ConditionCode Enumeration
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Accusoft.TwainProSdk Namespace : ConditionCode Enumeration

Glossary Item Box

Option values which determine TWAIN condition codes.


Visual Basic
Managed Extensions for C++


TwccBadCap6Unknown or bad capability
TwccBadDest12Bad or unknown destination source
TwccBadProtocol9Bad protocol
TwccBadValue10Bad value. Data parameter may be out of range
TwccBummer1Bummer. Failure due to unknown causes.
TwccCapBadOperation14Operation not supported by capability
TwccCapSeqError15Capability has dependancy on other capability
TwccCapUnsupported13Unsupported capability
TwccCheckDeviceOnline23Check device online as device went offline prior to or during this operation
TwccCustomBase32768Custom base
TwccDamagedCorner25Operation failed because the document has a damaged corner
TwccDenied16File system operation is denied
TwccDocTooDark28Operation failed because the document is too dark
TwccDocTooLight27Operation failed because the document is too light
TwccFileExists17Operation failed because file already exists
TwccFileNotFound18File not found
TwccFileWriteError22File write error
TwccFocusError26Operation failed because of a focusing error during document capture
TwccInterlock24Operation failed because the cover or door is open
TwccLowMemory2Low memory. Not enough memory to perform the operation
TwccMaxConnections4Max Connections. The maximum applications are connected.
TwccNods3No data source
TwccNoMedia29Source has nothing to capture for a transfer.
TwccNotEmpty19Operation failed because directory is not empty.
TwccOperationError5Operation error
TwccPaperDoubleFeed21The feeder detected multiple pages
TwccPaperJam20The feeder is jammed
TwccSeqError11Out of sequence error

Inheritance Hierarchy


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