PrizmDoc® Viewer v13.27 Release - Updated
PrizmDoc Viewer / API Reference / E-Signature Controls / Module: state-store
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    Module: state-store
    In This Topic

    Module: state-store

    The state store can keep track of any JSON-style data object for other modules to access and use.

    The state store is used as centralized data storage for all modules, especially when concerning data that is shared among 2 or more modules. When individual modules need to update specific data, modifications through the state store ensure that other modules that need to be aware of the latest available data can do so without specific input from the module changing it.

    The state store can store any number of states, as defined by a data string. See module:event-store#event:ModifyState. It is able to associate any data object with that particular state, although it is optimized to store key-value Objects.


    var StateStore = require('state-store.js');
    // a generic Viewer constructor
    function Viewer(opts) {
        // other modules will expect this to be present
        this.stateStore = StateStore(this);


    Creates and initializes the state store.

    Name Type Description
    viewer Core

    The core viewer to which the module will attach.

    Listens to Events:


    (inner) FieldList

    The known set of fields and metadata on the form.


    var fieldList = viewer.stateStore.getState('FieldList');
    Name Type Attributes Default Description
    templateDocumentId string

    The unique id used to determine which document belongs to the form. The form cannot be loaded if this value is not defined.

    formName string <optional>

    The display name of the form.

    formDefinitionId string <optional>

    The unique id to use to save the form to the server.

    formRoles Object <optional>

    A hash object used to store and access the metadata for each role in the form. The key for this hash object is the formRoleId of the form role.

    Name Type Description
    formRoleId string

    The id of the form role.

    displayName string

    A friendly name for the form role.

    fieldColor string

    The color to use for any field to which the form role is assigned, as a pound sign followed by a 6 character hexadecimal color code.

    sortIndex number

    A number representing the sorting order of the form role.

    groups Object <optional>

    A hash object used to store and access the metadata for each group in the form. The key for this hash object is the groupId of the group.

    Name Type Attributes Description
    groupId string

    The id of the group.

    displayName string

    A friendly name for the group.

    type string

    The data type of the group. Possible values are:

    • checkbox
    data Object

    Data associated with the group.

    Name Type Description
    multiple boolean

    Indicates whether or not the group allows multiple selections.

    readOnly boolean <optional>

    Indicates whether this group is read only when signing the form.

    required boolean <optional>

    Indicates whether this group is required when signing the form.

    formRoleId string <optional>

    The form role id associated with the group.

    fieldList Object

    A hash object used to store and access the metadata for each field in the form. The key for this hash object is the markId of the viewer mark.

    Name Type Attributes Description
    markId number

    The viewer mark associated with the form field.

    fieldId string

    A unique id for that field.

    displayName string

    A friendly name for the field.

    template string

    The data type of the field. Possible values are:

    • SignatureTemplate
    • InitialsTemplate
    • TextTemplate
    • DateTemplate
    • CheckboxTemplate
    required boolean

    Indicates whether this field is required when completing the form.

    readOnly boolean

    Indicates whether this field is read-only when completing the form.

    horizontalAlignment string

    Indicates the horizontal Alignment of text within the field Possible values are:

    • left
    • center
    • right
    sortIndex number

    A number representing the sorting order of the field, when displaying an ordered list.

    pageNumber number

    The page number where the field is located.

    pageData Object

    Represents metadata about the page at the time when the field rectangle was created or updated.

    Name Type Description
    width number

    The width of the page.

    height number

    The height of the page.

    rectangle Object

    The location of the field on the document.

    Name Type Description
    x number

    The x-coordinate of the top-left of the field in respect to the document.

    y number

    The y-coordinate of the top-left of the field in respect to the document.

    width number

    The width of the field.

    height number

    The height of the field.

    fontName string <optional>

    The font name to use for TextTemplate and DateTemplate fields.

    fontColor string <optional>

    The font color to use for TextTemplate and DateTemplate fields, as a pound sign followed by a 6 character hexadecimal color code.

    multiline boolean <optional>

    Indicates whether or not the field is multiline. This property is only used for TextTemplate fields.

    characterLimit number <optional>

    The amount of characters that can be entered in a TextTemplate field. It is a whole number greater than or equal to 0 that indicates the maximum number of characters allowed in a text field when completing the form, with 0 indicating that there is no limit.

    formRoleId string <optional>

    The id of the form role associated with the field.

    groupId string <optional>

    The id of the group that contains the field.

    defaultValue string | Object <optional>

    The default value of the field to be added when the form is loaded. If it is a TextTemplate, this value should be a string. If it is a DateTemplate, it should be an ISO formatted date string (e.g. 2016-11-16T18:23:08.030Z). The format will be dictated by the globalSettings.signatureDateFormat property. If it is a CheckboxTemplate, it may only be "" or "checked". If it is a signature, it should be an object with the following properties:

    Name Type Attributes Description
    type string <optional>

    The type of signature that will be placed in the field. Can be "text" for a text signature or "path" for a freehand signature.

    value string <optional>

    For a text signature, this is the actual text that will be in the signature. For a path signature, this is a subset of the SVG path standard, only including the M, L, and C commands (e.g. M0,0L1,1L1,0).

    fontName string <optional>

    The font to be used to render the signature. This is required for text signatures but does not apply to path signatures.

    value string | Object <optional>

    The value of the field. This property is only used in the ESigner and is undefined if the field has not been filled out. If it is a TextTemplate, this value should be a string. If it is a DateTemplate, it should be an ISO formatted date string (e.g. 2016-11-16T18:23:08.030Z). The format will be dictated by the globalSettings.signatureDateFormat property. If it is a CheckboxTemplate, it may only be "" or "checked". If it is a signature, it should be an object with the following properties:

    Name Type Attributes Description
    type string <optional>

    The type of signature that will be placed in the field. Can be "text" for a text signature or "path" for a freehand signature.

    value string <optional>

    For a text signature, this is the actual text that will be in the signature. For a path signature, this is a subset of the SVG path standard, only including the M, L, and C commands (e.g. M0,0L1,1L1,0).

    fontName string <optional>

    The font to be used to render the signature. This is required for text signatures but does not apply to path signatures.

    globalSettings Object

    Settings that apply globally to the template.

    Name Type Description
    signatureDateFormat external:"jQuery.fn"~DateFormat

    The format to use for dates when completing template fields.

    (inner) FormDefinition

    Defines the schema of the template form that is saved to the server, including all of the metadata required to load and recreate the form.

    Name Type Attributes Default Description
    templateDocumentId string

    The unique id used to determine which document belongs to the form. The form cannot be loaded if this value is not defined.

    formName string <optional>

    The display name of the form.

    formDefinitionId string <optional>

    The unique id to use to save the form to the server.

    formRoles Array <optional>

    The data here is similar to the formRoles property of module:state-store~FieldList, but represented as an array to be saved to the server. This array will be used to rebuild the formRoles object when a FormDefinition is loaded into the viewer.

    groups Array <optional>

    The data here is similar to the groups property of module:state-store~FieldList, but represented as an array to be saved to the server. This array will be used to rebuild the groups object when a FormDefinition is loaded into the viewer.

    formData Array

    The data here is similar to the fieldList property of module:state-store~FieldList, but represented as an array to be saved to the server. This array will be used to rebuild the FieldList object when a FormDefinition is loaded into the viewer. As such, some properties of FieldList.fieldList are excluded when generating the FormDefinition.formData. These exclusions are markId and sortIndex.

    globalSettings Object

    An instance of the module:state-store~GlobalSettings object used for this form.

    (inner) PageData

    Defines the set of currently known pages -- ones that have loaded at least once in the viewer -- and their sizes. It is a hash object, using the page number as the object key, and the following properties as the object value.

    Name Type Description
    width number

    The width of the page.

    height number

    The height of the page.



    Destroys the instance of the State Store.

    getState(key) → {*|undefined}

    Gets the current state.

    Name Type Description
    key string

    The name of the state value being retrieved.


    The state value associated with the specified key or undefined if the state value does not exist.

    * | undefined

    Documentation generated by JSDoc 3.5.5 on Sun Feb 25 2024 15:33:01 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)