ImageGear provides 3 methods of the IGIsisCtl Control component to actually scan and acquire images:
- AcquireToDoc Method - Acquires multiple pages from an automatic document feeder, creating an IGDocument.
- AcquireToFile Method - Acquires multiple pages from an automatic document feeder, creating a multi-page file or multiple single-page files on disk.
- AcquireToPage Method - Acquires a single page from the flatbed or an automatic document feeder.
You can use any of the file formats supported by ImageGear when storing files on disk. TIFF is the most commonly used file format for storing multi-page documents. You can use TIFF when you scan pages from the ADF. ImageGear-supported formats that store only one image per file, such as Windows Bitmap (BMP), can be used for scanning multiple pages. A separate file is created for each image. There are three possible cases:
- If FileName specifies only a directory but not a file name, a separate file for each page will be created, using the names 00000001.tif, 00000002.tif, 00000003.tif, etc. If those files already exist, they will be deleted before being scanned into.
- If FileName specifies a filename and SavePagesSeparately is set to True, a separate file for each page will be created, but will use part of the name that you supplied. If the name you supplied was "ScanTest.bmp", your pages will be named as follows: ScanTest1.bmp, ScanTest2.bmp, ScanTest3.bmp ... ScanTest10.bmp, ScanTest11.bmp, etc. If these files already exist, they will be deleted before being scanned into.
- If SavePagesSeparately is False and FileFormat is set to a format type that supports multiple pages, such as TIFF, DCX, or MO:DCA, the images are stored in one file identified by the FileName parameter.