Accusoft ISIS Xpress 7
ListRational Method
A long value which represents the numerator for the rational type.
A long value which represents the denominator for the rational type.
The index of the rational value to retrieve from the rational list.

The method to get a rational value when the DataType Property is a rational list for the current scan setting.

Visual Basic
Public Sub ListRational( _
   ByRef Numer As Long, _
   ByRef Denom As Long, _
   Optional ByVal Index As Variant _
A long value which represents the numerator for the rational type.
A long value which represents the denominator for the rational type.
The index of the rational value to retrieve from the rational list.
The index parameter is the index of the rational value to retrieve from the rational list.
See Also

ISISXpress Object  | ISISXpress Members



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