Below, please find the release notes for PrizmDoc® for Java v5.13.0 and associated minor releases. For questions, please contact us at


General availability release.

Known Issues

New features

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that caused incorrect rendering of inline b/w images on certain PDF files.
  • Fixed an issue that disabled the user interface after searching for text in documents with page counts larger than searchBatchSize (set in config.js).



General availability release.

Known Issues

New features

  • Product Name Rebranding: For version v5.12.0 and earlier, the product’s name was VirtualViewer®. For version 5.13.0 and later, the product’s name is PrizmDoc® for Java. For consistency, we will refer to the product as PrizmDoc for Java throughout the documentation, except in the release notes.
  • Changed the default behavior for document links to open in a new browser tab instead of the current tab.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where selection rectangles would not display correctly over found text.
  • Fixed an issue with text recognition on certain color images.
  • Fixed an issue where not all pages of multipage TIFF images were searchable after performing OCR.
  • The redaction tag dialog was displaying an empty drop-down menu if vvConfig.searchRedactionTags was not set to true. Now, when the API virtualViewer.showTagAllRedactionsDialog is called, the drop-down menu displays correctly when vvConfig.annotationTags is not empty.
  • Fixed the threshold at which toolbars collapse. Previously toolbars collapsed based on the size of virtualViewerMain. Now, they collapse based on the size of the body element.
  • To improve accessibility of the product, we have removed the unaccessible horizontal scrollbar. Now, if the text overflows the line, it wraps to the line below so all the text is visible.
  • When a document was opened, the thumbnail of the first page was not highlighted. Now, when a user opens a document, the thumbnail of the first page is marked as the active thumbnail and is highlighted.
  • Fixed an issue where multipage TIFF files with different page formats would lose their original color depth after rotation.
  • Fixed an issue that caused an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on certain TIFF files.
  • Fixed an issue that caused incorrect image rendering on certain rotated PDF pages.
  • When document compare was performed with a document that did not contain text, then the loading spinner would always be displayed. Now, if the document does not contain any text, the loading spinner is no longer displayed.
  • Fixed an issue where new annotations on certain PDF pages were ovelapped with existing page content.
  • Made the following interactive elements keyboard-focusable and responsive to ‘enter’ keypress events:
    • Select Template button (vvDocumentNoteTemplateButton) context menu.
    • Search Pattern Dropdown Menu button (vvSearchDropDown) dropdown menu.
  • Removed the language ‘blacklist’ and ‘whitelist’ and replaced it with ‘denylist’ and ‘allowlist’.
  • Fixed an issue that caused an incorrect order of annotations to render when the oneLayerPerAnnotation config parameter was set to true.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a failure when a page is extracted or printed from certain tagged PDF files.
  • Fixed an issue that caused incorrect rendering of certain PDF pages containing 48-bpp images.
  • Fixed an issue that caused showing a ‘File not found’ error message while loading large virtual documents.


  • Discontinued using the library Moment.js and integrated Dayjs, an actively developed library.