Creating Programmatic Annotations

When annotations are initially created by the application, the application will be using the "Element" functions. After the annotations are created by the user or the application, the application can change annotations by using the "Prg" functions. As there are many ways of creating an annotation, there are sub pages to this grouping to help you focus your needs. 

 ElementAddPoint Adds a new point to a point array attached to an existing element.   This is for creating line and multi-point annotations.
 ElementAppend Appends a new annotation object to the current layer, using the attributes of the element parameter.
 ElementChangePoint Changes the point coordinates of the (zero-based) index of the point specified.
 ElementClearPoints Clears the points array of an existing element.
 ElementCreate Creates a new annotation element that is used to append new annotations to the current layer.
 ElementDestroy Destroys (frees) an element created by the ElementCreate method.
 ElementGetAutoSize Gets the autosize attribute of an existing element.  AutoSize controls how the bounding box is sized for text, buttons, stamps, and images.
 ElementGetBackColor Gets the background color of an existing element.
 ElementGetBackstyle Gets the background style of an existing element.
 ElementGetBevelLightColor Gets the bevel light color of an existing button element.
 ElementGetBevelShadowColor Gets the bevel shadow color of an existing button element.
 ElementGetBoundingRect Gets the bounding rectangle of an existing element.
 ElementGetDIBHandle Gets the DIB (Device Independent Bitmap) handle of an existing image element.
 ElementGetFillColor Gets the fill color of an existing element.
 ElementGetFixed Gets the fixed attribute of an existing element.  Fixed controls if the annotation is locked to the ImagXpress control instead of the image.
 ElementGetFont Gets the font of an existing element.
 ElementGetGaugeLength Gets the gauge length of an existing ruler element. Gauge controls the size of the lines at the end of a ruler.
 ElementGetHatchColor Gets the hatch color of an existing element.
 ElementGetHatchStyle Gets the hatch style of an existing element.
 ElementGetHighlightBack Gets the highlight background of an existing element.
 ElementGetHighlightFill Gets the highlight fill of an existing element.
 ElementGetLineBeginStyle Gets the line begin style of an existing element.  LineBeginStyle controls the ability for arrowheads and related designs on the beginning of line based tools.
 ElementGetLineEndStyle Gets the line end style of an existing element.  LineEndStyle controls the ability for arrowheads and related designs on the end of line based tools.
 ElementGetLocked Gets the locked attribute of an existing element.  Locked controls if the user can move or select the annotation.
 ElementGetMeasure Gets the unit of measure being displayed for an existing ruler element.
 ElementGetMoveable Gets the movable attribute of an existing element.
 ElementGetNumPoints Gets the number of points allocated for an existing element.
 ElementGetPenColor Gets the pen color of an existing element.
 ElementGetPenFillStyle Gets the pen fill style of an existing element.
 ElementGetPenStyle Gets the pen style of an existing element.
 ElementGetPenWidth Gets the pen width of an existing element.
 ElementGetPoint Gets the x and y coordinates of a point allocated for an existing element.
 ElementGetPrecision Gets the minimum number of digits to be displayed after the decimal point for an existing ruler element.
 ElementGetSelected Gets the selected attribute of an existing element.
 ElementGetShowAbbr Gets an abbreviation attribute of an existing ruler element.  The abbreviation is a customizable string for each unit of measure.
 ElementGetShowGauge Gets the ShowGauge attribute of an existing ruler element. Gauge is the perpendicular line at the end of a ruler.
 ElementGetShowHandles Gets the ShowHandles attribute of an existing element.  The handles are represented by small "grab handles" around an element.
 ElementGetShowLength Gets the ShowLength attribute of an existing ruler element.
 ElementGetSizeable Gets the sizeable attribute of an existing element.
 ElementGetText Gets the text of an existing element.
 ElementGetTextColor Gets the text color of an existing element.
 ElementGetTextJustification Gets the text justification of an existing element.
 ElementGetTextLocked Gets the textlocked attribute of an existing element.
 ElementGetTextOrientation Gets the text orientation of an existing element.
 ElementGetTMSNote Gets the TMSNote attribute for an existing element.  This controls how a text element is saved in the legacy ann file format.
 ElementGetToolTipText Gets the tool tip text of an existing element.
 ElementGetTransparentColor Gets the transparent color of an existing image element.
 ElementGetType Gets the type of an existing element.  This controls what annotation type the element will turn into such as Ruler, Rectangle, Stamp, Image, etc.
 ElementGetUserDraw Gets the userdraw attribute of an existing rectangle element.  This controls if the application wants to draw or paint the rectangle itself.
 ElementGetUserLong Gets a long that the application may associate with an existing element.
 ElementGetUserString Gets a string that the application may associate with an existing element.
 ElementGetVisible Gets the visibility of an existing element.
 ElementGetZOrder Gets the Z-order (bottom to top display) of an existing element.
 ElementSetAutoSize Sets the autosize attribute of an existing element.  AutoSize controls how the bounding box is sized for text, buttons, stamps, and images.
 ElementSetBackColor Sets the background color of an existing element.
 ElementSetBackstyle Sets the background style of an existing element.
 ElementSetBevelLightColor Sets the bevel light color of an existing button element.
 ElementSetBevelShadowColor Sets the bevel shadow color of an existing button element.
 ElementSetBoundingRect Sets the bounding rectangle of an existing element.
 ElementSetDIBHandle Sets the DIB (Device Independent Bitmap) handle of an existing image element.
 ElementSetFillColor Sets the fill color of an existing element.
 ElementSetFixed Sets the fixed attribute of an existing element.  Fixed controls if the annotation is locked to the ImagXpress control instead of the image.
 ElementSetFont Sets the font of an existing element.
 ElementSetGaugeLength Sets the gauge length of an existing ruler element. Gauge controls the size of the lines at the end of a ruler.
 ElementSetHatchColor Sets the given hatch color for the specified element.
 ElementSetHatchStyle Sets the hatch style of an existing element.
 ElementSetHighlightBack Sets the highlight background of an existing element.
 ElementSetHighlightFill Sets the highlight fill of an existing element
 ElementSetLineBeginStyle Sets the line begin style of an existing element.  LineBeginStyle controls the ability for arrowheads and related designs on the beginning of line based tools.
 ElementSetLineEndStyle Sets the line end style of an existing element.  LineEndStyle controls the ability for arrowheads and related designs on the end of line based tools.
 ElementSetLocked Sets the locked attribute of an existing element.  Locked controls if the user can move or select the annotation.
 ElementSetMeasure Sets the unit of measure being displayed for an existing ruler element.
 ElementSetMoveable Sets the movable attribute of an existing element.
 ElementSetPenColor Sets the pen color of an existing element.
 ElementSetPenFillStyle Sets the pen fill style of an existing element.
 ElementSetPenStyle Sets the pen style of an existing element.
 ElementSetPenWidth Sets the pen width of an existing element.
 ElementSetPrecision Sets the minimum number of digits to be displayed after the decimal point for an existing ruler element.
 ElementSetSelected Sets the selected attribute of an existing element.
 ElementSetShowAbbr Sets an abbreviation attribute of an existing ruler element.  The abbreviation is a customizable string for each unit of measure.
 ElementSetShowGauge Sets the ShowGauge attribute of an existing ruler element. Gauge is the perpendicular line at the end of a ruler.
 ElementSetShowHandles Sets the ShowHandles attribute of an existing element.  The handles are represented by small "grab handles" around an element.
 ElementSetShowLength Sets the ShowLength attribute of an existing ruler element.
 ElementSetSizeable Sets the sizeable attribute of an existing element.
 ElementSetText Sets the text of an existing element.
 ElementSetTextColor Sets the text color of an existing element.
 ElementSetTextJustification Sets the text justification of an existing element.
 ElementSetTextLocked Sets the textlocked attribute of an existing element.
 ElementSetTextOrientation Sets the text orientation of an existing element.
 ElementSetTMSNote Sets the TMSNote attribute for an existing element.  This controls how a text element is saved in the legacy ann file format.
 ElementSetToolTipText Sets the tool tip text of an existing element.
 ElementSetTransparentColor Sets the transparent color of an existing image element.
 ElementSetType Sets the type of an existing element.  This controls what annotation type the element will turn into such as Ruler, Rectangle, Stamp, Image, etc.
 ElementSetUserDraw Sets the userdraw attribute of an existing rectangle element.  This controls if the application wants to draw or paint the rectangle itself.
 ElementSetUserLong Sets a long that the application may associate with an existing element.
 ElementSetUserString Sets a string that the application may associate with an existing element.
 ElementSetVisible Sets the visible value for the given element.
 ElementSetZOrder Sets the Z-order (bottom to top display) of an existing element.
 ElementUserDataAdd Adds user data to an existing element.
 ElementUserDataDelete Deletes user data from an existing element.
 ElementUserDataFind Finds user data from the existing element using the provided key.
 ElementUserDataFindFirst Finds the first user data pair from the list of key value pairs for the existing element.
 ElementUserDataFindNext Finds the next user data pair from the list of key value pairs for the existing element.
IsValidToolAttribute Gets if the given attribute is valid for a specific tool type.
AnnotateEvent Raised when there is a change in annotations.  This event encompasses many sub events such as adding, deleting, and changing annotations.



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