Using a Response File with MSI
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Distributing & Deployment > Using a Response File with MSI

Glossary Item Box

To use a response file with MSI:

  1. Copy a response file to the same folder where the PrizmViewerMSI.msi file is located. For directions on creating a response file, see Create a Silent Prizm Viewer Installation.
  2. From the command line, call msiexec using the parameters described below.




Required to install the product.


Displays no user interface (silent installation).


When used in conjunction with the string "UserLogonCheck" it will not complete the installation if more than one user is logged on.

Example Install Copy Code
msiexec /qn /i PrizmviewerMSI.msi
Example Uninstall Copy Code
msiexec /qn /uninstall PrizmviewerMSI.msi
Example PDF Install Copy Code
msiexec /qn /i PrizmviewerPDFMSI.msi
Example PDF Uninstall Copy Code
msiexec /qn /uninstall PrizmviewerPDFMSI.msi

Using a Response File with User Logon Check

If more than one user is logged on, installation will not be completed. If you want to provide any values through the PrizmConfiguration.ini file, that file must be present in that same location.

Example Install with UserLogonCheck Copy Code
msiexec /qn /i PrizmviewerMSI.msi USERLOGONCHECK="true"
Example PDF Install with UserLogonCheck Copy Code
msiexec /qn /uninstall PrizmviewerMSI.msi USERLOGONCHECK="true"
Example Uninstall with UserLogonCheck Copy Code
msiexec /qn /i PrizmviewerPDFMSI.msi USERLOGONCHECK="true"
Example PDF Uninstall with UserLogonCheck Copy Code
msiexec /qn /uninstall PrizmviewerPDFMSI.msi USERLOGONCHECK="true"


If you have executed the install with users logged on, to complete the installation and associate the desired file types for those Prizm Viewer users, follow this procedure:

  1. While logged on as the user, access the Start | Programs | Accusoft | Prizm Viewer | File Associations and select OK. Prizm Viewer will finish associating files for that user.*
  2. If there are multiple users, each user will need to follow Step 1 above to allow Prizm Viewer to finish associating files for them.
*Firefox - This process will not update file associations for the Firefox browser. To update Firefox file associations, the user will need to reinstall Prizm Viewer to change file associations.

See Also

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