ImageGear Professional for Windows ActiveX
Iterating Through Marks

Sometimes, your application will need to iterate through the marks in an IGArtPage Object. There are two mechanisms for doing this:

When you use either of these techniques, you must call MarkQuery Method for each mark to place the mark's attributes into the IGArtPage Object.Attr... properties. Your application can then perform the desired function. If the function was to modify the attributes, then your application must call MarkModify Method to apply the new attributes to the mark.

For example, to change the text of all selected marks to red, your application would do the following:

Copy Code
Dim hMark As Long
hMark = MarkIndex
Dim rgbvals As New IGPixel
Set rgbvals = IGCoreCtl1.CreateObject(IG_OBJ_PIXEL)
pPage.UserMode = userEditMode
pPage.MarkQuery hMark
rgbvals.RGB_R = 0
rgbvals.RGB_G = 50
rgbvals.RGB_B = 0
pPage.AttrForeColor = rgbvals
pPage.MarkModify hMark
pPage.MarkPaint hMark



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