ImageGear Professional for Windows ActiveX
Preparing the Development Environment
  1. Start Visual Studio 2003. The Visual Studio Development Environment appears.
  2. Create a new MFC Application project. For this tutorial, the Project name will be called "IG_MFC". Click OK after entering this Project name.

  3. Next, choose the Dialog Based option to create a dialog based application. Click Finish to create the project.

  4. The form on which you should place the controls and dialog buttons will appear:

  5. To add the ImageGear ActiveX controls to the project, right-click the IG_MFC form and choose the Insert ActiveX Control option in the dropdown list. The following dialog opens, in which all installed ActiveX controls are listed:

  6. Add each of the following controls to the project:
    If you do not see a required control in the list, you may need to install the ImageGear ActiveX product. If you selected to install this product on first use, simply run one of the ImageGear ActiveX samples. To do this, click Start/ Programs/Accusoft/ImageGear v18/Version/ActiveX/Samples (where Version is the edition of ImageGear [Professional, Enterprise or MD] being used) to locate the samples. Launching an ImageGear sample program will automatically cause the ActiveX product to be downloaded and installed on your machine.
  7. Add each ImageGear control to the form. Stretch the PageView Control (IGPageViewCtl Control) to fill most of the form; it should appear as a white rectangle. The remaining controls (IGCoreCtl Control, IGDisplayCtl Control, IGFormatsCtl Control, and IGDlgsCtl Control) should show up as small icons on the form. This tutorial uses the default names (for example, IGCoreCtl1) for each control. Your form should now look something like this:

  8. Now remove the OK and Cancel buttons as well as the To Do Static Text. Instead, place 3 flat buttons at the right side of the form. Give them control IDs IDC_OPEN, IDC_ZOOMIN and IDC_ZOOMOUT, and Captions Open, Zoom In and Zoom Out, respectively:



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