ImageGear for Java
com.accusoft.imagegear.formats.dicom Package
Inheritance Hierarchy
This package provides features that are used with medical and DICOM images.
ImGearDICOM Provides DICOM specific features, such as DICOM Presentation State support.
ImGearDICOMDisplaySettings Provides the means to display medical images with proper contrast.
ImGearDICOMTagsIDs Specifies DICOM tag identifiers.

ImGearLinearTransform Encapsulates coefficients for a linear floating-point one-dimensional transform.

Result of the transform is calculated as:

y = x * Slope + Intercept

This class can be used to hold DICOM Modality Rescale coefficients.

ImGearModalityTransform Implements DICOM Modality transform.
ImGearPresStateOptions Encapsulates options for loading and saving presentation state objects.
ImGearVOITransform Implements DICOM Value Of Interest (VOI) transform.
ImGearVOIWindow Encapsulates linear DICOM VOI transform.

This class contains following methods: getCenter and getWidth. This transform tells which contrast range of an image shall be mapped to contrast range of the display device.

ImGearDICOMPhotoInterpretations Specifies DICOM Photometric Interpretations.
ImGearDICOMPixelRepresenations Specifies DICOM Pixel Representations.
ImGearDICOMPlanarConfigurations Specifies DICOM Planar Configurations.
ImGearDICOMServiceObjectPairs Specifies DICOM Service Object Pair (SOP) constants.
ImGearDICOMTransferSyntaxes Specifies DICOM Transfer Syntaxes.
ImGearDICOMValueRepresentations Specifies DICOM Value Representations.

Value Representation specifies type and format of the value(s) contained in data element.

ImGearPseudocolorSchemes Specifies predefined pseudocoloring schemes.
See Also


ImageGearJava Project



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