ImageGear Professional for Windows ActiveX
IGMedPage Object


This object provides access to all medical functionality for the image contained in an IGPage Object.




AddDICOMStructure Method Adds one of the following DICOM data structures: DataSet, FileMetaInfo or Preamble, if it is not already present.
ApplyOverlay Method Loads overlay planes from DICOM metadata (DataSet) attached to the image and creates ART marks of type IMAGE_EMBEDDED for each overlay plane.
ApplyPresDataFrom Method Extracts Presentation State data from DICOM DataSet of PresStatePage, and adjusts display of the IGMedPage based on this data, and on the StdDsplLUT, if it is not empty.
ApplyPresentationDataFrom Method Extracts PS data from DICOM DataSet of PresStatePage , and adjusts display of the IGMedPage based on this data.
DataSetLUTExists Method Checks whether the DataSet attached to the IGMedPage Object has a specified LUT sequence.
ExtractOverlay Method Saves ART marks into DICOM dataset as overlay planes.
ExtractPresentationDataTo Method Extracts the Presentation State related information from an IGMedPage Object, based on its display settings and annotations attached to it, and adds this information to the DataSet of another IGMedPage Object.
GetDataSetLUTCopy Method Extracts LUT from ImGearPage's DataSet and returns it as a new IGLUT instance.
GetPresentationLUTCopy Method Extracts Presentation LUT data from DICOM DataSet of IGPage.
IsDICOMStructurePresent Method Checks whether the IGMedPage Object has the specified DICOM Data Structure.
RemoveDICOMStructure Method Removes DataSet, FileMetaInfo or Preamble.
UpdateDataSetLUTFrom Method Adds specified LUT to the DataSet.
UpdatePresentationLUTFrom Method Updates or adds Presentation LUT in the DICOM DataSet of IGPage.
DataSet Property Provides access to the DICOM DataSet.
Display Property Provides access to Medical Display functionality.
FileMetaInfo Property Provides access to the DICOM File Meta Information Header (Part10 header).
Page Property IGPage Object for which this IGMedPage Object was created.
Preamble Property Provides access to the DICOM Preamble.
Processing Property Provides access to Medical Image Processing functionality.



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