Below are two examples of how to run VirtualViewer® in Docker. If you are running Docker on Linux, skip to the Examples section.

Preferably in production, you will run this image on a Linux based Docker host such as Debian or Ubuntu LTS. If you are using Docker on macOS or Windows, it is only recommended to run VirtualViewer® this way for evaluation purposes. The default configuration does not provide enough memory or proper permissions.

Table of Contents

Minimum Requirements

  • A valid, non-expired, slicense.json file
    • If no license is loaded, every page will have the watermark Snowbound Software Evaluation.
  • Preferably, a Linux VM running Docker. We support Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.
  • At least 4 logical CPUs.
  • At least 4 GB of memory (Preferably 8 GB if you plan to process large documents).
  • At least 8 GB of disk space for VirtualViewer (Preferably 32 GB).
    • Additional space for content will be dependent on your project requirements.
    • Additional space for tomcat logs will be dependent on your logging strategy.

Evaluating VirtualViewer Docker on Linux

This configuration will give you the best results. Go here to get started.

Evaluating VirtualViewer Docker on macOS

The default resource allocations that Docker for macOS comes configured with is not quite enough to see VirtualViewer perform properly. Please make the following adjustments.

  1. Open Docker Preferences
  2. Open the File Sharing tab and make sure that you can access the path that you have downloaded the slicense.json to. By default it will be somewhere in /Users which is already enabled.
  3. Select the Advanced tab and adjust Memory to 4096MB and CPUs to at least 2.
  4. Click Apply and wait for Docker to restart.
  5. Go here to get started.

Evaluating VirtualViewer Docker on Windows

Note about Docker on Windows in VMware

Note that Docker on Windows in a Virtual Machine such as VMware requires nested virtualization. Docker on Windows requires a Hyper-V VM to run Docker. We 100% guarantee that VirtualViewer will run unacceptable in this configuration if at all. If you need to evaluate VirtualViewer on a virtual machine, use a Linux distribution such as Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.


The default resource allocations that Docker for Windows comes configured with is not quite enough to see VirtualViewer perform properly. Please make the following adjustments.

  1. Open Docker Settings
  2. Select the Shared Drives tab and enable the drive where your slicense.jar and configuration files are located. Likely C:\
    • You will be prompted for your Windows credentials.
    • Be aware that Docker on Windows mounts volumes over CIFS as 0777 or a+rwx. This is not configurable and can have security implications. This is one reason why we do not recommend using Docker for Windows in production.
  3. In Docker for macOS open the File Sharing tab and make sure that you can access the path that you have downloaded the slicense.json to. By default it will be somewhere in /Users which is already enabled.
  4. Select the Advanced tab and adjust Memory to 4096MB and CPUs to at least 2.
    • This option may not be required under WSL2
  5. Click Apply and wait for the Docker Hyper-V virtual machine to restart.
  6. Go here to get started.

docker run Examples

Below are a few examples of how to run VirtualViewer on Docker. Before running any example, be sure to do the following first

  1. Clone this repo to the machine you will run docker (or download the ZIP and extract it)
  2. Copy your slicense.json file into the newly created classes directory.
    • Optionally set the license as an environmental variable. See example below.

Sample Handler

  1. Run docker run -it -p 8080:8080 -v <PATH TO CLASSES>:/snowbound/classes snowbound/virtualviewer:5.11.0-latest.
  2. Open a browser to http://localhost:8080/virtualviewer.

License as Environmental Variable

  1. Run docker run -it -p 8080:8080 --env SLICENSE="CONTENTS OF SLICENSE.JSON" snowbound/virtualviewer:5.11.0-latest.
    • You will need to escape " as \" and place the license within quotes.
    • Example:
       export SLICENSE='{"SerialNumber":"1294a340-e3b2-4366-89b6-0fe71aae3ffb","Company":"Snowbound Software","OrderNumber":"Documentation","License_ExpirationDate":"10-20-2021","Maintenance_ExpirationDate":"10-20-2021","Products":["RasterMasterJava","VirtualViewerJava"],"LicenseType":"None","OEM":"","CanOEM":false},"rastermaster":{"Major":-1,"Minor":-1,"Formats":["standard","annotation","svg"]},"virtualviewer":{"Major":-1,"Minor":-1},"Signature":"BAoYP3sCpJGFVVDlhqRa6XKWZ9od0HK9ngiWFN9EMZjIftrgOrYm9SIy58HHabRwXE/Cr5ClQcILAjT03XJ0Ndedt253PLtJmjVSD/5YhFQgCk4H4WUhxE1llqY+wL5eD6qBa8ekKk6pD5jT/7hZQvTvY7bbcsgL/54ndZIII6kg51qkfVCmu/KNFsDULWn8FVI3eyJc/AUZK1cYpOFykvZxux4uCOeloMRspeKkV+tXvagP/P9E50AdvlvsdjYOsLY2YrVinyOGDEWlwWj/neT/TG0+Qr0quOnrt3MxnyPKKsy8y0AN/ysMGmHcSF1HOQi6wxgG2rn8tbJfZ/aqeQ=="}'
       docker run -it -p 8080:8080 --env SLICENSE=$SLICENSE snowbound/virtualviewer:5.11.0-latest
  2. Open a browser to http://localhost:8080/virtualviewer.

Custom Content Handler

  1. Copy your custom content handler.jar and required dependencies into the newly created classes directory.
  2. In the WEB-XML directory, edit the parameter contentHandlerClass and replace com.snowbound.contenthandler.example.FileContentHandler with the classpath of your custom content handler.
  3. Run docker run -it -p 8080:8080 -v <PATH TO CLASSES>:/snowbound/classes snowbound/virtualviewer:5.11.0-latest
  4. Open a browser to http://localhost:8080/virtualviewer.

Thread Timeout

Some documents may hang or take a long time to process. The thread stuck detection threshold by default is 600 seconds and interruptThreadThreshold default is -1 which disables the feature. See the reference below for more information.

Edit server.xml

Inside your server.xml file, you should see a <Host name="localhost" appBase="webapps" unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true"> block near the end. If it does not already exist, insert the example <Valve> block between the <Host> </Host> blocks.

<!-- Use the StuckThreadDetectionValve to test how VV/RM handles thread interruption -->
<Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.StuckThreadDetectionValve" 
				interruptThreadThreshold="56" />

Be sure to adjust threshold and interruptThreadThreshold durations to your desired durations. VirtualViewer will alert you when a document fails to process within the alloted time.

You will need to add the -v <PATH TO TOMCAT>:/snowbound/tomcat argument to your docker run.


docker run -it -p 8080:8080 -v /home/dpowers/git/virtualviewer-tomcat9.0-jdk11-openjdk_v5.11.0/classes:/snowbound/classes -v /home/dpowers/git/virtualviewer-tomcat9.0-jdk11-openjdk_v5.11.0/tomcat:/snowbound/tomcat snowbound/virtualviewer:5.11.0-latest


Docker Resource Allocation

Until Java 9, the JVM did not recognize CPU or memory limits set by the container flags. In Java 10, memory limits are automatically recognized and enforced. This is why VirtualViewer is built and packaged with OpenJDK 11.

Docker Arguments

-m or --memory= - Memory Allocation

The maximum amount of memory the container can use. If you set this option, the minimum allowed value is 4m (4 megabyte).

--cpus= - Logical CPU core count

Specify how much of the available CPU resources a container can use. For instance, if the host machine has two CPUs and you set --cpus="1.5", the container is guaranteed at most one and a half of the CPUs.


docker run -it -p 8080:8080 -v /home/dpowers/classes:/snowbound/classes --mount type=tmpfs,destination=/tmp /vvcache -m 512m --cpus=1 snowbound/virtualviewer:5.11.0-latest


Port Mapping

VirtualViewer runs on tomcat on port 8080 inside the Docker container. The argument formatting is as follows -p host_port:container_port or -p host_ip:host_port:container_port. The host_ip is only required if your Docker host is assigned multiple IP addresses.

Standard Mapping

To expose 8080 on the host side, use the -p 8080:8080 argument

Different Port

If you require a different port such as 8085, use -p 8085:8080

Different IP and Different Port

If you need to bind to a specific IP address, use -p

Volume Definitions

Volumes are the preferred mechanism for persisting data generated by and used by Docker containers.


Classes to be added to the VirtualViewer webapp

  • Place slicense.json, custom content handler JAR, and any other JAR files that are required in the $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/virtualviewer/WEB-INF/lib directory
  • Directories will be ignored and existing files in lib will not be overwritten
  • Example: -v /home/dpowers/git/virtualviewer-tomcat9.0-jdk11-openjdk_v5.11.0/classes:/snowbound/classes


Additional fonts not provided by the tomcat image

  • Place additional ttf files here
  • They will be copied into $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/virtualviewer/fonts

  • Example: -v /home/dpowers/git/virtualviewer-tomcat9.0-jdk11-openjdk_v5.11.0/fonts:/snowbound/fonts


Snowbound JS files

  • Place custom JS files here.
  • If possible, modifications should be made inside user-config first.


Tomcat global configuration files

  • Place custom server.xml file here
  • They will be copied into $CATALINA_HOME/conf

  • Example: -v /home/dpowers/git/virtualviewer-tomcat9.0-jdk11-openjdk_v5.11.0/tomcat:/snowbound/tomcat


VirtualViewer user configurable CSS and JS files

  • Place custom CSS and JS files here
  • Files will be copied into $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/virtualviewer/user-config
  • Example: -v /home/dpowers/git/virtualviewer-tomcat9.0-jdk11-openjdk_v5.11.0/user-config:/snowbound/user-config


The default VirtualViewer ehcache location. Adding a tmpfs mount point may improve performance in some use cases. If your VirtualViewer install is clustered, you may want to use Terracotta to distribute your ehcache across nodes. This topic is beyond the scope of this document.

  • If you edit the ehcache.xml file and change the path, be sure to change it here as well

  • Non-persistent Example: --mount type=tmpfs,destination=/tmp/vvcache
  • Persistent Example: -v vvcache:/tmp/vvcache


tomcat webapp configuration for VirtualViewer

  • Place modified ehcache.xml and web.xml files in WEB-INF
  • They will be copied to $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/virtualviewer/WEB-INF
  • Example: -v /home/dpowers/git/virtualviewer-tomcat9.0-jdk11-openjdk_v5.11.0/WEB-INF:/snowbound/WEB-INF

Inspecting an Image

Docker images are labeled with various pieces of meta data at build time. To show this information, run docker image inspect <image_name> and look for the Labels section. When submitting bugs or issues with Accusoft, please attach the output of this command if possible.

Label Names


  • The image this Docker image was based FROM.
  • Example: tomcat:9.0-jdk11-openjdk


  • The build host that created this Docker image.
  • Example: sb0011qad-debian


  • The virtualviewer-dockerfiles CI job number.
  • Example: 345


  • The specific flavor of VirtualViewer Java.
  • Example: virtualviewer-vanilla, virtualviwer-alfresco


  • The VirtualViewer Java version number. The 4th number is the VirtualViewer-Java CI job number.
  • Example:


  • The artifact version of RasterMaster Java used in this VirtualViewer Java build.
  • Example: 20.11.0


  • The image vendor name. It is strongly encouraged that you change this if you redistribute custom images via a registry.
  • Example: Accusoft Corporation


  • The GitHub VirtualViewer Java GitHub commit ID used when building the VirtualViewer Java WAR file.
  • Example: ed84f77ae71f9671d60600e6c7403caf33f35ac4

Building Custom VirtualViewer Images

This information is only for end users looking to build custom images. If you require further assistance, please contact Accusoft support for more information.

We currently build our image FROM tomcat:9.0-jdk11-openjdk. You can find the official tomcat images at If you need to build VirtualViewer from a different image, please visit our public GitHub repository. There you can find the Dockerfile we use to build ours.

You will need a virtualviewer.war package to build this image.