ImageGear Professional for Windows ActiveX
Modifying Marks via Attribute Dialog

As long as the IGArtPage Object is in Edit mode, marks can be modified. As with creating marks, there are two ways to modify marks. The first is to use the InteractionProcess Method and "Property Sheet" dialogs, the second is to use the Attrxxx properties and the MarkModify Method.

Geometric changes (like moving and resizing) are done automatically, as a result of your implementation of the IGPageViewCtl Control mouse event handlers, as shown in Creating a Mark via the ToolBar. To make other changes to a mark, your application makes a simple call to IGArtPage Object to have one of the MarkAttribute dialogs displayed, and IGArtPage Object takes care of the rest. For example, if you wanted your users to be able to right-mouse-click on a mark to bring up its Property Sheet, you would put the following code in your application:

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Private Sub IGPageViewCtl1_MouseUp(ByVal Button As Integer,
ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long)
    Dim i As Long
    If Button = 2 Then
        i = artPage.MarkHitTest(X, Y)
        If i >= 0 Then
            artPage.MarkQuery i
            artPage.MarkAttributesShow (i)
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Note that there are 2 sets of Property Sheet dialogs. The preceding example shows how to use the MarkAttributes dialogs. There are also a set of GlobalAttributes dialogs, which allow the user to set the GlobalAttrxxx properties of IGArtPage Object. Your application could, for instance, define a set of menu items, one per mark type, to provide these GlobalAttributes dialogs to your end user:

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Private Sub mnuOptFilledRectangle_Click()
    artPage.GlobalAttributesShow markFilledRectangle
End Sub
Private Sub mnuOptHollowRectangle_Click()
    artPage.GlobalAttributesShow markHollowRectangle
End Sub



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