Accusoft.NotateXpressSdk Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
ClassAnnotationAddedEventArgs Contains data for NotateXpress.AnnotationAdded events.
ClassAnnotationDeletedEventArgs Contains event data for NotateXpress.AnnotationDeleted events.
ClassAnnotationMovedEventArgs Contains event data for AnnotationMoved events.
ClassAnnotationsChangedEventArgs Contains event data for the AnnotationsChanged event.
ClassAnnotationSelectedEventArgs Contains event data for AnnotationSelected events.
ClassBaseToolbarDefaults Base class for the Toolbar classes.
ClassBlockHighlightTool This class is used to create BlockHighlight annotations.
ClassBlockHighlightToolbarDefaults This class is used to create BlockHighlight annotations.
ClassBrandingException Exception class that is raise when branding errors occur.
ClassBrandingSourceDibException Exception class which is raised when there are errors that occur with branding the source DIB (Device Independent Bitmap).
ClassButtonTool The ButtonTool is used to create button annotations, which behave and respond like form buttons.
ClassButtonToolbarDefaults This class is used to create Button annotations.
ClassClickEventArgs Raises when an annotation object is clicked in Interactive Mode.
ClassClipboardException Exception class which is raised when there are errors with the clipboard.
ClassContextMenuEventArgs Contains data for ContextMenu events.
ClassCurrentLayerChangeEventArgs Contains event data for NotateXpress.CurrentLayerChange events.
ClassDoubleClickEventArgs Contains event data for DoubleClick events in Interactive Mode.
ClassDroppedEventArgs Contains event data for Dropped events.

This will be fired for unsupported XFDF annotations, such as sound and file attachment annotations

ClassDuplicateItemException Exception class which is raised when there are duplicate items.
ClassDuplicateMenuIdException Exception class which is raised when there are errors with duplicate menu IDs.
ClassElement This class defines attributes of NotateXpress element objects.
ClassElementCollection The base class that manages selected elements in a collection.
ClassEllipseTool This class is used to create ellipse annotations.
ClassEllipseToolbarDefaults Implements the default toolbar values used to create Ellipse annotations.
ClassFileOpenException Exception class raised when there are errors opening files.
ClassFileSecurityException Exception class raised when the filename path or extension are not secure.
ClassFileWriteException Exception class raised when there are errors writing to files.
ClassFreeHandTool This class is used to create line annotations freely drawn by the user, which can have two or more points.
ClassFreehandToolbarDefaults This class implements the default toolbar values for the Freehand annotations.
ClassGetLayerPasswordEventArgs Contains event data for the GetLayerPassword events.
ClassGroup This class defines attributes of a group of elements for annotation.
ClassGroupCollection This class manages groups in the collection.
ClassGroupCreationException Exception class which is raised when there are errors with groups.
ClassGroupElementCollection This class is used as a collection to manage elements in groups.
ClassGroupSelectedEventArgs Contains event data for GroupSelected events.
ClassImageTool The ImageTool class is used to create image annotations, which display images.
ClassImageToolbarDefaults The ImageToolDefaults class is the default class used to create Image annotations.
ClassInvalidAnnotationFileException Exception class raised when there are errors with the annotation files.
ClassInvalidAttributeException Exception class which is raised when there are errors with attributes.
ClassInvalidColorTypeException Exception class which is raised when there are errors with color types.
ClassInvalidContextException Exception class which is raised when there are errors with context.
ClassInvalidContextIdException Exception class which is raised when there are errors with context IDs.
ClassInvalidCursorTypeException Exception class which is raised when there are errors with cursor types.
ClassInvalidErrorLevelException This class implements exceptions for error levels.
ClassInvalidFontException Exception class which is raised when there are errors with fonts.
ClassInvalidGroupException Exception class which is raised when there are invalid groups.
ClassInvalidHatchStyleException Exception class which is raised when there are errors with hatch styles.
ClassInvalidItemException Exception class which is raised when there are errors with elements.
ClassInvalidLayerException Exception class which is raised when there are errors with layers.
ClassInvalidModeException Exception class which is raised when there are errors with modes.
ClassInvalidParameterException This class implements exceptions for invalid parameters.
ClassInvalidPasswordException Exception class which is raised when there are errors with passwords.
ClassInvalidPointException Exception class which is raised when there are invalid point errors.
ClassInvalidTiffAnnTypeException Exception class which is raised when there are TIFF annotation type errors.
ClassInvalidToolException Exception class raised when there is an error with a tool.
ClassInvalidVariantException Exception class which is raised when a variant is not allowed.
ClassInvalidWangTypeException Exception class which is raised when there are Wang type not allowed errors.
ClassInvalidWindowHandleException Exception class raised when a passed in window handle is not valid.
ClassItemChangedEventArgs Contains event data for NotateXpress.ItemChanged events.
ClassItemNotFoundException Exception class which is raised when there are errors with elements not found.
ClassLayer The Layer class contains attributes for elements, groups and toolbars.
ClassLayerCollection The LayerCollection class manages layers.
ClassLayerRestoredEventArgs Contains event data for LayerRestored events.
ClassLineTool The LineTool class is used to create single-line annotations with 2 points.
ClassLineToolbarDefaults The LineTool is used to create Line annotations.
ClassLoadOptions This class provides options when loading in annotations.
ClassMappingInputEventArgs Contains event data for MappingInput events.
ClassMappingOutputEventArgs Contains event data for MappingOutput events.
ClassMenuEventArgs Contains data for menu events.
ClassMouseDownEventArgs Contains event data for MouseDown events in Interactive Mode.
ClassMouseMoveEventArgs Contains event data for MouseMove events in Interactive Mode.
ClassMouseUpEventArgs Contains event data for MouseUp events in Interactive mode.
ClassNoCurrentLayerException Exception class raised when there is an error with the current layer, or no current layer was created.
ClassNoSelectionException Exception class which is raised when there is a no found selection error.
ClassNotateXpress The main class of NotateXpress which manages layers and toolbars.
ClassNotateXpressException Error class of exceptions raised or returned by the NotateXpress class.
ClassNoteTool This class implements objects used to create Note annotations, which can edit and display text when double clicked.
ClassNoteToolbarDefaults This class implements methods and properties used to create note annotations.
ClassNotSupportedException Exception class which is raised when an object is not supported and an error is returned by NotateXpress properties and methods.
ClassObjectNotConnectedException This class implements exceptions for object not connected errors.
ClassOutOfMemoryException Exception class which is raised when there are memory limit errors.
ClassPageNotFoundException Exception class raised when the current PageNumber is not found in the annotation file being loaded.
ClassPolygonTool This class is used to create polygon shaped annotations.
ClassPolygonToolbarDefaults The PolygonTool is used to create Polygon annotations.
ClassPolyLineTool This class implements methods and properties used to create line annotations with two or more points.
ClassPolyLineToolbarDefaults This class implements methods and properties used to create PolyLine annotations.
ClassProtractorTool This class implements methods and properties used to create protractor annotations.
ClassProtractorToolbarDefaults This class implements methods and properties used to create defaults for the protractor annotations.
ClassRectangleTool This class implements methods and properties used to create rectangle annotations.
ClassRectangleToolbarDefaults This class implements methods and properties used to set up defaults for the Rectangle annotations.
ClassRulerTool This class implements methods and properties used to create ruler annotations.
ClassRulerToolbarDefaults This class implements methods and properties used to create defaults for the Ruler annotations.
ClassSaveFileOneLayerException This class implements exceptions when saving a file on one layer.
ClassSaveOptions This class implements methods and properties for controlling how the annotations are saved.
ClassStampTool This class implements methods and properties used to create stamp annotations.
ClassStampToolbarDefaults This class implements methods and properties used to create stamp annotations.
ClassStorageStreamException Exception class which is raised when there are storage errors.
ClassTextEditEndEventArgs Contains event data for TexteditEnd events.
ClassTextEditStartEventArgs Contains event data for TextEditStart events.
ClassTextTool This class implements properties used to create text annotations, which display text with an optional background, border, text, text colors, fills, pen colors and pen widths.
ClassTextToolbarDefaults This class implements properties used to create defaults for Text annotations.
ClassTmsAnnotationBadActivateCodeException Exception class raised when the TMS annotation activation flag is invalid.
ClassTmsAnnotationBadAlignmentException Exception class raised when the TMS annotation alignment field is invalid.
ClassTmsAnnotationBadArrowsException Exception class raised when the TMS annotation arrows field is invalid.
ClassTmsAnnotationBadBorderStyleException Exception class raised when the TMS annotation border style field is invalid.
ClassTmsAnnotationBadColorMapFlagException Exception class raised when the TMS annotation color mapping flag is invalid.
ClassTmsAnnotationBadCoordinateException Exception class raised when there are invalid TMS annotation coordinates.
ClassTmsAnnotationBadDirectionException Exception class raised when the TMS annotation line direction field is invalid.
ClassTmsAnnotationBadHeaderException Exception class raised when the TMS annotation header record is illegally formed.
ClassTmsAnnotationBadRecordException Exception class raised when all of the TMS annotation fields are not specified or a required field has no data.
ClassTmsAnnotationBadRedactionFlagException Exception class raised when the TMS annotation redaction flag is invalid.
ClassTmsAnnotationBadTransparentFlagException Exception class raised when the TMS annotation transparency flag is invalid.
ClassTmsAnnotationBadVersionException Exception class raised when the TMS annotation version is not supported.
ClassToolbar This class implements methods and properties used to control the Toolbar.
ClassToolbarDefaults This class implements methods and properties used to control the defaults for the built in NotateXpress Toolbar
ClassToolbarEventArgs Contains event data for Toolbar events.
ClassToolbarOpenEventArgs Contains event data for Toolbar Opend events.

This will be fired when the toolbar is opened

ClassUnableLoadAnnotationDllException Base exception class raised when unable to load assembly dll.
ClassUnableToCreateStorageException Exception class which is raised when there are errors creating storage.
ClassUserDrawEventArgs Contains event data for UserDraw events.
ClassUserGroupCreatedEventArgs Contains event data for NotateXpress.UserGroupCreated events.
ClassUserGroupDestroyedEventArgs Contains event data for NotateXpress.UserGroupDestroyed events.
ClassXmlFatalException Exception class raised when there is a fatal XML error.
ClassXmlGeneralException Exception class raised when there is a general XML error.
ClassXmlInvalidHeaderException Exception class raised when the XML file header is invalid.
ClassXmlInvalidPageDataException Exception class raised when there is invalid XML page data.
DelegateNotateXpress.AnnotationAddedEventHandler Fires when an annotation has been added.
DelegateNotateXpress.AnnotationDeletedEventHandler Fires when an annotation has been deleted.
DelegateNotateXpress.AnnotationEndSelectedEventHandler Fires when no annotations are selected.
DelegateNotateXpress.AnnotationMovedEventHandler Fires when an annotation has been moved.
DelegateNotateXpress.AnnotationsChangedEventHandler Raises when an annotation has changed: an annotation is added, moved, deleted, grouped, or changed in any other way (e.g., attributes changed: size, color, text, image). This event won't be raised if the context menu is opened, annotations are selected, etc.
DelegateNotateXpress.AnnotationSelectedEventHandler Fires when an annotation has been selected.
DelegateNotateXpress.ClickEventHandler Raises when an annotation object is clicked in Interactive Mode.
DelegateNotateXpress.ContextMenuEventHandler Contains event data for ContextMenu events when the NotateXpress Menu is turned off in Edit Mode.
DelegateNotateXpress.CurrentLayerChangeEventHandler The CurrentLayerChange Event is fired whenever the current layer changes.
DelegateNotateXpress.DoubleClickEventHandler Raises when an annotation object is double clicked in Interactive Mode.
DelegateNotateXpress.DroppedEventHandler Fires when xfdf annotations that are not supported by NotateXpress are read in.
DelegateNotateXpress.GetLayerPasswordEventHandler The RequestLayerPassword event is sent during the loading of an annotation file for all layers that were saved with a password.
DelegateNotateXpress.GroupDeselectedEventHandler Fired when an annotation group is unselected
DelegateNotateXpress.GroupSelectedEventHandler Fired when an annotation group is selected
DelegateNotateXpress.ItemChangedEventHandler The ItemChanged event is sent when an annotation object changes. When an object is moved or resized by the user, an AnnotationMoved is fired.
DelegateNotateXpress.LayerRestoredEventHandler The LayerRestored Event is fired for each layer restored during the loading of a previously saved annotation file.
DelegateNotateXpress.MappingInputEventHandler This event is for an advanced user who wants to change how NotateXpress does its coordinate conversions.
DelegateNotateXpress.MappingOutputEventHandler This event is for an advanced user who wants to change how NotateXpress does its coordinate conversions.
DelegateNotateXpress.MenuEventHandler The MenuSelect event is fired when a user chooses any of the items on the NotateXpress context menu while over an annotation or on the toolbar.
DelegateNotateXpress.MouseDownEventHandler Raises when an annotation object receives a MouseDown event in Interactive Mode.
DelegateNotateXpress.MouseMoveEventHandler Raises when the mouse is moved over an annotation object in Interactive Mode.
DelegateNotateXpress.MouseUpEventHandler Raises when an annotation object receives a MouseUp event in Interactive Mode.
DelegateNotateXpress.StampingEventHandler The Stamping event is sent immediately before each stamp tool use, providing an opportunity to change the stamp text of the annotation object before it is added.
DelegateNotateXpress.TextEditEndEventHandler Fired when text editing has ended. Editing is now disabled
DelegateNotateXpress.TextEditStartEventHandler Fired when The user has double-clicked a text item and editing is now enabled.
DelegateNotateXpress.ToolbarCloseEventHandler The ToolbarClose event is fired when the toolbar is closed.
DelegateNotateXpress.ToolbarEventHandler The ToolbarSelect event is fired when a selection changes for the current tool on the toolbar.
DelegateNotateXpress.ToolbarOpenEventHandler The ToolbarOpen event is fired when the toolbar is opened.
DelegateNotateXpress.UserDrawEventHandler The UserDraw event is raised for a Rectangle object during its paint when the Rectangle’s UserDraw attribute is True.
DelegateNotateXpress.UserGroupCreatedEventHandler The UserGroupCreated event is sent when a user creates a new group by selecting multiple objects and then pressing Ctrl-G.
DelegateNotateXpress.UserGroupDestroyedEventHandler The UserGroupDestroyed event is sent when a user destroys a selected group by pressing Ctrl-U.
EnumerationAngleUnit Specifies the unit of angular measure used with an instance of the ProtractorTool.
EnumerationAnnotationMode Contains constants for use with the NotateXpress.InteractMode property.
EnumerationAnnotationTool Contains which tools are used with the ToolbarEvents and MenuEvent arguments.
EnumerationAnnotationType Option values which determine the type of annotations that NotateXpress can process.
EnumerationAutoSize Contains options for how to bound annotations.
EnumerationBackStyle Contains constants for use with the BackStyle properties.
EnumerationCursorSelection The types of cursors to use in selecting elements.
EnumerationDebugErrorLevelInfo The amount of error information to write to the NotateXpress.DebugLogFile.
EnumerationEndPointStyle Contains options for how the end of a line should display.
EnumerationErrorLevelInfo The amount of error information to write to the NotateXpress.DebugLogFile.
EnumerationFontScaling Specifies how fonts are scaled with the NotateXpress.FontScaling property.
EnumerationHatchStyle Contains constants for use with the HatchStyle properties.
EnumerationLineScaling Specifies how lines are scaled with the NotateXpress.LineScaling property.
EnumerationMapping Contains constants for use with the SaveOptions.Mapping property.
EnumerationMeasurementUnit Specifies the unit of length used with an instance of the RulerTool.
EnumerationMenuType Contains options for which menu to use.
EnumerationNotateTrait Contains options for changing the NotateXpress.OnItemChanged event annotation attribute.
EnumerationPenFillStyle Contains options for how the background should displayed for annotations.
EnumerationPenStyle Contains constants for use with the PenStyle properties.

These only affect PenWidths of 1

EnumerationSubMenuId Contains options for how to access the built-in submenus.
EnumerationTextJustification Contains options for the text alignment.
EnumerationTextOrientation Contains options for the orientation of the text.
EnumerationToolbarIconSize Option values which determine the size of icons displayed in the toolbar.
EnumerationTopMenuId Contains options for how to access the built-in menus.
EnumerationWangType Contains options for use with the WangType property.
See Also


Accusoft.NotateXpress13.Net Assembly



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