Accusoft PrintPRO 8
PrintPro Object Members
Public Methods
Public Method AboutBox

Displays a licensing, version and copyright information dialog box for PrintPRO.

Public Method BinID

Returns the printer manufacturer's bin ID number for the specified printer bin.

Public Method BinName

Returns the name of the specified paper bin.

Public Method DelPrintPreview

Deletes the print preview resources for a specified page.

Public Method DelPrintPreviewPicture

Deletes the current print preview bitmap.

Public Method DrawArc

Creates an arc on a document to be printed.

Public Method DrawCircle

Creates a circle or ellipse on a document to be printed.

Public Method DrawCurve

Creates a Bezier curve on a document to be printed.

Public Method DrawLine

Creates lines and rectangles on a document to be printed.

Public Method DrawPie

Creates a pie-shaped wedge on a document to be printed.

Public Method DrawPolygon

Creates a three to six sided polygon on a document to be printed.

Public Method DrawRoundRect

Creates a rectangle with rounded corners on the document to be printed.

Public Method EndPrintDoc

Releases the current document to the print device or spooler.

Public Method EndPrintPreview

Creates print preview resources for the current print preview page.

Public Method FromHdibSets the current image to the supplied DIB (Device Independent Bitmap).
Public Method FromHdib64Sets the current image to the supplied DIB (Device Independent Bitmap) in 64-bit environments.
Public Method GetMaxDPI

Fetches the maximum DPI resolution available.

Public Method GetNumSupportedDpisGets the number of resolutions supported by the printer.
Public Method GetPrintPreview

Creates a bitmap image for a print preview page and sets the PrintPreviewPicture property.

Public Method GetSupportedDpisGets the resolutions supported by the printer in dots per inch.
Public Method KillPrintDoc

Call this method to allow the PrintPRO control to run on a specified web site.

Public Method NewPage

Ends the current page and advances to the next page.

Public Method PaperID

Returns the printer manufacturer's paper ID number for any supported paper.

Public Method PaperName

Returns the printer manufacturer's paper name for any supported paper.

Public Method PrintData

Places data stored in an array of bytes into the document to be printed.

Public Method PrintDialog

Displays a printer dialog box.

Public Method PrintDIB

Draws a device independent bitmap (DIB) on a document to be printed.

Public Method PrintPicture

Draws a bitmap image on a document to be printed.

Public Method PrintRawData

Outputs data directly to a printer.

Public Method PrintRawDataEnd

Closes the direct-to-printer session.

Public Method PrintRawDataStart

Opens a direct-to-printer print session.

Public Method PrintTemplateDIB

Incorporates the image currently represented by the control's hDIB member according to a line from the TemplateFile.

Public Method PrintTemplatePicture

Incorporates the image currently represented by the control's Picture member according to a line from the TemplateFile.

Public Method PrintText

Places text in the document to be printed.

Public Method PrintTextAligned

Places text on the document inside a specified rectangular area within the display area.

Public Method PrintTextRotated

Places text rotated on the document to be printed.

Public Method SelectDefaultPrinter

Selects the system default printer.

Public Method SelectPrinter

Selects one of the printers installed on the system.

Public Method SelectPrinterByName

Selects one of the printers installed on the system by the given printer name.

Public Method SetCtlFontName

Sets the font name.

Public Method SetCtlFontSize

Sets the font size.

Public Method SetCtlFontStyle

Sets the font style.

Public Method SetDefaultPrinterW

Selects the system default printer.

Public Method SetOEMLicenseKeySets the PrintPRO control runtime OEM license key.
Public Method SetPictureBMP

Sets the Picture property using a handle to a Device Dependent Bitmap and a handle to a palette.

Public Method SetSolutionKeySets the PrintPRO control runtime license deployment key.
Public Method SetSolutionNameSets the PrintPRO control runtime license deployment solution name.
Public Method SetupDialog

Displays a printer setup dialog box that lets the user change printer properties.

Public Method StartPrintDoc

Creates a document to be composed and printed.

Public Method StartPrintPreview

Starts a print preview for the current page.

Public Method TextHeight

Calculates the height of a text string as it would be printed in the current font.

Public Method TextWidth

Calculates the width of a text string as it would be printed in the current font.

Public Method ToHdibReturns the handle to the current DIB (Device Independent Bitmap).
Public Method ToHdib64Returns the handle to the current DIB (Device Independent Bitmap) in a 64-bit environment.
Public Properties
Public Property AddCRGets and sets the automatic carriage return flag.
Public Property AlignmentGets and sets the text alignment style used by the PrintTextAligned method.
Public Property AlignTextHeightGets the line height based on the Alignment property centering in pixels.
Public Property AutoMarginGets or sets a value to determine if the margin values and the current print position values should automatically be set to values inside the printer's display area.
Public Property BackColor

The background color of printed text.

Public Property BackStyleSets the background style of printed text.
Public Property BinNumDefines the printer's bin.
Public Property BMargin

Gets or sets the bottom margin value.

Public Property Collate

Gets or sets an indicator whether collation should be used when printing multiple copies (if the printer supports this feature).

Public Property ColorMode

Gets or sets a value that determines whether a color printer prints output in color or monochrome.

Public Property Copies

Gets or sets a value that determines the number of copies to be printed.

Public Property CurrentX

Returns or sets the horizontal coordinate for the next printing or drawing method.

Public Property CurrentY

Gets or sets the vertical coordinate for the next printing or drawing method.

Public Property Debug

A property that represents whether or not debug logging is turned on.

Public Property DebugErrorLevel

Minimum error level a debug message must be for it to be logged in the log file.

Public Property DebugLogFile

The file name and location of the debug log file.

Public Property DIBHeight

Gets the height of the bitmap defined by the hDIB property in printer units defined by the ScaleMode property.

Public Property DIBWidth

Gets the width of the bitmap defined by the hDIB property in printer units defined by the ScaleMode property. Not available at design time.

Public Property DisplayX

Gets the horizontal coordinate of the display area in printer units defined by the ScaleMode property.

Public Property DisplayY

Gets the vertical coordinate of the display area in printer units defined by the ScaleMode property.

Public Property DitherType

Gets or sets a value that specifies how dithering is to be done (if the printer supports this feature).

Public Property DocNameGets or sets the document name.
Public Property DrawMode

Gets or sets a value that determines the appearance of output from graphics methods.

Public Property DrawStyle

Gets or sets a value that determines the line style for output from graphics methods.

Public Property DrawWidth

Gets or sets the line width for output from graphics methods.

Public Property Duplex

Gets or sets a value that determines whether a page is printed on both sides (if the printer supports this feature). Not available at design time.

Public Property DuplexCap

Gets an indicator if duplex printing is possible.

Public Property ErrorCodeGets and sets the error code.
Public Property ErrorDescriptionGets the error description.
Public Property EvaluationModeGets and sets the type of evaluation operation for the component.
Public Property FillColor

Gets or sets the color used to fill in circles, boxes, round rectangles, pie-shapes and polygons created with the DrawCircle, DrawLine, DrawRoundRect, DrawPie and DrawPolygon graphics methods.

Public Property FillStyle

Gets or sets the pattern used to fill circles, boxes, round rectangles, pie-shapes and polygons created with the DrawCircle, DrawLine, DrawRoundRect, DrawPie and DrawPolygon graphics methods.

Public Property FontGets a Font object.
Public Property ForeColor

Gets or sets the color used to display text.

Public Property hDC

Gets a handle to the device context of a printer.

Public Property hDIB

Gets or sets a handle to a device independent bitmap image (DIB).

Public Property hDIB64

Gets or sets a handle to a device independent bitmap image (DIB) for 64-bit environments.

Public Property hMetaDC

Gets a handle to the current print preview metafile device context (DC).

Public Property ICMIntent

Gets or sets a value that specifies which of three possible color management methods, or intents, should be used by default (if the printer supports this feature).

Public Property ICMMethod

Gets or sets a value that specifies how Image Color Management (ICM) is handled.

Public Property ICMMonitorProfileName

This is the file name of the monitor's color management profile.

Public Property ICMPrinterProfileName

This is the file name of the printer's color management profile.

Public Property ICMProfileRenderIntent

Gets and sets the purpose of the color correction.

Public Property ICMWantProof

Gets an indicator if ICM is used.

Public Property LicensedGets an indicator if the component is licensed.
Public Property Lmargin

Gets or sets the left margin value.

Public Property MediaType

Gets or sets a value that specifies the type of media being printed on (if the printer supports this feature).

Public Property NumBins

Gets the number of bins supported by the printer.

Public Property NumCopies

Returns the number of copies that the printer can print.

Public Property NumPapers

Gets the number of papers supported by the printer.

Public Property NumPrinters

Gets the number of printers installed on the system.

Public Property Orientation

Gets or sets a value indicating whether documents are printed in portrait or landscape mode (if the printer supports this feature).

Public Property OutputFileName

Gets or sets a string value that specifies the print output file.

Public Property OwnDIB

Gets or sets the DIB ownership flag.

Public Property Page

Gets the current page number.

Public Property PaperBin

Gets or sets a value indicating the default paper bin on the printer from which paper is fed when printing (if the printer supports this feature).

Public Property PaperSize

Gets or sets a value indicating the paper size for the current printer (if the printer supports this feature).

Public Property PdFromPageGets and sets the initial value for the starting page edit control in the print dialog box.
Public Property PdMaxPage

Gets or sets a value indicating the maximum page number allowed for the end page number when the user selects the Pages radio button on the Print Dialog box.

Public Property PdMinPage

Gets or sets a value indicating the minimum page number allowed for the start page number when the user selects the Pages radio button on the Print Dialog box.

Public Property PdRange

Gets a value indicating the Print Range selected on the Print Dialog box.

Public Property PdRangeEnable

Gets or sets a value indicating which Print Range radio buttons are enabled on the Print Dialog box.

Public Property PdToPage

Gets or sets a value indicating the end page number when the user selects the Pages radio button on the Print Dialog box.

Public Property PHeight

Gets the physical height of the paper set up for the printing device, in units determined by the ScaleMode property.

Public Property Picture

Gets or sets a bitmap image to load into the control.

Public Property PictureHeight

Gets the height of the bitmap defined by the Picture property in printer units defined by the ScaleMode property.

Public Property PictureTransparent

Sets or returns the transparent picture flag.

Public Property PictureTransparentColor

Sets or returns the transparent color of the image in the control.

Public Property PictureWidth

Gets the width of the bitmap defined by the Picture property in printer units defined by the ScaleMode property.

Public Property PrintEnabled

Disables or enables all printing.

Public Property PrinterDriverName

Returns the current printer driver name.

Public Property PrinterName

Returns the current printer name.

Public Property PrinterNum

Gets the index of the current printer in the printer collection.

Public Property PrinterPortName

Returns the name of the port through which a document is sent to a printer.

Public Property PrintPreviewDDB

Gets a handle to the print preview Device Dependent Bitmap (DDB).

Public Property PrintPreviewDIB

Gets a handle to the print preview Device Independent Bitmap (DIB).

Public Property PrintPreviewDIB64

Gets a handle to the print preview Device Independent Bitmap (DIB) for 64-bit environments.

Public Property PrintPreviewOnly

Determines whether PrintPRO only generates print preview images.

Public Property PrintPreviewPicture

Gets a picture object of the print preview page.

Public Property PrintPreviewScale

Sets the size of the print preview image.

Public Property PrintQuality

Gets or sets a value indicating the printer resolution (if the printer supports this feature).

Public Property PrintRightToLeft

Gets and sets an indicator which determines if text output is printed from right-to-left.

Public Property PrintToFile

Gets and sets an indicator if the print output from printer devices to disk file is redirected.

Public Property PWidth

Gets the physical width of the paper set up for the printing device, in units determined by the ScaleMode property.

Public Property RaiseExceptionsGets and sets an indicator whether to raise exceptions.
Public Property RequestedDPI

Gets or sets the current DPI resolution.

Public Property ResX

Gets the horizontal resolution of the printer in dots per inch (e.g. 600 DPI).

Public Property ResY

Gets the vertical resolution of the printer in dots per inch (e.g. 600 DPI).

Public Property SaveFileType

Controls the type of file generated.

Public Property ScaleHeight

Gets the number of units for the vertical measurement of the interior of a printer.

Public Property ScaleMode

Gets or sets a value indicating the unit of measurement for coordinates of an object when printing or using graphics methods.

Public Property ScaleWidth

Gets the number of units for the horizontal measurement of the interior of a printer.

Public Property TemplateFile

The photograph collage description file name.

Public Property TMargin

Gets or sets the top margin value.

Public Property TTOptions

Gets or sets a value indicating the printer’s TrueType option.

Public Property TwipsPerPixelX

Gets the number of twips per pixel for a printer measured horizontally.

Public Property TwipsPerPixelY

Gets the number of twips per pixel for a printer measured vertically.

Public Property UseDefaultPrinter

Gets and sets an indicator whether PrintPRO uses the system default printer by default.

Public Property UseHardwareMarginsGets and sets an indicator if hardware margins are used.
Public Property VersionReturns the version of the PrintPRO control at runtime.
Public Property WordWrap

Gets and sets a value to determine whether text word wraps inside the PrintText method’s print rectangle.

Public Property Zoom

Gets or sets the percentage by which printed output is to be scaled up or down (if the printer supports this feature).

See Also

PrintPro Object



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