Barcode Xpress for .NET Core v13.9 - Updated
Debug Your Application
Developer Guide > How To > Debug Your Application


Event Handling

Barcode Xpress may throw a number of exceptions if it comes across errors or events that need to be handled by the application. These exceptions are tabulated below:

Exception Description
ImageNotAvailableException Thrown whenever there is no image available for an operation that requires one.
InsufficientHeightException Thrown if the WriterBase.Height value set by the user is smaller than the required height of the barcode.
InsufficientWidthException Thrown if the barcode WriterBase.Width value set by the user is smaller than the required width of the barcode.
InternalErrorException Thrown whenever an unhandled exception is encountered.
InvalidAreaException Thrown whenever an invalid area is used in barcode recognition.
InvalidBarcodeValueException Thrown if the WriterBase.BarcodeValue is NULL, or if the barcode value set is invalid for the current barcode type.
InvalidBitmapException Thrown if an invalid bitmap is detected.
InvalidIndexException Thrown if a request for results is outside the valid range.
InvalidLicenseException Thrown if an invalid license is detected.
InvalidParameterException Thrown if a parameter is invalid.
OutOfMemoryException Thrown if the creation of the bitmap to draw the barcode fails.
ParameterOutOfRangeException Thrown if a parameter is out of range.
StringParseErrorException Thrown if a parse error is encountered in the ReadFromStream method.
TimeoutErrorException This exception is not used.
UnableCreateUPCEException Thrown if the function to expand a UPC-E value to a UPC-A value fails.
UnableReadBitmapException Thrown when a bitmap cannot be read, possibly because of an invalid bitmap handle.
UnsupportBarcodeTypeException Thrown if an unsupported barcode type is detected.

Error Codes

Listed below is a cross reference of error codes and their corresponding descriptions.

Error Codes Error Description
9000 OutOfMemoryException There is not enough memory to continue the operation.
9001 InvalidParameterException Invalid parameter.
9002 ParameterOutOfRangeException Parameter out of range.
9003 InvalidBitmapException Invalid bitmap.
9004 UnableReadbitmapException Unable to read bitmap.
9005 UnsupportBarcodeTypeException Unsupported barcode type.
9006 InvalidIndexException Invalid index.
9007 InvalidBarcodeValueException Invalid barcode value set.
9008 InsufficientWidthException Insufficient barcode width.
9009 InsufficientHeightException Insufficient barcode height.
9010 UnableCreateUPCEException Unable to create UPC-E barcode.
9011 InvalidLicenseException Invalid license.
9012 TimeoutErrorException Timeout Error.
9013 ImageNotAvailableException Image not available.
9014 InternalErrorException Internal error.
9015 InvalidAreaException Area is outside required range.
9200 StreamParseException An error was encountered while parsing the stream data in the ReadFromStream method.

See Also

Accusoft Support

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