ImageGear Professional for Windows ActiveX
IGPDEText Object


The PDE text object is an element representing text. It is a container for text as show strings or as individual characters. Each sub-element may have different graphics state properties. However, the same clip applies to all sub-elements of a Text. Also, the char path of a Text can be used to represent a clip.


IIGPDEText extends IIGPDEElement 


Add Method Adds a character or a text run to a PDE Text object.
AddItem Method Adds a text item to a text element at a given index position.
GetAdvance Method Gets the advance width of a character or a text element.
GetBBox Method Gets the bounding box of a character or a text run.
GetByteCount Method Gets the number of bytes occupied by the character code or text run.
GetFont Method Gets the font for a text character or element.
GetGState Method Gets the graphics state of a character or a text run.
GetItem Method Obtains a text item from a text element at a given index position.
GetMatrix Method Returns the matrix of a character or a text element.
GetQuad Method Gets the quad bounding the specified text run or character.
GetRunForChar Method Gets the index of the text run that contains the nth character in a text object.
GetState Method Gets the text state of a character or a text element.
GetStrokeMatrix Method Gets the stroke matrix of a character or a text run.
GetText Method Gets the text for a text run or character.
IsAtPoint Method Tests whether a point is on specified text.
IsAtRect Method Tests whether any part of a rectangle is on the specified text.
Remove Method Removes characters or text runs from a text object.
RemoveItems Method Removes contiguous text items from a text element starting at a given index position.
ReplaceChars Method Replaces characters in a text object.
RunSetFont Method Sets the font of a text run.
RunSetGStateMethod Sets the graphics state of a text run.
RunSetMatrix Method Sets the matrix of a text run.
RunSetState Method Sets the text state of a text run.
RunSetStrokeMatrix Method Sets the stroke matrix of a text run.
SplitRunAt Method Splits a text run into two text runs.
CharCount Property The number of text runs (show strings) in the text object.
RunCharCount Property The number of characters in the specified text run.
RunCharOffset Property The character offset of the first character of the specified text run.
RunsCount Property The number of text runs (show strings) in the text object.



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