Tiff Format
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ImagXpress 12 for ActiveX - API Reference > Properties, Methods & Events by Category > File Format Specific > Tiff Format

Glossary Item Box


ImagXpress® has many properties and methods specific to the Tiff file format. The following properties and methods are for processing a Tiff file. Please note that some of the JPEG specific properties and methods can also be applied to the Tiff-JPEG file format.


FileOffsetUse Gets and sets the behavior of the FileOffset property when loading a TIFF file.
SaveMultiPage Gets and sets if a TIFF, PDF, ICO, MODCA or DCX file should be saved as the next page in an existing file.
SaveTIFFByteOrder Gets and sets the TIFF byte order.
SaveTIFFCompression Gets and sets the compression for the TIFF file being saved.
SaveTIFFRowsPerStrip Gets and sets the number of rows to save in each strip of a TIFF file.
SaveUseIFDOffset Gets and sets whether fast multi-page tiff writes are enabled.
SpecialTIFFHandling Gets and sets the flag denoting an abnormally formatted TIFF file.
TIFFIFDOffset Gets and sets the number of bytes preceding the IFD (Image File Directory).


CompactFile Compacts a multiple page TIFF file by removing unused pages.
DeletePage Deletes a page from a multi-page TIFF document.
FileGetTags Retrieves the collection of tags for the page requested.
FileSetTags Sets the collection of tags into the image file.
InsertPage Inserts a new page into a multi-page TIFF document.
NumPages Retrieves the number of image pages in a multiple page PDF, TIFF or DCX file.
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