Generate Thumbnails from File

ThumbnailXpress™ provides the user with the ability to generate thumbnails from one or more pages of a local or remote file.

PDF support is deprecated in ImagXpress; instead, please use PDF Xpress for PDF support via the UsePdfXpressForPDFsOnly property.

Generate Thumbnails from a Multi-page File

Call AddFileItems to load images and generate thumbnails from all pages of a multipage file. When AddAllPages is set to true, all pages in the multipage file are loaded. When AddAllPages is set to false, only the first page is loaded. The thumbnail icon will show a "+", to indicate that the thumbnail is the first page in a multi-page file.

When AddFileItems is called to generate thumbnails, descriptors and user tags are not assigned. These can be specified after the thumbnail items are added to the list, by calling SetItemDescriptor and SetItemFilename.

Generate One Thumbnail from a Specified Page in a File

Call InsertItem to load an image from a specified page in a specified file, and generate the thumbnail from the image. The application can specify the location in the thumbnail list to insert the thumbnail, the descriptor to be displayed with the thumbnail, and a user tag to record application-specific information about the thumbnail.

If the file has a known status and type, the application can specify these (for example, specify ThumbnailStatus as validated and ThumbnailType as PDF). This optimizes the performance in loading the file, as ThumbnailXpress does not have to validate the file type. If the Verify parameter is set to true, ThumbnailXpress will check to make sure that the specified local file has a valid file name (e.g. it exists and can be understood by the control).

If the file name indicates a remote path, the Verify parameter is ignored.

Cancel Thumbnail Generation

Calling Cancel will cancel all pending thumbnail generation requests. To restore a generation request that had been canceled, call ResetCanceledItem.

See Also



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