ImageGear Professional for Windows ActiveX
Add Method


Adds a character or a text run to a PDE Text object.


      Add (Flags As enumIGPDETextFlags, Index As Long, Text As String,
Font As IGPDEFont, GState As IGPDEGraphicState, TState As
IGPDETextState, TextMatrix As IGPDFFixedMatrix, StrokeMatrix As


Name Description
Flags enumIGPDETextFlag flag that specifies what kind of text to add. Must be either: IG_PDE_TEXT_CHAR - for a text character IG_PDE_TEXT_RUN - for a text run
Index Index after which to add character or text run.

String with characters to add.

Passing NULL for text can invalidate the text object but will not raise an error. Callers must not pass NULL for this parameter.

Font Font for the element.
GState The graphics state for the element.
TState The text state for the element.
TextMatrix The matrix for the element.
StrokeMatrix The matrix for the line width when stroking text. May be NULL.

Return Value:




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