User Interaction

When annotations are initially created by the application, the application will be using the "Element" functions. This grouping shows the many options for allowing the user to interact with the annotations.

ElementGetAutoSize Gets the autosize attribute of an existing element.  AutoSize controls how the bounding box is sized for text, buttons, stamps, and images.
ElementGetFixed Gets the fixed attribute of an existing element.  Fixed controls if the annotation is locked to the ImagXpress control instead of the image.
ElementGetLocked Gets the locked attribute of an existing element.  Locked controls if the user can move or select the annotation.
ElementGetMoveable Gets the movable attribute of an existing element.
ElementGetSelected Gets the selected attribute of an existing element.
ElementGetShowHandles Gets the ShowHandles attribute of an existing element.  The handles are represented by small "grab handles" around an element.
ElementGetSizeable Gets the sizeable attribute of an existing element.
ElementGetTextLocked Gets the textlocked attribute of an existing element.
ElementGetVisible Gets the visibility of an existing element.
ElementGetZOrder Gets the Z-order (bottom to top display) of an existing element.
ElementSetAutoSize Sets the autosize attribute of an existing element.  AutoSize controls how the bounding box is sized for text, buttons, stamps, and images.
ElementSetFixed Sets the fixed attribute of an existing element.  Fixed controls if the annotation is locked to the ImagXpress control instead of the image.
ElementSetLocked Sets the locked attribute of an existing element.  Locked controls if the user can move or select the annotation.
ElementSetMoveable Sets the movable attribute of an existing element.
ElementSetSelected Sets the selected attribute of an existing element.
ElementSetShowHandles Sets the ShowHandles attribute of an existing element.  The handles are represented by small "grab handles" around an element
ElementSetSizeable Sets the sizeable attribute of an existing element.
ElementSetTextLocked Sets the textlocked attribute of an existing element.
ElementSetVisible Sets the visible value for the given element.
ElementSetZOrder Sets the Z-order (bottom to top display) of an existing element.

See Also



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