Accusoft.TwainProSdk Namespace
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Glossary Item Box


ClassApplicationIdentity An object that represents the TWAIN identity of the application.
ClassCapabilityContainer This class contains the capability information.
ClassCapabilityContainerArray This class is an array type container for storing capability information.
ClassCapabilityContainerEnum A class which contains enumeration capability information.
ClassCapabilityContainerFrame This class implements a capability container for storing a frame value.
ClassCapabilityContainerOneValue This class implements a one value type container for storing capability information.
ClassCapabilityContainerOneValueCollection This class implements a collection of CapabilityContainerOneValue objects.
ClassCapabilityContainerOneValueFloat This class implements a capability container for storing a float value.
ClassCapabilityContainerOneValueString This class implements a capability container for storing a string value.
ClassCapabilityContainerRange This class implements a range type container for storing capability information.
ClassCapabilityNotSupportedException This exception is thrown if an operation is performed using an unsupported capability.
ClassCaption This class implements an object that stores the settings used to place a caption on images when they are scanned.
ClassClipboardException This exception is thrown if an error occurs trying to open the clipboard with the CopyToClipboard or CutToClipboard method.
ClassCompressedImageNotAvailableException This exception is thrown if no compressed image is available for the requested operation or an unsupported compressed image format was returned in response to a StartSession.
ClassDataSourceCollection A read-only collection of Data Source product names which is set by calling the OpenDataSourceManager method.
ClassDataSourceInvalidOperationException This exception is thrown if the Data Source performs an operation that caused an exception.
ClassExtendedImageInfoContainer This class implements extended image info.
ClassExtendedImageInfoContainerValue This class implements a single value of extended image info.
ClassExtendedImageInfoContainerValueCollection This class represents a collection of ExtendedImageInfoContainerValue objects.
ClassExtendedImageInfoContainerValueFloat This class implements a float value of extended image info.
ClassExtendedImageInfoContainerValueString This class implements a string value of extended image info.
ClassFileCreateException This exception is thrown if TwainPRO is unable to create the file specified in the Save method.
ClassFileOpenException This exception is thrown if TwainPRO is unable to open an existing file to append pages when saving a multi-page image file, or if TwainPRO is unable to open a settings file.
ClassFileReadException This exception is thrown if TwainPRO is unable to read an existing file to append pages when saving a multi-page image file, or if TwainPRO is unable to read a settings file.
ClassFileWriteException This exception is thrown if an error occurs while TwainPRO is attempting to save a file to the path specified in the Save method, or while TwainPRO is attempting to write a settings file.
ClassFtpOptions This class implements properties and methods necessary for authentication and remote processing when saving an image.
ClassFtpTransferException This exception is thrown if an error occurs trying to FTP an image.
ClassImageNotAvailableException This exception is thrown if no image is available for the requested operation or an unsupported DIB format was returned in response to a StartSession.
ClassIndexOutOfRangeException This exception is thrown if the requested index was out of range for the property array.
ClassInternalErrorException This exception is thrown if an internal failure occurs.
ClassInternetFilesNotInstalledException This exception is thrown if the required Internet DLL file(s) are missing.
ClassInvalidBitDepthException This exception is thrown if an invalid image resolution for the selected file format or an unsupported bits per pixel was returned from a StartSession.
ClassInvalidLicenseException This exception is thrown if a user attempts to access functionality that is not covered under the license in effect.
ClassInvalidPropertyException This exception is thrown if a property was set or queried that was not valid for the current capability type.
ClassLicensing This class implements methods for setting the license information for the toolkit.
ClassLoadSettingsException This exception is thrown if an error occurs when loading a settings file.
ClassOperationCancelledException This exception is thrown if the user cancelled the requested operation.
ClassOutOfMemoryException This exception is thrown if TwainPRO is unable to allocate memory for the requested operation.
ClassPegasusFilesNotInstalledException This exception is thrown if the required Pegasus DLL file(s) are missing.
ClassPropertyOrMethodNotAvailableException This exception is thrown if the property or method requested is not currently available.
ClassSaveOptions This class implements file writing of image formats.
ClassSaveOptionsJpeg Implements SaveOptions for the JPEG file format.
ClassSaveOptionsPdf This class implements SaveOptions for the PDF file format.
ClassSaveOptionsPic This class implements objects for saving PIC options.
ClassSaveOptionsPng This class implements objects for saving Png options.
ClassSaveOptionsTiff Implements SaveOptions for the TIFF file format.
ClassScannedEventArgs Arguments for a scanned event.
ClassScannedImage This class implements the scanned image and image information.
ClassScannedImageData This class implements objects that contain the scanned image information.
ClassScanningEventArgs Arguments for a scanning event.
ClassSequenceException This exception is thrown if an illegal operation is performed for the current Source Manager or Source state.
ClassSourceCompressedImageOnlyException This exception is thrown for trying to save the TwainPro-compressed image when hardware compression was used and only the source-compressed image is available.
ClassStringIsTooLongException This exception is thrown if a TwainPRO property was set to a string with too many characters.
ClassTiffTagItemNotFoundException This exception is thrown if a TIFF tag item is not found.
ClassTiffTagNotFoundException This exception is thrown if a TIFF tag is not found.
ClassTwainDevice This class implements methods and properties for all TWAIN device interaction.
ClassTwainDllLoadException This exception is thrown if TwainPRO is unable to find or load TWAINDSM.dll.
ClassTwainException This exception is thrown if a TWAIN error occurs.
ClassTwainPro The main object for this component.
ClassTwainProCompressedImageOnlyException This exception is thrown for trying to save the source-compressed image when no hardware compression was used and only the TwainPro-compressed image is available.
ClassTwainProException This class implements the base class for TwainPro Exceptions.
ClassUnsupportedFileFormatException This exception is thrown if the default file type is set and a file is saved using the extension of a file format that is not supported by TwainPRO, or if an invalid settings file is loaded. Supported file types are BMP, JPEG, ePIC, TIF, and PDF.
ClassValueOutOfRangeException This exception is thrown if a TwainPRO property was set to an invalid value.


DelegateScannedEventHandler A delegate for post-scan events.
DelegateScanningEventHandler A delegate for pre-scan events.


EnumerationAdvancedCapability Option values which determine the advanced TWAIN capability.
EnumerationAdvancedCapabilityAlarm Specifies specific audible alarms.
EnumerationAdvancedCapabilityAudioFileFormat The Audio File format.
EnumerationAdvancedCapabilityAutoSize Specifies if the output image dimensions should match either the current value of ICAP_SUPPORTEDSIZES or any of its current allowed values.
EnumerationAdvancedCapabilityBarcodeDetectionSearchMode Specifies how to restrict barcode searching to certain orientations, or prioritizes one orientation over another.
EnumerationAdvancedCapabilityBitDepthReduction Specifies the Reduction Method the Source should use to reduce the bit depth of the data.
EnumerationAdvancedCapabilityBitOrder Specifies how the bytes in an image are filled by the Source.
EnumerationAdvancedCapabilityCameraSide Specifies the camera used in a scanning device.
EnumerationAdvancedCapabilityClearBuffers Specifies how the Source should clear its buffers.
EnumerationAdvancedCapabilityCompression Specifies compression schemes the Source and Application have in common for Buffered Memory and File transfers.
EnumerationAdvancedCapabilityDeviceEvent Specifies events the Source reports to the Application.
EnumerationAdvancedCapabilityFeederAlignment Specifes the feeder alignment used when negotiating frames from the Source.
EnumerationAdvancedCapabilityFeederOrder Specifies which page the feeder starts with.
EnumerationAdvancedCapabilityFeederPocket Specifies what pockets are available as paper leaves a device.
EnumerationAdvancedCapabilityFeederType Specifies scan parameters depending on the type of feeder.
EnumerationAdvancedCapabilityFileFormat Specifies which file formats the Source can generate and which the Application can handle.
EnumerationAdvancedCapabilityFilter Option values which determine the TWAIN capability constants for advanced capabilities.
EnumerationAdvancedCapabilityFlash For devices that support flash, specifies the flash to be used.
EnumerationAdvancedCapabilityFlipRotation Specifies how to orient images that flip orientation every other image.
EnumerationAdvancedCapabilityIccProfile Specifies the ICC profile and if it can embed or link it in the current ICAP_IMAGEFILEFORMAT.
EnumerationAdvancedCapabilityImageFilter For devices that support image filtering, specifies the algorithm to be used.
EnumerationAdvancedCapabilityJobControl Specifies settings for multiple jobs in batch mode.
EnumerationAdvancedCapabilityJpegQuality Specifies JPEG quantization tables that tradeoff quality versus compressed image size.
EnumerationAdvancedCapabilityLightPath Specifies whether the image was captured transmissively or reflectively.
EnumerationAdvancedCapabilityLightSource Specifies the general color characteristics of the light source used to acquire the image.
EnumerationAdvancedCapabilityNoiseFilter For devices that support noise filtering, specifies the algorithm used to remove noise.
EnumerationAdvancedCapabilityOverScan Specifies the overscan which is used to scan outside the boundaries described by ICAP_FRAMES, and is used to help acquire image that may be lost because of skewing.
EnumerationAdvancedCapabilityPixelFlavor Specifies the sense of the pixel whose numeric value is zero (minimum data value).
EnumerationAdvancedCapabilityPlanarChunky Specifies which color data formats are available to the Source and Application.
EnumerationAdvancedCapabilityPowerSupply Specifies the kind of power available.
EnumerationAdvancedCapabilityPrinter Settings for available printer devices.
EnumerationAdvancedCapabilityPrinterMode Specifies the format of the printed text.
EnumerationAdvancedCapabilitySegmented Segmentation settings for captured images.
EnumerationCapability Option values which determine the TWAIN capability.
EnumerationCapabilityConstants Option values which determine the capability constants.
EnumerationConditionCode Option values which determine TWAIN condition codes.
EnumerationDataSourceManagerVersion Specifies what version of the Data Source Manager (DSM) to use.
EnumerationEncodeModeCompression Option values which specify the encoding mode to use when creating a JBIG2 compressed file.
EnumerationErrorLevel The error level of items to place into the debug log.
EnumerationEvaluationMode Option values which determine the evaluation mode of the component.
EnumerationExtendedImageInfo Option values for extended image info enumeration values.
EnumerationExtendedImageInfoConstants Option values for extended image info constants enumeration values.
EnumerationFileOrganizationCompression Option values which determine the file organization when saving a JBIG2 compressed file.
EnumerationFilter The filters available for PNG compression.
EnumerationHorizontalAlignment Option values which determine the horizontal alignment of the caption within the clipping rectangle.
EnumerationOrientation Option values which determine the TWAIN capability constants for the ICAP_ORIENTATION capability.
EnumerationPdfCompression Option values which determine the PDF compression.
EnumerationPixelType Option values which determine the type of pixel data that a Source is capable of acquiring (for example, black and white, gray, RGB, etc.).
EnumerationScannedImageCompression Option values which determine the compression format of an acquired image.
EnumerationScannedImageFormat Option values which determine the format of the saved file.
EnumerationSubSampling Option values which determine the subsampling type for a JPEG, ePIC, JPEG compressed TIFF, or JPEG compressed PDF file format.
EnumerationSupportedSizes Option values which determine the TWAIN capability sizes for the ICAP_SUPPORTEDSIZES capability.
EnumerationTiffCompression Option values which determine TIFF compression enumeration values.
EnumerationTransferMode Option values which determine transferring images from the Data Source.
EnumerationVerticalAlignment Option values which determine the vertical alignment of the caption within the clipping rectangle.

See Also

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