SubMenuId Enumeration

Contains options for how to access the built-in submenus.
Public Enum SubMenuId 
   Inherits System.Enum
Dim instance As SubMenuId
public enum SubMenuId : System.Enum 
__value public enum SubMenuId : public System.Enum 
public enum class SubMenuId : public System.Enum 
AutoSizeNone3100Annotations are not bound.
AutoSizeToContents3101Annotations are bound to contents.
BackStyleOpaque3002Back style is opaque.
BackStyleTranslucent3003Back style is translucent.
BackStyleTransparent3001Back style is transparent.
HatchStyleBackwardDiagonal6003Hatch style is backward diagonal.
HatchStyleCross6004Hatch style is cross.
HatchStyleDiagonalCross6005Hatch style is diagonal cross.
HatchStyleForwardDiagonal6002Hatch style is forward diagonal.
HatchStyleHorizontal6000Hatch style is horizontal.
HatchStyleNone5999Hatch style is none.
HatchStyleVertical6001Hatch style is vertical.
PenFillStyleInvert5507Pen fill style is inverted.
PenFillStyleOpaque5513Pen fill style is opaque.
PenFillStyleTranslucent5509Pen fill style is translucent.
PenStyleDash5001Pen style is dash.
PenStyleDashDot5003Pen style is dash dot.
PenStyleDashDotDot5004Pen style is dash dot dot.
PenStyleDot5002Pen style is dot.
PenStyleSolid5000Pen style is solid.
PenWidth02000Pen width 0.
PenWidth12001Pen width 1.
PenWidth22002Pen width 2.
PenWidth32003Pen width 3.
PenWidth42004Pen width 4.
PenWidth52005Pen width 5.
PenWidth62006Pen width 6.
PenWidth72007Pen width 7.
PenWidth82008Pen width 8.
PenWidth92009Pen width 9.
ProtractorDegrees2063Protractor in Degrees.
ProtractorRadians2064Protractor in Radians.
RulerCentimeters2055Ruler in centimeters.
RulerDecimeters2056Ruler in decimeters.
RulerDekameters2058Ruler in dekameters.
RulerFeet2050Ruler in feet.
RulerInches2049Ruler in inches.
RulerKilometers2059Ruler in kilometers.
RulerMeters2057Ruler in meters.
RulerMicroMeters2053Ruler in micrometers.
RulerMiles2052Ruler in miles.
RulerMillimeters2054Ruler in millimeters.
RulerPixels2061Ruler in pixels.
RulerTwips2062Ruler in twips.
RulerYards2051Ruler in yards.
TextJustificationCenter7002Text justification is center.
TextJustificationLeft7000Text justification is left.
TextJustificationRight7001Text justification is right.
TextOrientation07100Text orientation is 0.
TextOrientation1807280Text orientation is 180.
TextOrientation2707370Text orientation is 270.
TextOrientation907190Text orientation is 90.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also


Accusoft.NotateXpressSdk Namespace



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