ContentHandlerResult |
HealthCheckInterface.checkAvailable(ContentHandlerInput input) |
Returns null, or an empty ContentHandlerResult for a successful "healthy" result, or throws a
VirtualViewerAPIException for an "unhealthy" result.
ContentHandlerResult |
CreateDocumentInterface.createDocument(ContentHandlerInput input) |
ContentHandlerResult |
AnnotationsInterface.deleteAnnotation(ContentHandlerInput input) |
Called when the client has requested to delete the specified annotation layer.
ContentHandlerResult |
BookmarksInterface.deleteBookmarkContent(ContentHandlerInput input) |
Delete the bookmark XML content for the specified document key, if it exists.
ContentHandlerResult |
DocumentNotesInterface.deleteNotesContent(ContentHandlerInput input) |
Called when the client has requested to delete all notes for the specified document.
ContentHandlerResult |
WatermarksInterface.deleteWatermarkContent(ContentHandlerInput input) |
Delete the watermark content for the specified document key, if it exists.
ContentHandlerResult |
EventSubscriberInterface.eventNotification(ContentHandlerInput input) |
This method is called when some events occur in the VirtualViewer client, such as opening a document or viewing a
new page on the document.
ContentHandlerResult |
AllAnnotationsInterface.getAllAnnotationsForDocument(ContentHandlerInput input) |
Returns a map of all of the annotations for a specified document key.
ContentHandlerResult |
AnnotationsInterface.getAnnotationContent(ContentHandlerInput input) |
Returns the content for the specified annotation layer and document key in the form of a
byte array.
ContentHandlerResult |
AnnotationsInterface.getAnnotationNames(ContentHandlerInput input) |
Returns an array of annotation layer names for the specified
document key and client instance key.
ContentHandlerResult |
AnnotationsInterface.getAnnotationProperties(ContentHandlerInput input) |
Returns the properties for a specified annotation layer key in the form
of a hashtable.
ContentHandlerResult |
AvailableDocumentsInterface.getAvailableDocumentIds(ContentHandlerInput input) |
Returns an array containing the set of document keys available for viewing.
ContentHandlerResult |
BookmarksInterface.getBookmarkContent(ContentHandlerInput input) |
Returns the bookmark XML content for the specified document key in the
form of a byte array.
ContentHandlerResult |
VirtualViewerContentHandlerInterface.getDocumentContent(ContentHandlerInput input) |
Returns the content for the specified document key.
ContentHandlerResult |
DocumentNotesInterface.getNotesContent(ContentHandlerInput input) |
Returns the contents of the document notes XML file for the specified document key in the
form of a byte array.
ContentHandlerResult |
OCRDataProviderInterface.getOCRDataForDocument(ContentHandlerInput input) |
Returns a JSON file, passed as a byte array, of OCRed text data for a document.
ContentHandlerResult |
OCRDataProviderInterface.getOCRDataOnPerformOCR(ContentHandlerInput input) |
Returns a JSON file, passed as a byte array, of OCRed text data for a document.
ContentHandlerResult |
WatermarksInterface.getWatermarkContent(ContentHandlerInput input) |
Returns the watermark file for the specified document key in the form of a byte array.
ContentHandlerResult |
AnnotationsInterface.saveAnnotationContent(ContentHandlerInput input) |
This method gets called when annotation data for the specified
annotation file is ready to be saved.
ContentHandlerResult |
VirtualViewerContentHandlerInterface.saveDocumentComponents(ContentHandlerInput input) |
This method is used to save or update an existing document and sub-components of the document, such as annotations,
bookmarks, document notes and watermarks.
ContentHandlerResult |
VirtualViewerContentHandlerInterface.saveDocumentComponentsAs(ContentHandlerInput input) |
This method is used to save a copy of a document under a new key, along with sub-components of the document, such
as annotations, bookmarks, document notes and watermarks.
ContentHandlerResult |
VirtualViewerContentHandlerInterface.saveDocumentContent(ContentHandlerInput input) |
This method is used to update document data only.
ContentHandlerResult |
SendDocumentInterface.sendDocumentContent(ContentHandlerInput input) |
This method gets called to send a document via a mechanism defined by the content handler.
ContentHandlerResult |
CacheValidator.validateCache(ContentHandlerInput input) |
This method is called before each document is stored in or retrieved from the VirtualViewer document cache and
can confirm the operation or prevent it on a document-by-document basis.