PrizmDoc® Viewer v13.27 Release - Updated
PrizmDoc Viewer / API Reference / E-Signature Controls / External: jQuery.fn
In This Topic
    External: jQuery.fn
    In This Topic

    External: jQuery.fn


    The jQuery plugin namespace.



    (inner) configParameters

    Name Type Attributes Default Description
    documentID string

    The viewingSessionId to use in ViewerControl.

    This value is always required.

    templateDocumentId string <optional>

    This parameter will be used when creating a template in order to associate the template form with a document. When opening a form, the value of this parameter will be used to identify the document associated with the formDefinition.

    This value is required by the TemplateDesigner.

    formDefinitionId string <optional>

    The formDefinitionId to be used when opening a form. Specifying this value in the TemplateDesigner will cause it to open the specific form for edition, while leaving the value out will cause it to create a new form.

    This value is required by the ESigner.

    formRoleId string <optional>

    The formRoleId to be used when opening a form. Specifying this value in the ESigner will cause it to only create fields assigned to the given form role.

    signatureDateFormat external:"jQuery.fn"~DateFormat <optional>

    Specifies the date format that is stored when saving a template. When the e-signer loads a template, it displays date signatures using the date format stored in the template.

    language object

    Specifies the language to use for the text in the viewer. Use this option to localize the viewer.

    This property should be set to the contents of the file "viewer-assets/languages/en-US.json". Both the e-signer and the template-designer ship with their own version of the language file. Each viewer has a different set of language strings in the language file.

    This value is always required.

    imageHandlerUrl string <optional>

    The end point of the web tier services that support the viewer.

    onViewerCreation function <optional>

    This function is available for both the ESigner and the TemplateDesigner, it will trigger when the viewer's DOM is ready to use. You can use one parameter inside this function, it will be an ESigner or a TemplateDesigner object depending on which viewing client you are using.

    singleSelectionCheckboxDisplay string <optional>

    Specifies how checkboxes that only allow a single selection are displayed in the ESigner. This parameter does not affect the TemplateDesigner. The following options are available:

    • "checkbox": Single-selection checkbox fields are displayed as rectangles. When clicked, a check mark is displayed in the field.
    • "radioButton": Single-selection checkbox fields are displayed as ellipses. When clicked, a circle is displayed in the field.

    (inner) DateFormat :String

    The format to use when displaying a date. The table below outlines the supported date format tokens and provides example output.

    Token Output
    Month M 1 2 ... 11 12
    MM 01 02 ... 11 12
    Day D 1 2 ... 30 31
    DD 01 02 ... 30 31
    Year YY 70 71 ... 29 30
    YYYY 1970 1971 ... 2029 2030
    Hour H 0 1 ... 22 23
    HH 00 01 ... 22 23
    h 1 2 ... 11 12
    hh 01 02 ... 11 12
    Minute m 0 1 ... 58 59
    mm 00 01 ... 58 59
    a am pm
    • String



    A jQuery plugin to initialize a new ESigner viewer.

    Name Type Description
    options external:"jQuery.fn"~configParameters

    The configuration options used to initialize the viewer.



    A jQuery plugin to initialize a new TemplateDesigner viewer.

    Name Type Description
    options external:"jQuery.fn"~configParameters

    The configuration options used to initialize the viewer.


    Documentation generated by JSDoc 3.5.5 on Sun Feb 25 2024 15:33:01 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)