ImageGear for Java
rotate(ImGearPage,double,ImGearRotationModes,ImGearPixel) Method
Image to rotate.
Rotation angle in degrees.
Rotation mode. ImGearRotationModes.CLIP means that the image size is not changed during rotation and the part of picture out of image boundary is cut. ImGearRotationModes.EXPAND changes the image size according to the new picture boundary.
Background color to fill the out of picture area. Can be null. This method processes all channels of the image as well as image's ROI, if it exists.

Background should be in the same color space as the Page, including Alpha and Extra channels. Background must have the same channel count and bit depth as a DIB?s color space.

Rotates an image.
public static void rotate( 
   ImGearPage page,
   double angle,
   ImGearRotationModes mode,
   ImGearPixel background


Image to rotate.
Rotation angle in degrees.
Rotation mode. ImGearRotationModes.CLIP means that the image size is not changed during rotation and the part of picture out of image boundary is cut. ImGearRotationModes.EXPAND changes the image size according to the new picture boundary.
Background color to fill the out of picture area. Can be null. This method processes all channels of the image as well as image's ROI, if it exists.

Background should be in the same color space as the Page, including Alpha and Extra channels. Background must have the same channel count and bit depth as a DIB?s color space.

See Also


ImGearProcessing Class
ImGearProcessing Members
Overload List



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