Accusoft PrintPRO 8
PrintPicture Method
Single-precision value indicating the destination x coordinate of the upper-left corner of the image on the printer.
Single-precision value indicating the destination y coordinate of the upper-left corner of the image on the printer.

Single-precision value indicating the destination width of the image.

If omitted, the width of the image will be used. If Aspect is False and the destination width is larger or smaller than the source width (width2), the image is stretched or compressed to fit.

Single-precision value indicating the destination height of the image.

If omitted, the height of the image will be used. If Aspect is False and the destination height is larger or smaller than the source height (height2), the image is stretched or compressed to fit.

Single-precision value indicating the coordinate (x-axis) of a clipping region within the image. If Aspect is True, 0 is assumed.

Single-precision value indicating the coordinate (y-axis) of a clipping region within the image. If Aspect is True, 0 is assumed.
Single-precision value indicating the width of a clipping region within the image. If Aspect is True, the entire source width is used.
Single-precision value indicating the height of a clipping region within the image. If Aspect is True, the entire source height is used.

Boolean value indicating whether the aspect ratio of the image should be maintained.


Draws a bitmap image on a document to be printed.

Visual Basic
Public Sub PrintPicture( _
   ByVal X1 As Single, _
   ByVal Y1 As Single, _
   ByVal Width1 As Single, _
   ByVal Height1 As Single, _
   ByVal X2 As Single, _
   ByVal Y2 As Single, _
   ByVal Width2 As Single, _
   ByVal Height2 As Single, _
   ByVal Aspect As Boolean _
Single-precision value indicating the destination x coordinate of the upper-left corner of the image on the printer.
Single-precision value indicating the destination y coordinate of the upper-left corner of the image on the printer.

Single-precision value indicating the destination width of the image.

If omitted, the width of the image will be used. If Aspect is False and the destination width is larger or smaller than the source width (width2), the image is stretched or compressed to fit.


Single-precision value indicating the destination height of the image.

If omitted, the height of the image will be used. If Aspect is False and the destination height is larger or smaller than the source height (height2), the image is stretched or compressed to fit.


Single-precision value indicating the coordinate (x-axis) of a clipping region within the image. If Aspect is True, 0 is assumed.

Single-precision value indicating the coordinate (y-axis) of a clipping region within the image. If Aspect is True, 0 is assumed.
Single-precision value indicating the width of a clipping region within the image. If Aspect is True, the entire source width is used.
Single-precision value indicating the height of a clipping region within the image. If Aspect is True, the entire source height is used.

Boolean value indicating whether the aspect ratio of the image should be maintained.

  • If Aspect is True and the destination rectangle is larger or smaller than the source rectangle, the aspect ratio of the resized image is maintained.
  • If Aspect is True, the x2, y2, width2 and height2 parameters are ignored.

The bitmap is defined by the Picture property. The ScaleMode property determines the unit of measure used.

The destination coordinates of the image must be within the physical area of the printer. If a printer has not been selected or a document has not been started, the PrintPicture method will select the default printer and start a new document. Use the EndPrintDoc method to print the document.

If OwnDIB was set when SetPictureBMP was invoked, then the bitmap is owned by the PrintPro control, and the PrintDIB method deletes the DIB after drawing the bitmap on the document to be printed.

See Also

PrintPro Object  | PrintPro Members



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