ImageGear for Java
ImGearRasterPage Class Members
Fields  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by ImGearRasterPage.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorImGearRasterPage ConstructorOverloaded.   
Public Fields
Public FieldorientationSpecifies the image orientation attribute which allows for viewing the image flipped and/or rotated by a factor of 90 degrees.

Non-null reference to an instance of ImGearOrientation structure.

This field defines the orientation of an com.accusoft.imagegear.formats.xmp.pagedtext.ImGearPagedTextXMPMetadata instance. It works on the image representation and thus allows the manipulation of page orientation without modifying the pixel data.


(Inherited from com.accusoft.imagegear.core.ImGearPage)
Public FieldtransparencySpecifies image transparency attributes like transparent color for display.

ImGearTransparency class object. ImGearTransparency

(Inherited from com.accusoft.imagegear.core.ImGearPage)
Public Methods
Public MethodcloneCreates new object that is an exact copy of the current instance.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)createFromDIBCreates new page with same image data as given DIB.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)createFromImageCreates a new ImGearRasterPage using the image data from incoming Image.  
Public MethodduplicateRectReturns a new raster page object representing a part of the ImGearRasterPage object limited by the specified rectangle.  
Public MethodgetColorProfileReturns a local color profile associated with the image.

If a color profile is set here, and profiles are enabled in ImGearColorProfileManager class, the local color profile will be used for color space conversions (instead of a global color profile). The default value is null.

Public MethodgetDIBGets a reference to the ImGearDIB class object. This object contains the page's pixel data.

Non-null reference to an instance of ImGearDIB class.

Provides access to image properties and image pixel data.

The getDIB method always returns a non-null reference. However, an com.accusoft.imagegear.formats.xmp.pagedtext.ImGearPagedTextXMPMetadata object can also be used without allocating its DIB's pixel store. The method ImGearDIB.isEmpty is available to detect whether the pixel store has been allocated.


(Inherited from com.accusoft.imagegear.core.ImGearPage)
Public MethodgetDICOMDisplaySettingsReturns DICOM specific display contrast settings.

IImGearDICOMDisplaySettings interface.

The DICOM specification defines several contrast transformations including Modality LUT, VOI LUT... When ImageGear loads a DICOM image, it initializes getDICOMDisplaySettings() method of ImGearRasterPage class with the settings found in the file. During display, ImageGear checks for the presence of DICOMDisplaySettings, and if it is present, uses it in display processing pipeline. This allows the user to load and display DICOM images with proper contrast, without the need for extra application code.

DICOMDisplaySettings can be attached to an ImGearRasterPage class or to a com.accusoft.imagegear.display.ImGearPageDisplay class. If IImGearDICOMDisplaySettings property is not null, ImageGear uses it for display. If ImGearRasterPage method returns null, ImageGear checks ImGearRasterPage class for presence of DICOMDisplaySettings value, and if it is not null, uses it for display. In other words, DICOMDisplaySettings property attached to ImGearPageDisplay class has higher priority than DICOMDisplaySettings property attached to ImGearRasterPage class.

setDICOMDisplaySettings/setDICOMDisplaySettings methods can be also used if the image was not loaded from a DICOM file. It can be useful for non-medical images.

This property affects grayscale images with bit depths from 2 to 31.

The type of this method is an interface with only the members necessary for displaying the page with specific DICOM display settings. If the application needs to retrieve or modify DICOM Display Settings, it shall cast IImGearDICOMDisplaySettings interface to the actual com.accusoft.imagegear.formats.dicom.ImGearDICOMDisplaySettings class.

The default value is null.

IImGearDICOMDisplaySettings For more information about multiple JAR components, see 'Using Multiple Packages'.

Public MethodgetDocumentGets the document to which the page belongs, or null if the page is stand-alone.

ImGearDocument class instance or null, if page is stand-alone.

(Inherited from com.accusoft.imagegear.core.ImGearPage)
Public MethodgetMetadataGets the head, ImGearMetadataHead, of the page's metadata tree.

Non-null reference to ImGearMetadataHead class object.

(Inherited from com.accusoft.imagegear.core.ImGearPage)
Public MethodgetROIReturns region of interest.

The region of interest may have either rectangular or non-rectangular shape. If the ROI is null the region of interest is assumed to be the entire image area.


Public MethodsetColorProfileSets a local color profile associated with the image.

If a color profile is set here, and profiles are enabled in ImGearColorProfileManager class, the local color profile will be used for color space conversions (instead of a global color profile). The default value is null.

Public MethodsetDICOMDisplaySettingsSets DICOM specific display contrast settings.

IImGearDICOMDisplaySettings interface.

The DICOM specification defines several contrast transformations including Modality LUT, VOI LUT... When ImageGear loads a DICOM image, it initializes DICOMDisplaySettings property of ImGearRasterPage class with the settings found in the file. During display, ImageGear checks for the presence of DICOMDisplaySettings, and if it is present, uses it in display processing pipeline. This allows the user to load and display DICOM images with proper contrast, without the need for extra application code.

DICOMDisplaySettings can be attached to an ImGearRasterPage class or to a com.accusoft.imagegear.display.ImGearPageDisplay class. If com.accusoft.imagegear.display.ImGearPageDisplay.getDICOMDisplaySettings property is not null, ImageGear uses it for display. If ImGearPageDisplay.DICOMDisplaySettings property is null, ImageGear checks ImGearRasterPage class for presence of DICOMDisplaySettings, and if it is not null, uses it for display. In other words, DICOMDisplaySettings property attached to ImGearPageDisplay class has higher priority than DICOMDisplaySettings property attached to ImGearRasterPage class.

DICOMDisplaySettings property can be also used if the image was not loaded from a DICOM file. It can be useful for non-medical images.

This property affects grayscale images with bit depths from 2 to 31.

The type of this property is an interface with only the members necessary for displaying the page with specific DICOM display settings. If the application needs to retrieve or modify DICOM Display Settings, it shall cast IImGearDICOMDisplaySettings interface to the actual com.accusoft.imagegear.formats.dicom.ImGearDICOMDisplaySettings class.

The default value is null.


Public MethodsetROISets region of interest.

The region of interest may have either rectangular or non-rectangular shape. If the ROI is null the region of interest is assumed to be the entire image area.


See Also


ImGearRasterPage Class
com.accusoft.imagegear.core Package



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