ImageGear .NET - Updated May 1, 2018
Setting Scroll Increment Value
User Guide > How to Work with... > Common Operations > Viewing > Viewing with WPF > Display Images in WPF Environment > Setting Scroll Increment Value

By default, customized scrolling is disabled. To enable it, set the ImGearPageView class UseConfiguredScrollbarIncrements property to True. When customized scrolling is enabled, changes to the ImGearPageView.HorizontalLargeChange, ImGearPageView.HorizontalSmallChange, ImGearPageView.VerticalLargeChange, ImGearPageView.VerticalSmallChange properties will be evident. To customize, assign a new pixel value to each object's Value property.

You can use the following snippet to update the small change value from 1 to 10 and the large change from 1 to 20:

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// Customize horizontal/vertical scrolling to small=10, large=20.
igPageView1.HorizontalLargeChange.Value = 20;
igPageView1.HorizontalSmallChange.Value = 10;
igPageView1.VerticalLargeChange.Value = 20;
igPageView1.VerticalSmallChange.Value = 10;
igPageView1.UseConfiguredScrollbarIncrements = true;
See API reference for ImGearPageView.UseConfiguredScrollbarIncrements property.