Prior to saving an image, specify the image's save options, by setting the properties below. Save options specify critical image saving information.
General Save Options
- File name: The SaveFileName property specifies the path and name of the file to save.
- File type: The SaveFileType property specifies the type (format) of file to save.
- Compression size: The SaveCompressSize property specifies the desired file size in bytes.
- Save to buffer: The SaveToBuffer property specifies whether image data is saved to a file or memory buffer. The SaveBufferHandle property specifies the handle of the memory buffer which will receive the image data.
- Multi-page file: The SaveMultiPage property specifies if a TIFF, DPF, ICO, MODCA or DCX file should be saved as the next page in an existing file.
Image Color Management Saving Options
Apply an image color profile to the image being saved by ImagXpress:
Specify how profiles should be applied, by setting the ICMRenderIntent property (for example, Picture, Graphics, Business, Colorimetric interpretation).
Set the ICMSaveProfileName to the name of the color profile you wish to apply to the image being saved. When the image is saved, the specified profile is applied to the image and the resulting converted image is stored in the destination image buffer.
Internet Saving Options
To enable saving to a remote location, set the FTPUserName and FTPPassword properties. You might need to set the FTPMode and ProxyServer properties as well depending on your server configuration.
Image Format-Specific Save Options
- Multi page file: The SaveMultipage property specifies that the image is being saved to a multi-page file.
Thumbnail size: The SaveEXIFThumbnailSize property specifies the size of an EXIF thumbnail image.
- Format type: The SaveGIFType property specifies the GIF format for saving a GIF file.
- Transparency: The SaveTransparent and SaveTransparencyColor property specifies how transparency information is saved in the file.
- Interlaced: The SaveGIFInterlaced property indicates whether the GIF file is saved in the interlaced format.
- Multi page file: The SaveMultipage property specifies that the image is being saved to a multi-page file.
- Encoding mode: The SaveJBIG2EncodeModeCompression property specifies the encoding mode to use when creating the JBIG2 file.
- File organization: The SaveJBIG2FileOrgCompression property specifies the file organization of the JBIG2 bit-stream.
- Invert bits: The SaveJBIG2InvertedRegion property specifies whether the bits should be inverted prior to symbol analysis.
- Looseness: The SaveJBIG2LoosenessCompression property specifies how loose to be when matching symbols and compressing text using either of the lossy text region encode modes.
- Interleave Value: The SaveJLSInterLeave property specifies the interleave value.
- Near: The SaveJLSNear property enables overriding the default near parameter.
- MaxValue: The SaveJLSMaxValue property enables overriding the default maximum value parameter.
- Point Transform: The SaveJLSPoint property specifies that an optional point transform should be applied to the image data for compressing JPEG-LS files.
Quality Level: The SaveJPEGChromFactor property specifies the chrominance quality setting. The SaveJPEGLumFactor property specifies the luminance quality setting to use when saving the file. The SaveJPEGSubSampling property specifies the sub-sampling type (which affects color sharpness).
- For higher quality and lower compression, set Luminance and Chrominance in the low teens and set SubSampling to 1:1:1 compression.
- For higher compression and lower quality, set Luminance and Chrominance in the low 20’s and set SubSampling to 4:1:1 compression
- Gray Scale: The SaveJPEGGrayscale property specifies whether the file is saved as a gray scale file. The SaveJPEGCoisted property specifies whether DICOM compression is used. The SaveJPEGProgressive property specifies whether JPEG files are to be saved as standard or progressive files.
JPEG 2000
- Favor Speed: The SaveJP2FavorSpeed property specifies whether the speed of compression and subsequently decompression is to be favored instead of quality and compressed image size when saving to a JPEG 2000 image.
- Compression Type: The SaveJP2Type property specifies whether the compression is lossy or lossless which allows you to specify the visual quality.
- Progression Order: The SaveJP2Order specifies the progression order of the saved JPEG2000 file.
- Tile Dimensions: The SaveTileHeight and SaveTileWidth properties specify the tile dimensions for the saved image.
- Chroma Sub-Sampling: Use the SaveJPEGXRSubSampling Property, using the options listed in the IX_SaveJPEGXRSubSampling Enumeration.
- Frequency Order: Use the SaveJPEGXRFrequencyOrdering Property to specify the frequency ordering.
- Quantization: Use the SaveJPEGXRQuantization Property to specify the quantization.
Lossless JPEG
- Compression type and method: The SaveLJPCompType and SaveLJPCompMethod properties specify the compression type and method used for saving a lossless JPEG file. The SaveLJPPrediction property specifies the prediction formula to use in determining the best compression.
- Compression type: The SavePDFCompression property specifies the PDF compression type for saving a PDF file.
- Black and white: The SavePDFSwapBlackandWhite property indicates whether black and white pixels should be swapped when saving the PDF image.
- Multi page file: The SaveMultipage property specifies that the image is being saved to a multi-page file.
- Password: The PICPassword property specifies the password for an ePIC (.PIC) format file.
- Format type: The SavePNGInterlaced property specifies whether a PNG file is to be saved in the interlaced format.
- Transparency: The SaveTransparencyColor property specifies the color used to represent transparency.
- Byte order: The SaveTIFFByteOrder property indicates the byte order for saving a TIFF file.
- Compression type: The SaveTIFFCompression property specifies the TIFF compression type for saving a TIFF file.
- Rows: The SaveTIFFRowsPerStrip property specifies how many rows to save in each strip of a TIFF file.
- Special tiff handling: SpecialTIFFHandling property indicates that special case TIFF handling is required.
- Multi page file: The SaveMultipage property specifies that the image is being saved to a multi-page file.
- Fast Saving of Multi page files: For detailed information on fast saving of multi-page TIFF files, see Save Image to File.
- Black and White Levels: The SaveWSQBlack and SaveWSQWhite properties specify the level of black and white used in the compression of the saved WSQ file.
- Quantization: The SaveWSQQaunt property specifies the quantization of the saved WSQ file.