ImageGear Professional for Windows ActiveX
IGIsisCtl Control


Interacting with the ISIS DLL and Data Source, and loading the image(s) acquired from that device is the job of IGIsisCtl. Like IGCoreCtl, you'll place one of these into the user interface of your application, and then use it to perform image acquisition processing. Like IGCoreCtl, IGIsisCtl is an ActiveX control, which allows you to use it in the UI designer tool of each development environment. Like IGCoreCtl, IGIsisCtl presents no user interface to the application end-user at run-time - it is visible only at design-time. Your application program must associate the IGIsisCtl with the IGCoreCtl before using it - this is typically done when your application first starts up.


IIGComponent extends IDispatchEx
IIGIsis extends IIGComponent
IGIsisCtl extends IIGIsis


AcquireToDoc Method Acquires a set of images from the current ISIS driver, loading an IGDocument with one IGPage per image.
AcquireToFile Method Acquires a set of (one or more) images from the current ISIS driver, creating a multi-page file (or separate files) on disk.
AcquireToPage Method Acquires a single image from the current ISIS driver, loading the image into an IGPage object.
GetDriverAttr Method Used to get an attribute (version number, copyright info, etc.) of the currently selected ISIS driver.
GetTagChoice Method Used to obtain an IGISISTagChoice object for a specified tag.
GetTagDefaultValue Method Used to obtain an IGISISTagValue object that represents the default value of the specified tag.
GetTagValue Method Used to obtain an IGISISTagValue object that represents the current value of the specified tag.
LoadDriver Method Loads the ISIS driver into memory, in preparation of scan processing.
SelectDriver Method Displays a dialog box that allows the user to choose a scanner from among all the ISIS scanner drivers that can be found on the user's system.
SetTagDefaultValue Method Resets the specified tag to its default value.
ShowAboutBox Method Displays a dialog box with copyright and version information for the current driver.
ShowAreaDlg Method Displays a predefined dialog box that allows the user to set scanning area.
ShowConfigDlg Method Displays a dialog box showing configuration information for the currently selected scanner and allowing the configuration information to be changed by the user.
ShowScanParamsDlg Method Displays a predefined dialog box that allows the user to set scanning parameters, such as resolution, dither pattern, brightness, contrast, and so forth.
ShowSettingsDlg Method Displays a predefined dialog box that allows the user to access scanner specific settings, such as pagesize detection, barcode recognition, endorsement, gamma correction, and so forth.
UnloadDriver Method Removes the current ISIS driver from memory, used after scan processing is complete.
UpdateTagValueFrom Method Used to change the current value of an ISIS tag, using an IGISISTagValue object.
ComponentInfo Property Provides access to the IGComponentInfo object for IGIsisCtl. The IGComponentInfo object identifies the particular version of IGIsisCtl installed in the computer.
ComponentInterface Property Provides access to the IIGComponent interface for IGIsisCtl. Used in IGCoreCtl.AssociateComponent call.
DriverName Property Used to get the name of the ISIS driver that will be used for all other processing.
Index Property Returns/sets the number identifying a control in a control array.
Name Property Returns the name used in code to identify an object.
Object Property Returns an object in a control.
Parent Property Returns the object on which this object is located.
Tag Property Stores any extra data needed for your program.
WindowHandle Property A handle to a parent window. Used to display ISIS GUI dialogs.
AfterPage Event This event is fired by IGIsisCtl after each page is acquired using AcquireToDoc Method and AcquireToFile Method methods.
BeforePage Event This event is fired by IGIsisCtl just before a new page is acquired using AcquireToDoc Method and AcquireToFile Method methods.



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