ImageGear Professional for Windows ActiveX
IGGUIThumbnailCtl Control


The GUI Thumbnail Control (IGGUIThumbnailCtl Control) provides the ability to work with thumbnail images displayed on thumbnail browser window. Every thumbnail is associated with the IGGUITNItem object containing full Information about the image. The collection of IGGUITNItems is implemented within the IGGUIThumbnailCtl control.


IIGGUIThumbnailCtl extends IDispatch


DeleteAllItems Method Removes all of the thumbnail items from the control.
DeleteItem Method Removes the specified thumbnail item from the control.
DirectoryAppend Method Creates a series of thumbnail items (either one per file, or one per page per file), by scanning through a filesystem directory and selecting all of the files matching the Filters parameter.
DocumentAppend Method Appends all valid pages in a document into thumbnail control.
FileAppend Method Creates a series of thumbnail items (either one, or one per page) for the indicated file.
InvalidateView Method Causes the thumbnail items' icons to be redrawn.
IOLocationAppend Method Creates a series of thumbnail items (either one, or one per page) for the specified location.
PageAppend Method Appends a page into thumbnail control.
ReloadAll Method Causes all the files in the thumbnail browser to be reloaded.
ReloadItem Method Causes the thumbnail item to read the image again.
SetParentCtls Method This method gives the IGGUIThumbnailCtl Control references to the ImageGear objects that it needs in order to function.
ShowBrowser Method This method shows or hides the thumbnail browser window.
Sort Method Sorts the thumbnail items in the control.
AllPages Property Specifies whether all pages of a multi-page image will be loaded into thumbnails, or whether only the first page will be loaded.
AutoFocus Property Allows to set focus mode for GUI Thumbnail control.
BackColor Property Specifies the color of the background of the control.
BorderWidth Property Specifies the width of the thumbnail item.
Count Property Specifies the number of items within the collection.
DragDropOptions Property Controls whether the thumbnail browser can be Drag source , Drop target or both.
Flat Property Controls whether the thumbnail item will appear flat or three-dimensional.
Font Property Specifies the font used for rendering titles under the thumbnail items.
ForeColor Property Specifies the color to use for rendering titles under those thumbnail items that are neither selected nor highlighted.
HighlightBackColor Property Specifies the color to use for the titles of the thumbnail items that can be shown with a different text background color.
HighlightForeColor Property Specifies the color to use for the titles of the thumbnail items that can be shown with a different text color.
HWND Property Specifies the handle to the window for the control.
Interior Property Amount of extra space to use inside the thumbnail item "button" around the image.
Item(n) Property Used to access a particular thumbnail item in the control.
ItemHeight Property Height, in pixels, of the image in each thumbnail item.
ItemWidth Property Width, in pixels, of the image in each thumbnail item.
LeftMargin Property Amount of extra space, in pixels, to leave between the left-most thumbnail item and the left edge of the control.
MouseIcon Property Specifies the custom mouse icon to display over the control.
MousePointer Property Specifies any of the standard mouse icons to display over the control.
MultiSelect Property Specifies whether the user can select multiple thumbnail items at the same time.
SelectionBackColor Property Specifies the color of the border around the button when a thumbnail is selected.
SelectionForeColor Property Specifies the color of the text when a thumbnail is selected.
ShadowWidth Property Specifies the width of 3D appearance for every item.
ShowMagnify Property Enables or disables the option to see a larger popup image for the thumbnail.
ShowTitles Property Specifies whether or not to show the thumbnail titles.
TopMargin Property Amount of extra space, in pixels, to leave between the top-most thumbnail item and the top edge of the control.
VertScrollBar Property Tells whether vertical or horizontal scrolling is enabled.
XSpacing Property Specifies the amount of horizontal space between thumbnails displayed on the control, in pixels.
YSpacing Property Specifies the amount of vertical space between thumbnails displayed on the control, in pixels.
ZoomFactor Property Specifies the amount of zoom-in to use when displaying the magnified popup image.
AfterLoad Event Called after each IGGUITNItem is loaded (by processing the file or in-memory area).
BeforeLoad Event Called as each IGGUITNItem is loaded (by processing the file or in-memory area).
Click Event Called to indicate that the user clicked somewhere within the control.
DblClick Event Called to indicate that the user double-clicked somewhere within the control.
DoSort Event Called repeatedly during the processing of a call to Sort().
DragDropItem Event Fires when a drag and drop operation happens within the control.
DragDropItemFrom Event Fires before a drag and drop operation happens within the control.
KeyDown Event Called when the thumbnail browser has an input focus and the user presses any key on the keyboard.
KillFocus Event Called when the control loses the focus.
OnCreateItem Event Called after a new IGGUITNItem is added to the control.
OnDeleteItem Event Called as each IGGUITNItem is removed from the control, before the item is removed from the Items collection.
SetFocus Event Called when the control receives the focus.



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