| Enumeration | Description |
 | ImGearBMPTagIDs |
Lists all BMP tag identifiers.
 | ImGearBTRTagIDs |
Lists all BTR tag identifiers.
 | ImGearCALTagIDs |
Lists all CAL tag identifiers.
 | ImGearCIFFAFInfoTagIDs |
Lists all CIFF AF Info tag identifiers.
 | ImGearCIFFCanonCameraSettingsTagIDs |
Lists all CIFF Canon Camera Settings tag identifiers.
 | ImGearCIFFFocalLengthTagIDs |
Lists all CIFF Focal Length tag identifiers.
 | ImGearCIFFImageInfoTagIDs |
Lists all CIFF Image Info tag identifiers.
 | ImGearCIFFShotInfoTagIDs |
Lists all CIFF Shot Info tag identifiers.
 | ImGearCIFFTagIDs |
Lists all CIFF tag identifiers.
 | ImGearCLPTagIDs |
Lists all CLP tag identifiers.
 | ImGearCompressions |
Lists all ImageGear supported compressions.
 | ImGearCUTTagIDs |
Lists all CUT tag identifiers.
 | ImGearDCRAWTagIDs |
Lists all Digital Camera RAW tag identifiers.
 | ImGearDCXTagIDs |
Lists all DCX tag identifiers.
 | ImGearDisplayInfoTagIDs |
Lists all Photoshop Display Info tag identifiers.
Lists all EXIF FPXR tag identifiers.
 | ImGearEXIFGPSTagIDs |
Lists all EXIF GPS tag identifiers.
 | ImGearEXIFInterOpTagIDs |
Lists all EXIF Interoperability tag identifiers.
 | ImGearEXIFMakerNoteFujiTagIDs |
Lists all Fujifilm EXIF MakerNote tag identifiers.
 | ImGearEXIFMakerNoteNikonType1TagIDs |
Lists all Nikon EXIF MakerNote Type 1 tag identifiers.
 | ImGearEXIFMakerNoteNikonType2TagIDs |
Lists all Nikon EXIF MakerNote Type 2 tag identifiers.
 | ImGearEXIFMakerNoteOlympusTagIDs |
Lists all Olympus EXIF MakerNote tag identifiers.
 | ImGearEXIFMakerNotePentaxTagIDs |
Lists all Pentax EXIF MakerNote tag identifiers.
 | ImGearEXIFMakerNoteTagIDs |
Lists all general EXIF MakerNote tag identifiers.
 | ImGearEXIFMakerNoteType |
Lists all EXIF MakerNote types.
 | ImGearEXIFTagIDs |
Lists all EXIF tag identifiers.
 | ImGearFillOrder |
Specifies fill order that is used for saving some file formats (e.g., TIFF, etc.).
 | ImGearFormats |
Lists all ImageGear supported file formats.
 | ImGearGEMTagIDs |
Lists all GEM tag identifiers.
 | ImGearGIFTagIDs |
Lists all GIF tag identifiers.
 | ImGearHDPhotoTagIDs |
Lists all HD Photo tag identifiers.
 | ImGearICATagIDs |
Lists all ICA tag identifiers.
 | ImGearICOTagIDs |
Lists all ICO tag identifiers.
 | ImGearIFFTagIDs |
Lists all IFF tag identifiers.
 | ImGearIMGTagIDs |
Lists all IMG tag identifiers.
 | ImGearIMTTagIDs |
Lists all IMT tag identifiers.
 | ImGearIPTCAppObjAttrTags |
Lists IPTC Application Object Attributes.
 | ImGearIPTCAppObjTypeTags |
Lists IPTC Application Object Types.
 | ImGearIPTCRecord1EnvDatasetTags |
Lists all IPTC Record 1 (Envelope) DataSet tags.
 | ImGearIPTCRecord2AppDatasetTags |
Lists all IPTC Record 2 (Application) DataSet tags.
 | ImGearIPTCRecord3PhotoDatasetTags |
Lists all IPTC Record 3 (Digital Newsphoto Parameter) DataSet tags.
 | ImGearIPTCRecord7PreObjDatasetTags |
Lists all IPTC Record 7 (Pre-Object) DataSet tags.
 | ImGearIPTCRecord8ObjDatasetTags |
Lists all IPTC Record 8 (Object) DataSet tags.
 | ImGearIPTCRecord9PostObjDatasetTags |
Lists all IPTC Record 9 (Post-Object) DataSet tags.
 | ImGearIPTCRecordTags |
Lists all IPTC Record tags.
 | ImGearIPTCTags |
Lists all general IPTC tags.
 | ImGearJP2CodestreamTagIDs |
Lists all JP2Codestream tag identifiers.
 | ImGearJP2FileFormatTagIDs |
Lists all JP2FileFormat tag identifiers.
 | ImGearJP2TagIDs |
Lists all JP2 tag identifiers.
 | ImGearJPEGTagIDs |
Lists all JPEG tag identifiers.
 | ImGearJPXTagIDs |
Lists all JPX tag identifiers.
 | ImGearKFXTagIDs |
Lists all KFX tag identifiers.
 | ImGearLVTagIDs |
Lists all LV tag identifiers.
 | ImGearMakerNoteOlympusApplicationModeIFD2TagIDs |
Lists all Olympus application mode IFD 2 MakerNote types.
 | ImGearMakerNoteOlympusApplicationModeIFDTagIDs |
Lists all Olympus application mode IFD MakerNote types.
 | ImGearMakerNoteOlympusCameraModeIFDTagIDs |
Lists all Olympus camera mode IFD MakerNote types.
 | ImGearMakerNoteOlympusCSerieSettingsTagIDs |
Lists all Olympus C-models serie settings IFD MakerNote types.
 | ImGearMakerNoteOlympusDebugIFDTagIDs |
Lists all Olympus debug IFD MakerNote types.
 | ImGearMakerNoteOlympusHardwareIFDTagIDs |
Lists all Olympus hardware IFD MakerNote types.
 | ImGearMakerNoteOlympusImageProcessorTagIDs |
Lists all Olympus image processor IFD MakerNote types.
 | ImGearMetadataFormats |
Lists all ImageGear supported metadata formats.
 | ImGearMJ2TagIDs |
Reserved for future use.
 | ImGearMSPTagIDs |
Lists all MSP tag identifiers.
 | ImGearNativeDataTypes |
Specifies the data types that file formats use to store metadata values.
 | ImGearNCRTagIDs |
Lists all NCR tag identifiers.
 | ImGearPBMTagIDs |
Lists all PBM tag identifiers.
 | ImGearPCDTagIDs |
Lists all PCD tag identifiers.
 | ImGearPCXTagIDs |
Lists all PCX tag identifiers.
 | ImGearPDFTagIDs |
Lists all PDF tag identifiers.
 | ImGearPhotoshopAdditionalLayerInfoTagIDs |
Lists all Photoshop Additional Layer Info tag identifiers.
 | ImGearPhotoshopLayerInfoTagIDs |
Lists all Photoshop Layer Info tag identifiers.
 | ImGearPhotoshopLayerMaskInfoTagIDs |
Lists all Photoshop Layer Mask Info tag identifiers.
 | ImGearPhotoshopResourceGenericTagIDs |
Lists all Photoshop Resource Generic tag identifiers.
Lists all Photoshop tag identifiers.
 | ImGearPhotoshopVersionInfoTagIDs |
Lists all Photoshop Version Info tag identifiers.
 | ImGearPNGTagIDs |
Lists all PNG tag identifiers.
 | ImGearPSDTagIDs |
Lists all PSD tag identifiers.
 | ImGearPSTagIDs |
Lists all PostScript tag identifiers.
 | ImGearPTOCATagIDs |
Lists all PTOCA tag identifiers.
 | ImGearRASTagIDs |
Lists all RAS tag identifiers.
 | ImGearRasterConversionModes |
Lists all raster conversion modes for image saving.
 | ImGearRectangleInfoTagIDs |
Lists all Photoshop Rectangle Info tag ids.
 | ImGearResolutionInfoTagIDs |
Lists all Photoshop Resolution Info tag ids.
 | ImGearSavingFormats |
Lists all ImageGear saving formats.
 | ImGearSavingModes |
Lists all saving modes.
 | ImGearSCITagIDs |
Lists all SCI tag identifiers.
 | ImGearSGITagIDs |
Lists all SGI tag identifiers.
 | ImGearTGATagIDs |
Lists all TGA tag identifiers.
 | ImGearThumbnailInfoTagIDs |
Lists all Photoshop Thumbnail Info tag identifiers.
 | ImGearTIFTagIDs |
Lists all TIF tag identifiers.
 | ImGearWBMPTagIDs |
Lists all WBMP tag identifiers.
 | ImGearWPGTagIDs |
Lists all WPG tag identifiers.
 | ImGearXBMTagIDs |
Lists all XBM tag identifiers.
 | ImGearXMPTagIDs |
Lists all XMP tag identifiers.
 | ImGearXPMTagIDs |
Lists all XPM tag identifiers.
 | ImGearXPSTagIDs |
Lists all XPS tag identifiers.
 | ImGearXWDTagIDs |
Lists all XWD tag identifiers.