The SingleConversion Sample
This sample converts all of the pages in one document. You can find the samples in the [RM Java install dir]\sample-code\com\snowbound\samples\convert\
For instructions on running this sample, please see the instructions to Run RasterMaster samples in your IDE or to Run samples from the Command Prompt in the Overview.
Single Conversion Sample
Please find Single Convert sample code below:
/* * Copyright (c) 2023, Accusoft Software * * This is example code for all RasterMaster customers to freely copy and use * however they wish. * * Sample * Convert an input file to a different format. * The input file name is supplied on the command line. * To change the output format from TIFF_LZW, edit "outputFormat" initial value below. * See the code comments for additional details. * * If you need any help please reference the manual at * * RasterMaster library functions used: * Snowbnd() - RasterMaster library constructor * IMGLOW_get_filetype * IMGLOW_get_pages * IMGLOW_set_ooxml_license * decomp_vect * IMGLOW_set_document_input * IMGLOW_set_fontmap_path * IMGLOW_set_overlay_path * getXdpi, getYdpi * getHeight, getWidth * IMG_decompress_bitmap * * IMG_diffusion_mono * IMG_color_gray * IMG_promote_24 * setXdpi, setYdpi * IMG_resize_bitmap * snow.IMG_save_bitmap * */ /** * This is a simple conversion sample that converts an input file to a * specified output format. The user must provide values for the * 'inputFile' and 'outputFormat' variables. See additional code comments * for more details. */ package com.snowbound.samples.convert; import Snow.Defines; import Snow.ErrorCodes; import Snow.FormatHash; import Snow.Format; import Snow.Snowbnd; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; public class SingleConversion { public static void main(String[] args) { /* Specify the input file path and the desired output format. For multi-page color and/or grayscale output, PDF or TIFF_LZW is recommended. NOTE: You may see an increase in the converted file size when using TIFF_LZW. To reduce the output file size, try TIFF_JPEG7 or reduce the image to 1-bit and use TIFF_G4_FAX. */ String inputFile = "sb-docs.docx"; if (args.length > 0) { inputFile = args[0]; } int outputFormat = Defines.PDF; //Allow output as SVG boolean SVGOutput = false; // Following variables can be used to set a page range. 0 is page 1 int SVGPageStart = 0; int SVGPageEnd = 10; // create the RasterMaster image object Snowbnd snowImage = new Snowbnd(); // create the input and output file extensions int fileType = snowImage.IMGLOW_get_filetype(inputFile); // always check for errors if (0 > fileType) { System.out.println("Make sure license is in classpath or edit the 'inputFile' variable to specify a good filename. [" + ErrorCodes.getErrorMessage(fileType) + "] processing input file " + inputFile); return; } FormatHash formatHash = FormatHash.getInstance(); Format inputExt = formatHash.getFormat(fileType); Format outputExt = formatHash.getFormat(outputFormat); // print the file type of the input & output files System.out.println("converting " + inputExt.getFormatName() + " to " + outputExt.getFormatName() + "..."); // print the total number of pages in the input document int totalPages = snowImage.IMGLOW_get_pages(inputFile); System.out.println("total number of pages = " + totalPages); /* begin loop to decompress the input document, and save to the specified output format */ //get the start time //Date startTime = new Date(); Date startTime; System.out.println(" SingleConversion started at:" + new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyy HH:mm:ss.SS").format(startTime = new Date())); for (int page = 0; page < totalPages; page++) { int status = 0; /* PRE-DECOMPRESSION OPTIONS: -For vector PDFs "searchable PDF" output: status = snowImage.decomp_vect = true; -To specify the Office 2007 (OOXML)license file: status = snowImage.IMGLOW_set_ooxml_license("C:\\aspose\\Aspose.Words.lic"); -To specify the input DPI and bit-depth for PDF, MS Office, RTF, PCL, and AFP files: status = snowImage.IMGLOW_set_document_input(300, 24, Defines.PDF); -To specify the font-map & overlay path for AFP files: status = snowImage.IMGLOW_set_fontmap_path("C:\\path\\to\\font-map"); status = snowImage.IMGLOW_set_overlay_path("C:\\path\\to\\overlay"); -To get the horizontal and vertical DPI of the current page: status = snowImage.getXdpi(); status = snowImage.getYdpi(); -To get the height and width of the current page: status = snowImage.getHeight(); status = snowImage.getWidth(); + Please remember to check the status is successful (0 or greater) before continuing */ // decompress the current page and print the resulting status code status = snowImage.IMG_decompress_bitmap(inputFile, page); System.out.println("decompression status = " + status); // print the error code details if decompression fails if (0 > status) { System.out.println("ERROR: " + status + " [" + ErrorCodes.getErrorMessage(status) + "] on p. {" + page + "}"); continue; } /* POST-DECOMPRESSION OPTIONS: -To reduce the bit-depth to 1-bit black & white: status = snowImage.IMG_diffusion_mono(); -To reduce a color image to 8-bit gray scale: status = snowImage.IMG_color_gray(); -To promote 1, 4, or 8-bit images to 24-bit: status = snowImage.IMG_promote_24(); -To change the output DPI while maintaining image size: int newXdpi = 300; int newYdpi = 300; double newXsize = (double)newXdpi/(double)snowImage.getXdpi() *(double)snowImage.getWidth(); double newYsize = (double)newYdpi/(double)snowImage.getYdpi() *(double)snowImage.getHeight(); status = snowImage.setXdpi(newXdpi); status = snowImage.setYdpi(newYdpi); status = snowImage.IMG_resize_bitmap((int)newXsize, (int)newYsize); */ // save the current page and print the resulting status code (Raster) status = snowImage.IMG_save_bitmap(inputFile + "_out." + outputExt.getExtension(), outputFormat); System.out.println("save Raster status = " + status); // print the error code details if save fails if (0 > status) { System.out.println("ERROR on save: " + status + " [" + ErrorCodes.getErrorMessage(status) + "] on p. {" + page + "}"); continue; } System.out.println("Done p. " + page); } //Iterating through each page and converting to SVG if (SVGOutput) { String outputFile = inputFile; for (int currentPage = SVGPageStart, x=1; (currentPage < SVGPageEnd) && (currentPage < totalPages); currentPage++,x++) { int status = 0; //Adding number after each individual page (page1.svg, page2.svg, etc) status = snowImage.IMG_vector_to_svg(inputFile, outputFile + x +"_out.svg", currentPage); System.out.println("SVG decompression status = " + status); } } System.out.println("conversion completed!"); //get the end time Date endTime; System.out.println(" SingleConversion ended at: " + new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyy HH:mm:ss.SS").format(endTime = new Date())); //print the total conversion time long totalTime = endTime.getTime() - startTime.getTime(); System.out.println("total conversion time = " + (double)totalTime/1000 + " seconds"); if (true) return; } }
Listed below are the methods used in this sample:
– RasterMaster library constructorIMGLOW_get_filetype
getXdpi, getYdpi
getHeight, getWidth
setXdpi, setYdpi
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