IGPDEClip Object |
Clip - a list of elements containing a list of Paths and Texts that describe a clip state. Clips can be created and built up with PDE Clip methods. Any PDE Element object can have Clip associated with it. Clip objects can contain PDE Containers and PDE Groups to an arbitrary level of nesting. This allows PDE Containers to be used to mark clip objects. PDE Groups inside PDE Clips that contain at least one PDE Text and no PDE Paths have a special meaning. All PDE Text objects contained in such a PDE Group are considered to be part of the same BT/ET block. This means that the union of these PDE Texts makes up a single clipping path-as opposed to the intersection of the PDE Texts. See Section 5.3 in the PDF reference for more information about BT/ET block. |
IGPDEColorData Object |
Fill in one of the following members of this union, then pass it to PDE ColorSpace creation routine. Please see section 7.10 of the PDF Reference Manual for information on color spaces. |
IGPDEColorDataCalGray Object |
CalGray color space. |
IGPDEColorDataCalRGB Object |
CalRGB color space. |
IGPDEColorDataDeviceN Object |
DeviceN color space. |
IGPDEColorDataICCBased Object |
ICC based color space. |
IGPDEColorDataIndexed Object |
Indexed color space. |
IGPDEColorDataLab Object |
L*a*b* color space. |
IGPDEColorDataSeparation Object |
Separation color space |
IGPDEColorRange Object |
Color range. |
IGPDEColorSpace Object |
ColorSpace - a reference to a color space used on a page in a PDF file. The color space is part of the graphics state attributes of a PDE Element. |
IGPDEColorSpec Object |
Color specification. |
IGPDEColorValue Object |
Color value. |
IGPDEContainer Control |
Container - a group of elements on a page in a PDF file. In the PDF file, containers are delimited by Marked Content BMC/EMC or BDC/EMC pairs. Every container has a Marked Content tag associated with it. In addition to grouping a set of elements, a BDC/EMC pair specifies a property list to be associated with the grouping. Thus a container corresponding to a BDC/EMC pair also has a property list dictionary associated with it. See Section 10.5 in the PDF reference for more information about Marked Content operators. |
IGPDEContent Object |
Content - modifiable content of a PDF page, which contains elements. Content may be obtained from an existing page or from a Form XObject. |
IGPDEContentAttrs Object |
Attributes of a PDE Content object. |
IGPDEDash Object |
Dash specification, as described in Table 4.8 in the PDF Reference. See Section 4.3.2 for more information on line dash patterns. |
IGPDEFilterArray Object |
Filter information for streams. Array of FilterSpec elements. Usually consists of 2 filter elements: text encoding and image compression. |
IGPDEFilterSpec Object |
Filter element in a filter array. |
IGPDEFont Object |
Font - A reference to a font used on a page in a PDF file. It may be equated with a font in the system. |
IGPDEFontAttrs Object |
Attributes of a PDE Font and a PDF SysFont. |
IGPDEFontCreateFromSysFontParams Object |
Parameters for PDE font creation. |
IGPDEForm Object |
Form - an element that corresponds to an instance of XObject Form on a page (or other containing stream such as another XObject Form or annotation form). The context associated with this instance includes the actual stream that represents the XObject Form and the initial conditions of the graphics state. The latter consists of the transformation matrix, initial color values, and so forth. It is possible to have two Forms that refer to the same XObject Form. The forms will exist at different places on the same page, depending on the transformation matrix. They may also have different colors or line stroking parameters. In the case of a transparency group, the opacity is specified in the gstate. Within a Form, each element has its own gstate (or is a container, place, or group object). These gstates are independent of the parent Form gstate. Form elements may have their own opacity. Content may be obtained from a Form to edit the form's display list. |
IGPDEGraphicState Object |
Attributes of a PDE Element or a PDE Text sub-element. |
IGPDEGroup Object |
Group - an in-memory representation of objects in Content. It has no state and is not represented in any way in a content stream (that is, Content). When used in a Clip, this object is used to associate Text objects into a single clipping object. |
IGPDEImage Object |
Image - an element that contains an Image XObject or in-line image. You can associate data or a stream with an image. |
IGPDEImageAttrs Object |
Attributes of a PDE Image object. |
IGPDEPath Object |
Path - an element that contains a path. Path objects can be stroked, filled, and/or serve as a clipping path. |
IGPDEPlace Object |
Place - an element that marks a place on a page in a PDF file. In a PDF file, a place is represented by the MP or DP Marked Content operators. Marked content is useful for adding structure information to a PDF file. For instance, a drawing program may want to mark a point with information, such as the start of a path of a certain type. Marked content provides a way to retain this information in the PDF file. A DP operator functions the same as the MP operator and, in addition, allows a property list dictionary to be associated with a place. |
IGPDEPostScript Object |
PostScript - an element representing in-line or XObject pass-through PostScript object. XObject PostScripts are listed in page XObject resources. |
IGPDEPSAttrs Object |
Attributes of a PDE PS object. |
IGPDEShading Object |
Shading - an element that represents smooth shading. |
IGPDESoftMask Object |
SoftMask- an object for creating and manipulating a soft mask in a PDF file. |
IGPDEText Object |
Text - an element representing text. It is a container for text as show strings or as individual characters. Each sub-element may have different graphics state properties. However, the same clip applies to all sub-elements of a Text. Also, the char path of a Text can be used to represent a clip. |
IGPDETextItem Object |
TextItem - a PDE element representing a text object. |
IGPDETextState Object |
Attributes of a PDE Text element. |
IGPDEXGroup Object |
XGroup - a transparency (XGroup) resource. |
IGPDEXObject Object |
XObject - an element representing an arbitrary XObject. |
IGPDEXYZColor Object |
XYZ color. |
IGPDFAction Object |
PDF action object, which is a task that performs when a user clicks on a link or a bookmark. |
IGPDFAtom Object |
Atom - a hashed token used in place of strings to optimize performance (it is much faster to compare Atoms than strings). Many methods use Atoms. |
IGPDFAtomArray Object |
Represents an array of PDF Atoms. |
IGPDFAuthEventParams Object |
Parameters used in the authorization event. |
IGPDFBasArray Object |
Basic Array - an array object is a one-dimensional collection of objects arranged sequentially. Unlike arrays in many other computer languages, PDF arrays may be heterogeneous; that is, an array's elements may be any combination of numbers, strings, dictionaries, or any other objects, including other arrays. |
IGPDFBasBool Object |
Basic Boolean - PDF provides boolean objects identified by the keywords True and False. Boolean objects can be used as the values of array elements and dictionary entries. |
IGPDFBasDict Object |
Basic Dictionary - a dictionary object is an associative table containing pairs of objects, known as the dictionary's entries. The first element of each entry is the key and the second element is the value. The key must be a name. The value can be any kind of object, including another dictionary. |
IGPDFBasFixed Object |
Basic Fixed - Fixed objects approximate mathematical real numbers, but with limited range and precision; they are typically represented in fixed-point, rather than floating-point, form. |
IGPDFBasInt Object |
Basic Integer - Integer objects represent mathematical integers within a certain interval centered at 0. |
IGPDFBasName Object |
Basic Name - A name object is an atomic symbol uniquely defined by a sequence of characters. Uniquely defined means that any two name objects made up of the same sequence of characters are identically the same object. Atomic means that a name has no internal structure; although it is defined by a sequence of characters, those characters are not "elements" of the name. |
IGPDFBasNull Object |
Basic Null - The null object has a type and value that are unequal to those of any other object. There is only one object of type null, denoted by the keyword null. |
IGPDFBasString Object |
Basic String - A string object consists of a series of bytes-unsigned integer values in the range 0 to 255. The string elements are not integer objects, but are stored in a more compact format. |
IGPDFBookmark Object |
PDF bookmark object, which allows the user to navigate interactively from one part of the document to another. |
IGPDFClipEnumerateEventParams Class |
Parameters for IGPDFCtl Control.ClipEnumerate Event. |
IGPDFCtl Control |
The control that you place in the user interface of your application, and which provides general ImageGear PDF Component functionality. |
IGPDFDestination Object |
PDF destination object represents a particular view of a page in a document. |
IGPDFDoc Object |
Document - the underlying PDF representation of a document. Through PDF Document, your application can perform most of the Edit Pages operations (delete, replace, and so on). Thumbnails can be created and deleted through this object. You can set and retrieve document information fields through this object as well. |
IGPDFFixedMatrix Object |
Matrix containing fixed numbers. |
IGPDFFixedPoint Object |
Point (in two-dimensional space) represented by two fixed numbers. |
IGPDFFixedQuad Object |
Quadrilateral represented by four fixed points (one at each corner). A quadrilateral differs from a rectangle in that the latter must always have horizontal and vertical sides, and opposite sides must be parallel. |
IGPDFFixedRect Object |
A rectangle represented by the coordinates of its four sides. A rectangle differs from a quadrilateral in that the former must always have horizontal and vertical sides, and opposite sides must be parallel. |
IGPDFFont Object |
PDF font object is used to draw text on a page. |
IGPDFFontMetrics Object |
PDF font metrics object is used to identify font metrics. |
IGPDFFontStyle Object |
PDF font style object is used to identify the style of the font used. |
IGPDFLayer Object |
Layer - a named object whose state can be toggled in a UI to affect changes in visibility of content. |
IGPDFPage Object |
Page - a single page in the PDF representation of a document. A page contains a series of objects representing the objects drawn on the page (Graphic), a list of resources used in drawing the page, annotations (Annotation), an optional thumbnail image of the page, and the beads used in any articles that occur on the page. |
IGPDFPreflight Class |
This class provides PDF preflight capabilities. |
IGPDFPreflightReport Class |
This class contains PDF preflight report in a tree form. |
IGPDFPrintOptions Object |
Used to control printing. |
IGPDFSecurityData Object |
PDF security data object describes data for the standard security handler. |
IGPDFStream Object |
Stream - a data stream that may be a buffer in memory, or an arbitrary user-written procedure. Typically used to extract or provide data. |
IGPDFStreamReadEventParams Class |
Parameters for the IGPDFCtl.StreamRead event. |
IGPDFStreamWriteEventParams Class |
Parameters for the IGPDFCtl.StreamWrite event. |
IGPDFStyle Object |
Style - provides access to information about the fonts, font sizes, and colors used in a Word. |
IGPDFSysEncoding Object |
SysEncoding - provides system encoding for a PDF file. |
IGPDFSysFont Object |
SysFont - a reference to a font installed in the host system. SysFont methods allow you to list the fonts available in the host system and to find a font in the system that matches a PDE Font, if it is present. |
IGPDFSysFontEnumerateEventParams Class |
Parameters for IGPDFCtl.SysFontEnumerate event. |
IGPDFSysFontPlatData Object |
PDF SysFont platform specific data. |
IGPDFWord Object |
Word - a word in a PDF file. Each word contains a sequence of characters in one or more styles (see Style). |
IGPDFWordFinder Object |
WordFinder - extracts words from a PDF file, and enumerates the words on a single page or on all pages in a document.. |
IIGPDEObject Interface |
Object - base interface for all the PDE objects. |
IIGPDEElement Interface |
Element - base interface for the elements of a page display list (PDE content) and for clip objects. The general PDE element methods allow you to get and set general element properties. |
IIGPDFBasObj Interface |
Basic Object - basic PDF object interface. PDF supports eight basic types of objects:
- Boolean values
- Integer and Fixed (real) numbers
- Strings
- Names
- Arrays
- Dictionaries
- Streams
- The null object
Objects may be labeled so that they can be referred to by other objects. A labeled object is called an indirect object.
IIGPDFDictionary Interface |
PDF Dictionary interface. |
IIGPDFLayerArray Inerface |
PDF Layer Array interface. |