Barcode Xpress for .NET Core v13.9 - Updated
Build and Run the Sample
Developer Guide > How To > Build and Run the Sample

This sample was designed to be run from the command line.

Command Line Interface (CLI)

To run the sample using the .Net CLI, use the "dotnet run" command, optionally specifying an image path. This will build and run the sample.

Run the sample

dotnet run

Scan a specific image for barcodes

dotnet run path/to/your/image.jpg

Visual Studio

To run the sample using Visual Studio:

  1. Open the solution, right-click on the ReadBarcodes project in the Solution Explorer, select Properties, and then click on the Debug tab.

  2. In the Application arguments text box:

    • Specify an image path (optional)
  3. After you have optionally specified an image path, press CTRL+F5 to run the sample.

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