- Color or Grayscale Images - Barcode Xpress works with 1, 8, or 24-bit images.
- Not able to read Barcodes when you know they exist due to poor image quality - There is no set process for cleanup of images. What may work on one image for clean-up, may not work on another.
- Issues with barcode recognition - Some reasons why your barcode may not be detected could be due to poor resolution, resolutions of horizontal and vertical are not the same, the barcode wasn't made correctly according to the standard, bad scanning quality, bad image quality (see bullet two above), or the barcode is a type that Barcode Xpress doesn't read.
- Confidence values - Confidence values are programmed into the component. Barcode Xpress is conservative on confidence values compared to other competitive components so the developer understands when a barcode may not be 100% accurate. This ensures the barcode recognized is producing accurate data.
Event Handling
Barcode Xpress may throw a number of exceptions if it comes across errors or events that need to be handled by the application. These exceptions are tabulated below:
Exception | Description |
ImageNotAvailableException | Thrown whenever there is no image available for an operation that requires one. |
InsufficientHeightException | Thrown if the WriterBase.Height value set by the user is smaller than the required height of the barcode. |
InsufficientWidthException | Thrown if the barcode WriterBase.Width value set by the user is smaller than the required width of the barcode. |
InternalErrorException | Thrown whenever an unhandled exception is encountered. |
InvalidAreaException | Thrown whenever an invalid area is used in barcode recognition. |
InvalidBarcodeValueException | Thrown if the WriterBase.BarcodeValue is NULL, or if the barcode value set is invalid for the current barcode type. |
InvalidBitmapException | Thrown if an invalid bitmap is detected. |
InvalidIndexException | Thrown if a request for results is outside the valid range. |
InvalidLicenseException | Thrown if an invalid license is detected. |
InvalidParameterException | Thrown if a parameter is invalid. |
OutOfMemoryException | Thrown if the creation of the bitmap to draw the barcode fails. |
ParameterOutOfRangeException | Thrown if a parameter is out of range. |
StringParseErrorException | Thrown if a parse error is encountered in the ReadFromStream method. |
TimeoutErrorException | This exception is not used. |
UnableCreateUPCEException | Thrown if the function to expand a UPC-E value to a UPC-A value fails. |
UnableReadBitmapException | Thrown when a bitmap cannot be read, possibly because of an invalid bitmap handle. |
UnsupportBarcodeTypeException | Thrown if an unsupported barcode type is detected. |
Error Codes
Listed below is a cross reference of error codes and their corresponding descriptions.
Error Codes | Error | Description |
9000 | OutOfMemoryException |
There is not enough memory to continue the operation. |
9001 | InvalidParameterException |
Invalid parameter. |
9002 | ParameterOutOfRangeException |
Parameter out of range. |
9003 | InvalidBitmapException |
Invalid bitmap. |
9004 | UnableReadbitmapException |
Unable to read bitmap. |
9005 | UnsupportBarcodeTypeException |
Unsupported barcode type. |
9006 | InvalidIndexException |
Invalid index. |
9007 | InvalidBarcodeValueException |
Invalid barcode value set. |
9008 | InsufficientWidthException |
Insufficient barcode width. |
9009 | InsufficientHeightException |
Insufficient barcode height. |
9010 | UnableCreateUPCEException |
Unable to create UPC-E barcode. |
9011 | InvalidLicenseException |
Invalid license. |
9012 | TimeoutErrorException |
Timeout Error. |
9013 | ImageNotAvailableException |
Image not available. |
9014 | InternalErrorException |
Internal error. |
9015 | InvalidAreaException |
Area is outside required range. |
9200 | StreamParseException |
An error was encountered while parsing the stream data in the ReadFromStream method. |