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ImagXpress 12 for ActiveX - API Reference > Properties, Methods & Events by Category > Viewing

Glossary Item Box


ImagXpress® has a large number of attributes that it can apply to viewing an image. Typically these attributes are only applied to the representation of the image on the view and do not permanently affect the image.


AlignH Gets and sets the horizontal alignment of the image being viewed.
AlignV Gets and sets the vertical alignment of the image being viewed.
AspectX Gets and sets the horizontal aspect ratio of the current image.
AspectY Gets and sets the vertical aspect ratio of the current image.
AutoInvalidate Gets and sets whether the control will receive notifications to perform a refresh on the view if the image buffer has changed.
AutoSize Gets or sets the type of image re-sizing to perform in the view.
BackColor Gets and sets the background color of the control window.
BorderType Gets and sets the window style of border for the control.
ClientHeight Gets the height of the client area of the control's window.
ClientWidth Gets the width of the client area of the control's window.
ClipboardFormat Gets and sets the format of the type of image to place on the Window's clipboard.
DIBXPos Gets the x-coordinate of the mouse pointer with respect to the DIB.
DIBYPos Gets the y-coordinate of the mouse pointer with respect to the DIB.
DisplayMode Gets or sets a value indicating the maximum color depth used to render an image.
Enabled Gets and sets the enabled state of the control.
hPAL Gets the handle for palette for use with the current image.
hWnd Gets the window handle of the control.
ImagError Gets the control's last error.
ManagePalette Gets and sets the palette management flag.
MaxHeight Gets and sets the maximum height the ImagXpress control can be resized to.
MaxWidth Gets and sets the maximum width the ImagXpress control can be resized to.
MinHeight Gets and sets the minimum height the ImagXpress control can be resized to.
MinWidth Gets and sets the minimum width the ImagXpress control can be resized to.
MouseIcon Gets and sets a custom mouse icon.
MousePointer Gets and sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when the mouse cursor is inside the object.
MouseWheelCapture Gets and sets whether the mouse wheel is captured.
Notify Gets and sets whether the Notify event will be raised after an image displays.
NotifyDelay Gets and sets the Notify event delay.
Palette Gets and sets which palette is used to display the image.
PFileName Gets and sets the filename that contains the palette for the control.
Picture Gets and sets a bitmap to display in the control.
PictureEnabled Gets and sets whether the Picture property can be used to load images.
PixelColor Gets the color of the pixel at the current cursor position inside the image.
RaiseExceptions Gets and sets whether exceptions are raised.
RgnSpriteX Gets the x-coordinate of the top-left position of the current sprite within the image.
RgnSpriteY Gets the y-coordinate of the top-left position of the current sprite within the image.
RgnVisible Gets and sets an indicator if the current image processing update region is visible.
RubberBandH Gets the height (in pixels) of the current RubberBand object.
RubberBandL Gets the left position (in pixels) of the top-left of the current Rubberband area.
RubberBandT Gets the top position (in pixels) of the top-left of the current Rubberband area.
RubberBandW Gets the width (in pixels) of the current RubberBand object.
ScrollBarLargeChangeH Gets and sets the scroll amount when the horizontal scroll bar page area (between the thumb and arrow) is clicked.
ScrollBarLargeChangeV Gets and sets the scroll amount when the vertical scroll bar page area (between the thumb and arrow) is clicked.
ScrollBars Gets and sets the scroll bar property, to indicate whether vertical and/or horizontal scrollbars are enabled.
ScrollBarSmallChangeH Gets and sets the horizontal scroll amount when the horizontal scroll bar arrow is clicked.
ScrollBarSmallChangeV Gets and sets the scroll amount when the vertical scroll bar arrow is clicked.
ScrollX Gets and sets the horizontal position (in pixels) of the scroll rectangle.
ScrollY Gets and sets the vertical position (in pixels) of the scroll rectangle.
ShowHourglass Gets and sets whether to display the hourglass during processing.
ViewAlphaBlend Gets and sets whether alpha blending an image to the background of the control when an alpha channel is present in the image.
ViewAntialias Gets and sets the anti-alias effect.
ViewBrightness Gets and sets the view brightness level of the displayed image.
ViewContrast Gets and sets the view contrast level of the displayed image.
ViewCropHeight Gets and sets the view cropped height (in pixels) of the displayed image.
ViewCropWidth Gets and sets the view cropped width (in pixels) of the displayed image.
ViewCropX Gets and sets the view cropped top-left x-coordinate (in pixels) of the displayed image.
ViewCropY Gets and sets the view cropped top-left y-coordinate (in pixels) of the displayed image.
ViewDithered Gets and sets whether the current image is dithered in the view.
ViewGrayMode Gets and sets the mode of gray for the image.
ViewImageID Gets and sets the image ID for the image to display in the view.
ViewPreserveBlack Gets and sets whether fine lines should be enhanced to increase readability.
ViewProgressive Gets and sets progressive view capability of the view control.
ViewSmoothing Gets and sets the smoothing effect in the view.
ViewStatus Gets and sets the status of the current view image buffer.
ViewUpdate Gets and sets the update flag for the view.
Xpos Gets the logical x-coordinate of the cursor within the displayed image, in pixels.
Ypos Gets the logical y-coordinate of the cursor within the displayed image, in pixels.
ZoomFactor Gets and sets the value by which the current display image will be resized.


Copy Copies the current image to the Window's clipboard.
CopyRubberbandDIB Creates a copy of the current DIB bounded by the current rubberband.
MousePointerIsBuiltin Retrieves if a mouse pointer is built in or has been set with a custom one loaded by the application.
MousePointerReset Resets the mouse pointer to the default built in mouse pointer and releases resources if it is custom mouse pointer.
MousePointerSetFromCursor Sets the mouse pointer type to a custom cursor from a handle.
MousePointerSetFromPicture Sets the mouse pointer type to be a custom cursor from a picture.
Paint Causes the control to immediately repaint.
PaintDC Render an image to the specified device context.
Paste Pastes the current bitmap or DIB from the clipboard.
PRGBGetColors Gets the colors in the user defined palette for the control.
PRGBSetColors Sets the colors in a user defined palette for the control.
Refresh Causes the control to repaint.
RgnCreateSprite Creates a copy of the current region in a transparent window that can be moved or pasted into the image.
RgnDeleteSprite Deletes the current sprite.
RgnMoveSprite Moves the current sprite to a new position within the image.
RgnPasteSprite Pastes the current sprite into the image.
RubberBand Turns rubber-banding on and off.
RubberbandUpdate Updates the current rubber band.
ShowViewImageInfo Shows a dialog box displaying information about the selected image.
TranslateX Translates values from one horizontal (x) coordinate system to the other.
TranslateY Translates values from one vertical (y) coordinate system to the other.
ZoomToFit Zoom factor to fit current image within the ImagXpress control.


AutoSizeChanged Raised when the AutoSize property has changed.
Click Raised when the user clicks the mouse on the image.
DblClick Raised when the user double-clicks the mouse on the image.
KeyDown Raised when a key is pressed while the control has focus.
KeyPress Raised when a key is pressed while the control has focus.
KeyUp Raised when a key is released while the control has focus.
MouseDown Raised when the user presses down on a mouse button over the image.
MouseMove Raised each time the mouse moves over an image.
MouseUp Raised when the user lifts up on a mouse button while over an image.
Notify Raised when the Notify property is True and sometime (NotifyDelay) after the image in the control paints.
Paint Raised when the control paints.
PaintBackground Raised when the background is painted.
PaintImage Raised when the image is painted.
Resized Raised when the ImagXpress control resizes.
Scroll Raised when the user makes a minor or major adjustment with the scrollbars on an ImagXpress control or when the user pans around the image with either the Hand tool or Pan tool.
ScrollBarVisibleChanged Raised when the scrollbar visibility state changes.
ZoomFactorChanged Raised when the ZoomFactor property changes.

See Also

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