolean IMGLOW_rects_intersect_with_image_on_page​(byte[] pageBuf, java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D.Double[] rects)  
      byte[] IMGLOW_redact_ann​(byte[] buff, Snow.SnowAnn ann, int color, int[] error)
      This method returns a byte array in Snowbound intermediate format, for saving via IMG_save_document(), with any text or image data inside the annotation rectangles redacted.
      byte[] IMGLOW_redact_page​( inputStream, java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D.Double[] rarray, int page, int color, int[] error)
      This method supports PDF redaction by removing text that intersects any of the rectangles in the rarray argument.
      byte[] IMGLOW_rotate_page​(byte[] pageBuff, int rotateAngle, int pageNum)  
      Snow.SNBD_SEARCH_RESULT[] IMGLOW_search_pattern​(byte[] buff, java.lang.String pattern, int[] error)
      This method returns an array of structures of classes of the type, SNBD_SEARCH_RESULT.
      Snow.SNBD_SEARCH_RESULT[] IMGLOW_search_text​(byte[] buff, java.lang.String text, int caseSense, int[] error)
      This method returns an array of structures of classes of the type, SNBD_SEARCH_RESULT.
      int IMGLOW_set_brightness​(int value)
      This method sets the brightness of the current image.
      int IMGLOW_set_comp_quality​(int quality)
      Set the quality of a JPEG
      int IMGLOW_set_contrast​(int value)
      This method sets the relative difference between the image's black and white values.
      int IMGLOW_set_decompsize​(int xsize, int ysize)
      This method allows setting the destination size for an image being decompressed.
      int IMGLOW_set_document_input​(int dpi, int bitsPix, int format)
      This method sets the rendering parameters for decompression of Office files.
      int IMGLOW_set_document_input​(int dpi, int bitsPix, int format, double width, double height)
      This method sets the rendering parameters for decompression of Office files.
      int IMGLOW_set_dwg_path​(java.lang.String xRefPath)
      This method sets the path for dwg files with xrefs
      int IMGLOW_set_fontmap_path​(java.lang.String st)
      This method sets the path for finding the Afp font mapping file.
      int IMGLOW_set_gamma​(int value)
      This method sets a gamma correction factor which corrects for the gamma or response curve of the monitor.
      int IMGLOW_set_msg_render_preference​(int preference)  
      int IMGLOW_set_overlay_parameters​(java.lang.String st)  
      int IMGLOW_set_overlay_path​(java.lang.String st)
      This method sets the path for finding overlay files.
      int IMGLOW_set_pdf_input​(int dpi, int bitsPix)
      This method allows the conversion of PDF files into bitmaps when decompressed by RasterMaster products.
      int IMGLOW_set_pdf_output​(int xsize, int ysize)
      This method sets the destination size for saving pdf files.
      int IMGLOW_set_pdf_writer​(java.lang.String outputPath)  
      int IMGLOW_set_UTF_8​(int mode)
      This method sets the decompression to force Ascii UTF8.
      int IMGLOW_setHtmlFontPath​(java.lang.String path)
      Sets the path for finding fonts when rendering HTML files.
      void set_croprect​(int xs, int ys, int xe, int ye)
      This method sets the cropping rectangle for the display engine.
      void setAlias​(int alias)  
      void setDecompVect​(boolean decompVect)  
      void setDefaultDepth​(int bitsPerPix)  
      void setDefaultResolution​(int resolution)  
      void setFrame​(java.awt.Container cs)  
      void setHeicEnabled​(boolean enabled)  
      int setHeicLibPath​(java.lang.String path)  
      void setLocale​(java.lang.String locale)  
      void setOffice_BitsPerPix​(int officeBitsPerPix)  
      void setOffice_resolution​(short officeResolution)  
      void setOfficePagesizeX​(double officePagesizeX)  
      void setOfficePagesizeY​(double officePagesizeY)  
      void setPrintStack​(boolean printStack)  
      void setShowExchangeInfo​(boolean showExchange)  
      int setYdpi​(int dpi)
      This method sets the resolution, in dpi (dots per inch, 1/72nd of an inch), along the Y-axis of an image.
      java.lang.String toString()  
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • RasterMaster

        public RasterMaster()
    • Method Detail

      • getSnowbndObject

        public Snow.Snowbnd getSnowbndObject()
        Retrieve the internal Snowbnd object wrapped by this RasterMaster class.
        internal RasterMaster Snowbnd object within this wrapper.
      • checkInterruptedError

        public void checkInterruptedError​(int[] error)
                                   throws java.lang.InterruptedException
      • checkInterruptedError

        public void checkInterruptedError​(int error)
                                   throws java.lang.InterruptedException
      • setLocale

        public void setLocale​(java.lang.String locale)
      • convertJsonToPdf

        public byte[] convertJsonToPdf​(java.lang.String ocrJsonBlob,
                                       java.lang.String fontName)
      • getJpegExifRotation

        public int getJpegExifRotation​(byte[] byteBlob)
        Retrieve the exif rotation of a jpeg. The exif rotation is a tiff tag inside the image blob that reports any rotation or mirroring, usually taken from a phone that's been rotated.
        byteBlob - The image bytes
        The tag value, or -1 if no tag was found. Tags will be any value from 1 to 8, encoding a combination of rotation and mirroring.
      • IMGLOW_set_comp_quality

        public int IMGLOW_set_comp_quality​(int quality)
        Set the quality of a JPEG
        quality - JPEG quality
        0 if successful
      • getSize

        public int getSize()
        size of decompressed image
      • setAlias

        public void setAlias​(int alias)
        alias - alias
      • setDecompVect

        public void setDecompVect​(boolean decompVect)
        decompVect - decompress vectors flag
      • setPrintStack

        public void setPrintStack​(boolean printStack)
        printStack - print stack flag
      • IMG_save_bitmap

        public byte[] IMG_save_bitmap​(int outputFormat)
                               throws java.lang.InterruptedException
        This method saves the current Snowbnd image object to a returned byte array. Multipage Tiff and Pdf are supported.
        outputFormat - format code to export as. TIFF and PDF are supported.
        trimmed byte array containing image content
        java.lang.InterruptedException - if calling thread is interrupted.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class java.lang.Object
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object obj)
        equals in class java.lang.Object
      • setFrame

        public void setFrame​(java.awt.Container cs)
      • IMG_decompress_bitmap

        public int IMG_decompress_bitmap​(java.lang.String bitmapName,
                                         int page)
                                  throws java.lang.InterruptedException
        This method decompresses an image from the local disk. This standard method can be used by applications, signed applets, or applets for which disk read permissions have been granted. As with all decompression methods, it automatically detects the file format.
        bitmapName - Path and filename of the image to decompress
        page - Page number for the multipage image file
        Integer. Any positive value (as well as 0) is a valid return.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - if calling thread is interrupted.
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object
      • IMG_save_bitmap

        public int IMG_save_bitmap​(java.lang.String bitmapName,
                                   int compType)
                            throws java.lang.InterruptedException
        This method saves the current Snowbnd image object to the format specified by comp_type. The string value is the output file. TIFF is a multipage file format. If the image name already exists, a new page or image is appended to the local file, leaving the current images unchanged. If the file does not exist, it is created with only one page.
        bitmapName - Output file name in which to save.
        compType - Output file format code to write. TIFF and PDF are supported.
        Integer. Any positive value (as well as 0) is a valid return.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - if calling thread is interrupted.
      • IMG_decompress_bitmap

        public int IMG_decompress_bitmap​( di,
                                         int page)
                                  throws java.lang.InterruptedException
        This method decompresses data from a DataInputStream and automatically detects the file format.
        di - input stream
        page - page index to decompress of multi-page format
        Integer. Any positive value (as well as 0) is a valid return.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - if calling thread is interrupted.
      • getWidth

        public int getWidth()
        Returns the width of the image in pixels.
        width in pixels
      • getCropboxX

        public double getCropboxX()
        Returns the xpos of the cropbox for vector pdf images.
        xpos of cropbox
      • getCropboxY

        public double getCropboxY()
        Returns the ypos of the cropbox for vector pdf images.
        ypos of cropbox
      • getHeight

        public int getHeight()
        Returns the height of the image in pixels.
        height in pixels
      • getXdpi

        public int getXdpi()
        Returns the X resolution, in DPI (dots per inch), of the image.
        X resolution in DPI
      • getYdpi

        public int getYdpi()
        Returns the Y resolution, in DPI (dots per inch), of the image.
        Y resolution in DPI
      • setYdpi

        public int setYdpi​(int dpi)
        This method sets the resolution, in dpi (dots per inch, 1/72nd of an inch), along the Y-axis of an image. The value is saved in the image.
        dpi - Y DPI
        Integer. Any positive value (as well as 0) is a valid return.
      • getBitsPerPixel

        public int getBitsPerPixel()
        Returns the bit depth of the image.
        Integer. Any positive value (as well as 0) is a valid return.
      • set_croprect

        public void set_croprect​(int xs,
                                 int ys,
                                 int xe,
                                 int ye)
        This method sets the cropping rectangle for the display engine. Only the area of the image inside the current crop rectangle displays. Compare this to IMG_display_bitmap_aspect in which the zoom parameter simply sets the current crop rectangle.
        xs - Starting X position for cropping the image
        ys - Starting Y position for cropping the image
        xe - Horizontal size of cropped rectangle in pixels
        ye - Vertical size, of cropped rectangle in pixels
      • IMGLOW_get_dwg_layers

        public java.lang.String[] IMGLOW_get_dwg_layers​(byte[] buffer,
                                                        int[] error)
        This method returns an array of Strings containing layer and color names.
        buffer - byte array containing DWG file to convert
        error - Integer array for returning Snowbound Error code.
        If non null, a string array containing layers and color names.
      • IMG_dwg_to_svg_mem

        public byte[] IMG_dwg_to_svg_mem​(byte[] buffer,
                                         int[] length,
                                         int[] error,
                                         int[] layer,
                                         int view)
                                  throws java.lang.InterruptedException
        This method returns a byte array containing SVG representation of requested layer of the DWG buffer passed in.
        buffer - byte array containing DWG file to convert
        length - integer array containing the length of the buffer passed back
        error - Integer array for returning Snowbound Error code.
        layer - integer array specifying which layer(s) to convert
        view - integer specifying which view to use (currently not used)
        SVG byte array
        java.lang.InterruptedException - if calling thread is interrupted.
      • IMGLOW_set_dwg_path

        public int IMGLOW_set_dwg_path​(java.lang.String xRefPath)
        This method sets the path for dwg files with xrefs
        xRefPath - String containing DWG XREF path
        Integer. Any positive value (as well as 0) is a valid return.
      • getUtf8Mode

        public int getUtf8Mode()
        UTF8 mode flag
      • IMG_window_level

        public int IMG_window_level​(int min,
                                    int max,
                                    int onOff)

        This method changes the range of displayed pixels. Performs window leveling in 8 and 16-bit gray scale images.


         if (Simage.getBitsPerPixel() == 16)
             Simage.IMG_window_level(0, 0, 1);
        min - Minimum value of window level
        max - Maximum value of window level
        onOff - 1 = On; 0 = Off
        Integer. Any positive value (as well as 0) is a valid return.
      • IMG_invert_bitmap

        public int IMG_invert_bitmap()
                              throws java.lang.InterruptedException
        This method inverts the current image, changing pixels by a simple XOR operation applied to each byte of the image in memory. For bi-level images, this method changes black to white and white to black.
        Integer. Any positive value (as well as 0) is a valid return.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - if calling thread is interrupted.
      • IMG_flip_bitmapx

        public int IMG_flip_bitmapx()
                             throws java.lang.InterruptedException
        This method inverts the current image, changing pixels by a simple XOR operation applied to each byte of the image in memory. For bi-level images, this method changes black to white and white to black.
        Integer. Any positive value (as well as 0) is a valid return.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - if calling thread is interrupted.
      • IMG_flip_bitmapy

        public int IMG_flip_bitmapy()
                             throws java.lang.InterruptedException
        This method flips the image vertically to produce a mirror image. Positive Y coordinates along the Y-axis are swapped with negative Y coordinates, and vice versa.
        Integer. Any positive value (as well as 0) is a valid return.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - if calling thread is interrupted.
      • IMG_resize_bitmap

        public int IMG_resize_bitmap​(int xsize,
                                     int ysize)
                              throws java.lang.InterruptedException
        This method changes the internal size of the image according to the input parameters. The size of the source image is not relevant.
        xsize - Target width of image in pixels
        ysize - Target height of image in pixels
        Integer. Any positive value (as well as 0) is a valid return.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - if calling thread is interrupted.
      • IMG_create_thumbnail

        public int IMG_create_thumbnail​(int xsize,
                                        int ysize)
                                 throws java.lang.InterruptedException
        This method intelligently resizes down images. It supports any pixel depth and chooses IMG_resize_bicubic for color images or IMG_resize_to_gray for 1-bit images. This method is excellent for creating thumbnails.
        xsize - Destination width of image after resizing
        ysize - Destination height of image after resizing
        Integer. Any positive value (as well as 0) is a valid return.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - if calling thread is interrupted.
      • IMGLOW_create_pdf

        public byte[] IMGLOW_create_pdf​(byte[] imageData,
                                        boolean shrinkToFit)
        Creates a PDF page containing a raster image without processing the raster image at all. This is very fast but produces a much larger image.
        imageData - the raster image data
        shrinkToFit - if false, our default behavior of sizing the PDF page to fit the image. If true, will 'shrink' the image to fit within a standard-sized page (with margins). Note: the parameter in RM is called "fitToPage", but for clarity has been renamed here.
        PDF file of one page containing the raster image
      • IMG_rotate_bitmap

        public int IMG_rotate_bitmap​(int angle)
                              throws java.lang.InterruptedException
        This method rotates the current image clockwise by display angle. This permanently rotates the image in memory.
        angle - Angle to rotate image by, in hundredths of a degree. For example, to rotate an image by 90 degrees, enter 9000.
        Integer. Any positive value (as well as 0) is a valid return.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - if calling thread is interrupted.
      • IMG_despeckle_bitmap

        public int IMG_despeckle_bitmap​(int quality)
                                 throws java.lang.InterruptedException
        This method removes noise (random pixel data) from 1-bit images. This method works only with 1-bit images. The quality variable can accept a range of 100 values. A similar method is also available called IMG_despeckel_bitmap.
        quality - Noise reduction setting.
        • 1 Minimum noise reduction.
        • 30 Normal noise reduction.
        • 100 Maximum noise reduction.
        The status of the noise reduction. A value of 0 indicates success. Any value less than zero is a Snowbound error code.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - if calling thread is interrupted.
      • IMGLOW_get_image_orientation

        public int IMGLOW_get_image_orientation()

        This method returns the orientation of the last image decompressed, if the information is available. Orientation is used to determine the display angle.

        1. Currently, TIFF and CALS can return orientation information.
        Integer. Any positive value (as well as 0) is the orientation of the image.
      • IMG_promote_24

        public int IMG_promote_24()
                           throws java.lang.InterruptedException
        This method permanently converts the current 1, 4, or 8-bit image to a 24-bit image. This automatically disables anti-aliasing for 1-bit images.
        Integer. Any positive value (as well as 0) is a valid return.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - if calling thread is interrupted.
      • IMG_promote_8

        public int IMG_promote_8()
                          throws java.lang.InterruptedException
        This method permanently converts the current 1, 4, 16 or 24-bit image to 8 bit.
        Integer. Any positive value (as well as 0) is a valid return.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - if calling thread is interrupted.
      • IMGLOW_get_filetype

        public int IMGLOW_get_filetype​(java.lang.String bitmapName)
        This method returns the file type of an image. See our website ( for the most updated list of supported formats.
        bitmapName - File name and path to an image
        Integer. Any positive value (as well as 0) is the image type
      • IMGLOW_get_filetype

        public int IMGLOW_get_filetype​( di)
        This method returns the filetype of an image. See our website ( for the most updated list of supported formats.
        di - Image in memory
        Integer. Any positive value (as well as 0) is the image type
      • IMGLOW_get_pages

        public int IMGLOW_get_pages​(java.lang.String bitmapName)
                             throws java.lang.InterruptedException
        This method returns the number of pages in a multipage document. Works for TIFF, MO:DCA images, and documents. See our website ( for the most updated list of supported formats.
        bitmapName - Filename and path to an image
        Integer. Any positive value is the number of pages in the image.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - if calling thread is interrupted.
      • IMGLOW_get_pages

        public int IMGLOW_get_pages​( di)
                             throws java.lang.InterruptedException
        This method returns the number of pages in a multipage document. It works for TIFF and MO:DCA images and documents. See our website ( for a current list of supported formats.
        di - An object containing compressed image data. This usually contains a file loaded into memory, and is commonly, but not necessarily, multipaged.
        Integer. Any positive value is the number of pages in the image.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - if calling thread is interrupted.
      • IMGLOW_set_gamma

        public int IMGLOW_set_gamma​(int value)

        This method sets a gamma correction factor which corrects for the gamma or response curve of the monitor. This can drastically improve the quality of some gray scale or 24-bit images.

        1. Setting and saving the gamma factor permanently affects color and grayscale image data.
        2. This method has no effect on 1-bit images, except at display time if anti-alias is on, and alias = 2.
        value -
        • 0 No gamma correction
        • 100 Default gamma correction (1.00)
        • 400 Maximum gamma correction (4.00)
        Integer. Any positive value (as well as 0) is a valid return.
      • IMGLOW_set_contrast

        public int IMGLOW_set_contrast​(int value)

        This method sets the relative difference between the image's black and white values.

        1. Setting and saving the contrast permanently affects color and grayscale image data.
        2. This method has no effect on 1-bit images, except at display time if anti-alias is on and alias = 2.
        value -
        • -127 (minimum) Displays the image with minimum contrast between the image's black and white colors.
        • 0 (Default) Retains the image's native contrast.
        • +127 (maximum) Displays maximum contrast, causing the whites to be whiter and the blacks to be blacker.
        Integer. Any positive value (as well as 0) is a valid return.
      • IMGLOW_set_brightness

        public int IMGLOW_set_brightness​(int value)

        This method sets the brightness of the current image.

        1. Setting and saving the brightness permanently affects color and grayscale image data.
        2. This method has no effect on 1-bit images, except at display time (if anti-alias is on, and alias = 2).
        value -
        • -127 Sets the image's brightness to the lowest (darkest) setting
        • 0 (Default) Retains the image's native brightness
        • +127 Sets the image's brightness to the highest (lightest) setting
        Integer. Any positive value (as well as 0) is a valid return.
      • IMGLOW_set_UTF_8

        public int IMGLOW_set_UTF_8​(int mode)
        This method sets the decompression to force Ascii UTF8. The default is 0.
        mode - Integer 1 = on 0 = off.
        Integer. -127 and 127.
      • IMGLOW_get_tiff_tag

        public int IMGLOW_get_tiff_tag​(int tag,
                                       int maxBytes,
                                       int[] value,
                                       java.lang.String bitmapName,
                                       byte[] buff,
                                       int page)
        This method reads a TIFF tag from the file specified. The tag may be either a string returned in buff or an int, short, or byte returned in value.
        tag - TIFF tag number to return.
        maxBytes - Maximum bytes to read for string tags.
        value - Tag value returned: 1 = String, 0 = Non String
        bitmapName - File to read tags from. The file must be locally accessible.
        buff - String buffer for returning string tags.
        page - Page number for multipage file.
        int dependent on how value variable is set.
      • IMGLOW_page_is_image

        public boolean IMGLOW_page_is_image​(byte[] pageBuf,
                                            int pageNum)
      • IMGLOW_rects_intersect_with_image_on_page

        public boolean IMGLOW_rects_intersect_with_image_on_page​(byte[] pageBuf,
                                                                 java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D.Double[] rects)
      • IMGLOW_extract_page

        public byte[] IMGLOW_extract_page​(java.lang.String bitmapName,
                                          int page,
                                          int[] error)
                                   throws java.lang.InterruptedException
        This method extracts the specified page from a multipage pdf or Tiff document.
        bitmapName - file path to multipage document to extract page from.
        page - The page number to extract starting at 0
        error - 1 one integer array to return an error code >= 0 is no error.
        byte. A byte array of the extracted page.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - if calling thread is interrupted.
      • IMGLOW_extract_page

        public byte[] IMGLOW_extract_page​( di,
                                          int page,
                                          int[] error)
                                   throws java.lang.InterruptedException
        This method extracts the specified page from a multipage pdf or Tiff document.
        di - DataInputStream containing multipage document to extract page from.
        page - The page number to extract starting at 0
        error - 1 one integer array to return an error code >= 0 is no error.
        byte A byte array of the extracted page.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - if calling thread is interrupted.
      • IMGLOW_extract_page

        public byte[] IMGLOW_extract_page​( di,
                                          java.lang.String pageRange,
                                          int[] error)
                                   throws java.lang.InterruptedException
        This method extracts the specified page from a multipage pdf or Tiff document.
        di - DataInputStream containing multipage document to extract page from.
        pageRange - string containing pages to extract. (i.e, "1-10", "1, 2, 3") (one-based)
        error - 1 one integer array to return an error code >= 0 is no error.
        byte A byte array of the extracted page.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - if calling thread is interrupted.
      • IMGLOW_append_page

        public int IMGLOW_append_page​(java.lang.String bitmapName,
                                      byte[] buff,
                                      int format)
                               throws java.lang.InterruptedException
        This method appends a specified page to an existing multipage pdf or Tiff document.
        bitmapName - of multipage document to append page to.
        buff - Byte array containing page to append.
        format - Rastermaster defined file format Tiff or Pdf.
        Standard Rastermaster error codes. 0 is ok.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - if calling thread is interrupted.
      • IMGLOW_get_tiff_tag

        public int IMGLOW_get_tiff_tag​(int tag,
                                       int maxBytes,
                                       int[] value,
                                       byte[] buff,
                                       int page)
        This method reads a TIFF tag from the file specified. The tag may be either a string returned in buff or an int, short, or byte returned in value.
        tag - TIFF tag number to return.
        maxBytes - Maximum bytes to read for string tags.
        value - Tag value returned: 1 = String, 0 = Non String
        di - Object to read tags from.
        buff - String buffer for returning string tags.
        page - Page number for multipage file.
        int dependent on how value variable is set.
      • IMGLOW_ocr_bitmap

        public byte[] IMGLOW_ocr_bitmap​(byte[] inBuffer)
                                 throws VirtualViewerAPIException
        Convert raster buffer to vector pdf buffer.
        inBuffer - byte array containing raster file to convert
        byte array containing converted pdf.
        VirtualViewerAPIException - among other issues, if format not supported
      • getAttachmentInfo

        public java.lang.String getAttachmentInfo​(byte[] inBuffer)
        Read attachment information from a document. Returns either null if no attachments are present, or a JSON string of attachment information.
        inBuffer - Byte array containing document file to process
        String detailing attachment
      • getAttachment

        public byte[] getAttachment​(byte[] inBuffer,
                                    int index)
      • IMGLOW_ocr_set_engine_path

        public void IMGLOW_ocr_set_engine_path​(java.lang.String pathName)
        Set path to parent of tessdata folder
        pathName - - String ocr parent of tessdata folder
      • IMGLOW_ocr_set_lan

        public void IMGLOW_ocr_set_lan​(java.lang.String language)
        Set language for Tesseract machine
        language - - 3 letter string representing a language / region
      • IMGLOW_ocr_set_dll_path

        public void IMGLOW_ocr_set_dll_path​(java.lang.String path)
        path - path to tesseract DLL
      • IMGLOW_set_decompsize

        public int IMGLOW_set_decompsize​(int xsize,
                                         int ysize)

        This method allows setting the destination size for an image being decompressed. At decompress time, the image is scaled to the destination x and y size. This destination size also represents the image size in pixels, as it is necessary to decompress using IMG_decompress_bitmap. When the IMGLOW_set_alias parameter is set to 4, the above function uses the Bicubic interpolation algorithm for scaling the image smoothly. If the alias parameter is set to 0, the scaling is done by skipping pixels. There is no other processing of neighboring pixels.

        • The destination size must be set before calling any decompress method.
        xsize - Destination width of image after resizing
        ysize - Destination height of image after resizing
        Integer. Any positive value (as well as 0) is a valid return.
      • IMGLOW_set_overlay_path

        public int IMGLOW_set_overlay_path​(java.lang.String st)
        This method sets the path for finding overlay files. Some formats, such as MOD:CA, can contain references to overlay files. If set to null, overlays will be ignored and only the bitmap will be decompressed.
        st - Specifies the path of the overlay file
        Integer. Any positive value (as well as 0) is a valid return.
      • IMGLOW_set_fontmap_path

        public int IMGLOW_set_fontmap_path​(java.lang.String st)
        This method sets the path for finding the Afp font mapping file.
        st - Specifies the path of the snbd_map.fnt file
        Integer. Any positive value (as well as 0) is a valid return.
      • IMGLOW_setHtmlFontPath

        public int IMGLOW_setHtmlFontPath​(java.lang.String path)
        Sets the path for finding fonts when rendering HTML files.
        path - Specifies the path of the directory to find fonts
        Integer. Any positive value (as well as 0) is a valid return.
      • IMGLOW_set_overlay_parameters

        public int IMGLOW_set_overlay_parameters​(java.lang.String st)
      • IMGLOW_get_fileinfo

        public int IMGLOW_get_fileinfo​(java.lang.String bitmapName,
                                       int page)
                                throws java.lang.InterruptedException
        This method fills in the height, width, and bits-per-pixel without decompressing the entire file. After calling this method, you can call getHeight(void), getWidth(void),getXdpi(void), Ydpi(void, and getBitsPerPixel(void).
        bitmapName - file name and path to an Image
        page - page index of a multipage file
        Integer. Any positive value (as well as 0) is the image type as defined in Snow.Defines.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - if calling thread is interrupted.
      • IMGLOW_get_fileinfo

        public int IMGLOW_get_fileinfo​( di,
                                       int page)
                                throws java.lang.InterruptedException
        This method fills in the height, width, and bits-per-pixel without decompressing the entire file. After calling this method, you can call getHeight(void), getWidth(void), getXdpi(void), getYdpi(void), and getBitsPerPixel(void).
        di - containing Image data in memory.
        page - Page number of multipage file.
        Integer. Any positive value (as well as 0) is the image type as defined in Snow.Defines.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - if calling thread is interrupted.
      • IMGLOW_set_pdf_input

        public int IMGLOW_set_pdf_input​(int dpi,
                                        int bitsPix)

        This method allows the conversion of PDF files into bitmaps when decompressed by RasterMaster products. It allows the programmer to set the bitmap size and pixel depth of the resulting bitmap.

        • When used for black and white PDF documents calling IMGLOW_set_pdf_input() set to a dpi of 200 and bits per pixel of 1, it provides optimal decompress and display performance. Also, it is ideal for TIFF Group 4 conversions.
        dpi - Dots per inch in which to render the pdf file.
        • Typical dpi is 300
        • 1-bit images such as documents dpi is 200
        • color images dpi is 100 or 200
        bitsPix - Bitmap pixel depth. Set to 1 or 24.
        Integer. Any positive value (as well as 0) is a valid return.
      • IMGLOW_set_document_input

        public int IMGLOW_set_document_input​(int dpi,
                                             int bitsPix,
                                             int format,
                                             double width,
                                             double height)
        This method sets the rendering parameters for decompression of Office files. Office files are rendered as a bitmap at decompression time. These values allow you to set the dots per inch and the pixel depth of the resulting bitmap.
        dpi - Dots per inch in which to render the pcl file.
        bitsPix - Bitmap pixel depth. Set to 1 or 24.
        format - Snowbound image format as desribed in snow.Defines class
        width - Page width in inches (i.e. 8.5)
        height - Page height in inches (i.e. 11.0)
        Integer. Any positive value (as well as 0) is a valid return.
      • IMGLOW_set_document_input

        public int IMGLOW_set_document_input​(int dpi,
                                             int bitsPix,
                                             int format)
        This method sets the rendering parameters for decompression of Office files. Office files are rendered as a bitmap at decompression time. These values allow you to set the dots per inch and the pixel depth of the resulting bitmap.
        dpi - Dots per inch in which to render the pcl file.
        bitsPix - Bitmap pixel depth. Set to 1 or 24.
        format - Snowbound image format as desribed in snow.Defines class
        Integer. Any positive value (as well as 0) is a valid return.
      • getPdfLinkCountForPage

        public int getPdfLinkCountForPage​( dis,
                                          int pageNumber)
      • getPdfLinksForPage

        public com.snowbound.rastermaster.LinkInfo[] getPdfLinksForPage​( dis,
                                                                        int pageNumber)
      • IMGLOW_set_pdf_output

        public int IMGLOW_set_pdf_output​(int xsize,
                                         int ysize)
        This method sets the destination size for saving pdf files. The xsize and ysize are the output sizes in points. A point is 1/72 of an inch.
        xsize - Destination width of image after resizing
        ysize - Destination height of image after resizing
        Integer. Any positive value (as well as 0) is a valid return.
      • IMGLOW_search_text

        public Snow.SNBD_SEARCH_RESULT[] IMGLOW_search_text​(byte[] buff,
                                                            java.lang.String text,
                                                            int caseSense,
                                                            int[] error)
                                                     throws java.lang.InterruptedException
        This method returns an array of structures of classes of the type, SNBD_SEARCH_RESULT. For each class or structure there is an array of rectangles. This is to allow a search term to wrap to a new line requiring more than two rectangles to highlight. The nCount parameter will be set to the number of rectangles required for each instance of a search term. The rectangles will be sorted from the top of the page to the bottom from the left side to the right.
        buff - buffer Character buffer to search. Returned from a call to IMGLOW_extract_text(String, int, int, int).
        text - search_String String for which to search.
        caseSense - Is search case sensitive. 0 = Not case sensitive 1 = case sensitive
        error - Error code.
        list of matching search results
        java.lang.InterruptedException - if calling thread is interrupted.
      • getPagesWithText

        public int[] getPagesWithText​( pdfInputStream,
                                      java.lang.String searchString)
                               throws java.lang.InterruptedException,
      • getPagesWithPattern

        public int[] getPagesWithPattern​( pdfInputStream,
                                         java.lang.String searchPattern)
                                  throws java.lang.InterruptedException,
      • IMGLOW_search_pattern

        public Snow.SNBD_SEARCH_RESULT[] IMGLOW_search_pattern​(byte[] buff,
                                                               java.lang.String pattern,
                                                               int[] error)
                                                        throws java.lang.InterruptedException
        This method returns an array of structures of classes of the type, SNBD_SEARCH_RESULT. For each class or structure there is an array of rectangles. This is to allow a search term to wrap to a new line requiring more than two rectangles to highlight. The nCount parameter will be set to the number of rectangles required for each instance of a search term. The rectangles will be sorted from the top of the page to the bottom from the left side to the right.
        buff - buffer Character buffer to search. Returned from a call to IMGLOW_extract_text(String, int, int, int).
        pattern - search_String Pattern to search.
        error - Error code.
        list of matching search results
        java.lang.InterruptedException - if calling thread is interrupted.
      • IMGLOW_page_has_text

        public boolean IMGLOW_page_has_text​( documentStream,
                                            int pageNum)
      • IMGLOW_redact_ann

        public byte[] IMGLOW_redact_ann​(byte[] buff,
                                        Snow.SnowAnn ann,
                                        int color,
                                        int[] error)
                                 throws java.lang.InterruptedException
        This method returns a byte array in Snowbound intermediate format, for saving via IMG_save_document(), with any text or image data inside the annotation rectangles redacted.
        buff - Character buffer to search. Returned from a call to IMGLOW_extract_text(String, int, int, int).
        ann - SnowAnn object with filled rectangle annotations to redact.
        color - Redacted rectangle color as packed int (0xrrggbb)
        error - Error code.
        byte array in Snowbound intermediate format for saving via IMG_save_document();
        java.lang.InterruptedException - if calling thread is interrupted.
      • IMGLOW_extract_text

        public byte[] IMGLOW_extract_text​( di,
                                          int page)
                                   throws java.lang.InterruptedException
        This method extracts text from PTOCA files. Returns the buffer of extracted text in ASCII format.
        di - DataInputStream containing compressed file data
        page - Page number of file from which to extract text
        ASCII format.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - if calling thread is interrupted.
      • IMG_add_watermark

        public byte[] IMG_add_watermark​(byte[] inBuffer,
                                        int page,
                                        int filetype,
                                        java.lang.String text,
                                        java.lang.String fontName,
                                        int fontSize,
                                        int verticalPos,
                                        int textDirection,
                                        int color,
                                        boolean transparent)
        This method adds a watermark string at the designated placement.
        inBuffer - Buffer containing image data
        page - Page on which to add watermark
        filetype - type of file in which to add watermark
        text - Text String to be added as watermark
        fontName - Font used to render text string
        fontSize - Font size (in points)
        verticalPos - (0:top, 1:center, 2:bottom)
        textDirection - (0:left-to-right,1:right-to-left,2:diagonal)
        color - (color value 0x00rrggbb)
        transparent - true:transparent, false:opaque)
        buffer containing output image with watermark.
      • IMG_color_gray

        public int IMG_color_gray()
        This method converts 24-bit color image to 8-bit gray scale. This method only works with 24-bit images.
        Integer. Any positive value (as well as 0) is a valid return.
      • IMG_save_document

        public byte[] IMG_save_document​(byte[] vbuff,
                                        int filetype)
        This method will save to a searchable Pdf file.
        vbuff - Byte array of extracted text and graphics.
        filetype - file type to save to currently only Pdf.
        Integer. Any positive value (as well as 0) is a valid return.
      • IMG_vector_to_svg

        public byte[] IMG_vector_to_svg​( inPtr,
                                        int[] length,
                                        int[] error,
                                        int page)
                                 throws java.lang.InterruptedException
        This method will any vector format to .SVG returned in a bytearray.
        inPtr - Input source document contained in a DataInputStream.
        length - Length of output buffer returned.
        error - int array to return any error code.
        page - Input file page number.
        byte array containing SVG
        java.lang.InterruptedException - if calling thread is interrupted.
      • IMG_vector_to_pdf

        public byte[] IMG_vector_to_pdf​( inPtr,
                                        int page,
                                        int[] error)
                                 throws java.lang.InterruptedException
        Convert document to (vector) PDF. Currently only supports HTML
        inPtr - source document contained in DataInputStream
        page - desired page to convert. -1 will convert entire document.
        error - positive value (as well as 0) indicates success. Negative value indicates an error.
        byte array containing converted PDF
        java.lang.InterruptedException - if calling thread is interrupted.
      • IMG_sharpen_bitmap

        public int IMG_sharpen_bitmap​(int svalue)
                               throws java.lang.InterruptedException

        This method sharpens or blurs the image. Positive values sharpen the image using a Laplacian method while negative values blur the image using an image-averaging filter.

         IMG_sharpen_bitmap Sample
         Snowbnd snow = new Snowbnd();
         snow.IMG_decompress_bitmap("c:/test.tif", 0);
         snow.IMG_sharpen_bitmap(127); // sharpens
         snow.IMG_save_bitmap("c:/test.sharpened.tif", 0);
         Snowbnd snow = new Snowbnd();
         snow.IMG_decompress_bitmap("c:/test.tif", 0);
         snow.IMG_sharpen_bitmap(-127); // blurs
         snow.IMG_save_bitmap("c:/test.blurred.tif", 0);
        svalue - Integer value from 127 to 127
        the sharpen bitmap operation. A value of 0 indicates success. Returns a FORMAT_NOT_ALLOWED error message for 1-bit (black and white) images and for 4-bit or 8-bit color images. Any value less than zero is a Snowbound error code.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - if calling thread is interrupted.
      • IMGLOW_redact_page

        public byte[] IMGLOW_redact_page​( inputStream,
                                         java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D.Double[] rarray,
                                         int page,
                                         int color,
                                         int[] error)
                                  throws java.lang.InterruptedException
        This method supports PDF redaction by removing text that intersects any of the rectangles in the rarray argument. It does not change images containing apparent text, or graphics which are the outlines of text.
        inputStream - DataInputStream containing file data.
        rarray - A rectangle or rectangles passed in as arguments.
        page - Page number to read.
        color - specifies the redaction rectangle color
        error - contains 0 on success
        Returns the bytes for the file with the redacted page
        java.lang.InterruptedException - if calling thread is interrupted.
      • IMGLOW_get_page_rotation

        public int IMGLOW_get_page_rotation​(byte[] pageBuff,
                                            int pageNum)
      • IMGLOW_rotate_page

        public byte[] IMGLOW_rotate_page​(byte[] pageBuff,
                                         int rotateAngle,
                                         int pageNum)
      • IMGLOW_appendRedactionAnnots

        public byte[] IMGLOW_appendRedactionAnnots​( singlePageStream,
                                                   Snow.SnowAnn sann,
                                                   int pageNum)
      • getDefaultDepth

        public int getDefaultDepth()
      • getDefaultResolution

        public int getDefaultResolution()
      • setDefaultDepth

        public void setDefaultDepth​(int bitsPerPix)
      • setDefaultResolution

        public void setDefaultResolution​(int resolution)
      • getOffice_BitsPerPix

        public int getOffice_BitsPerPix()
      • getOffice_resolution

        public int getOffice_resolution()
      • setOffice_resolution

        public void setOffice_resolution​(short officeResolution)
      • setOffice_BitsPerPix

        public void setOffice_BitsPerPix​(int officeBitsPerPix)
      • getOfficePagesizeX

        public double getOfficePagesizeX()
      • setOfficePagesizeX

        public void setOfficePagesizeX​(double officePagesizeX)
      • getOfficePagesizeY

        public double getOfficePagesizeY()
      • setOfficePagesizeY

        public void setOfficePagesizeY​(double officePagesizeY)
      • IMGLOW_ocr_is_available

        public boolean IMGLOW_ocr_is_available()
      • setShowExchangeInfo

        public void setShowExchangeInfo​(boolean showExchange)
      • IMGLOW_set_pdf_writer

        public int IMGLOW_set_pdf_writer​(java.lang.String outputPath)
      • IMGLOW_close_pdf_writer

        public void IMGLOW_close_pdf_writer()
      • IMGLOW_pdf_append_file

        public int IMGLOW_pdf_append_file​( dis)
      • IMGLOW_pdf_append_file

        public int IMGLOW_pdf_append_file​( dis,
                                          boolean addMargin)
      • IMGLOW_set_msg_render_preference

        public int IMGLOW_set_msg_render_preference​(int preference)
      • setHeicEnabled

        public void setHeicEnabled​(boolean enabled)
      • setHeicLibPath

        public int setHeicLibPath​(java.lang.String path)