ImageGear for Java
com.accusoft.imagegear.formats.xmp Package
Inheritance Hierarchy
This package provides the API for XMP format.
ImGearXMPAlt<T> Represents an array of XMP properties.

This class represents an array of XMP properties, one of which should be chosen by the application or by the user. First item in the array is considered to be the default one.

ImGearXMPValue type.

ImGearXMPArray<T> Represents baseline features of an array of XMP properties.

ImGearXMPValue type.

ImGearXMPBag<T> Represents an unordered array of XMP properties.

ImGearXMPValue type.

ImGearXMPBoolean Represents a boolean XMP metadata value.
ImGearXMPColorant Represents an XMP colorant structure.

This structure contains the characteristics of a colorant (swatch) used in a document.

See XMP specification for structure usage details.

ImGearXMPDate Represents a Date XMP metadata type.
ImGearXMPDimensions Represents an XMP Dimensions structure.

This structure contains dimensions of a drawn object.

See XMP specification for structure usage details.

ImGearXMPEnum<T> Represents an enumeration (closed choice of integer) XMP metadata value.

ImGearXMPFont Represents an XMP Font structure.

This structure contains the characteristics of a font used in a document.

See XMP specification for structure usage details.

ImGearXMPFormatMetadata The base for XMP schema accessor classes.

This class serves as the base for XMP schema accessor classes.

ImGearXMPInteger Represents an integer XMP metadata value.
ImGearXMPLangAlt Represents a language alternative.

This class represents a language alternative. It contains the same logical text in multiple languages. The text in each specific language is available through properties of the ImGearXMPLangAlt object. If text in a specific language is does not exist in the object, corresponding method returns null. ImGearXMPLangAlt.getDefault() method represents the default value for the language alternative.

ImGearXMPMetadataRoot Provides simplified access to XMP metadata.

Properties of this class represent XMP schemas that are known to ImageGear.

ImGearXMPRational Represents a rational XMP metadata value.
ImGearXMPReal Represents a floating point XMP metadata value.

This value has an optional qualifier that provides binary representation of the floating point value when an exact value is needed. The text of the qualifier is interpreted as:

std size,endian,hexadecimal_value

- std is the standard name ("IEEE754")

- size is S for 32-bit and D for 64-bit

- endian is L for little-endian, B for big-endian.

For example: "IEEE754D,L,3A4901F387D31108"

ImGearXMPSeq<T> Represents an ordered array of XMP properties.

ImGearXMPValue type.

ImGearXMPString Represents a string XMP metadata value.
ImGearXMPStructure Specifies baseline features for XMP structures.

This abstract class specifies baseline features for XMP structures, such as ImGearXMPFont class, ImGearXMPColorant class, etc.

ImGearXMPThumbnail Represents an XMP Thumbnail structure.

This class is not implemented yet.

ImGearXMPValue Specifies baseline features for an XMP value.

This abstract class specifies baseline features for an XMP property value.

See Also


ImageGearJava Project



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