Accusoft ISIS Xpress 7
ISISXpress Object Members
Public Methods
Public Method AboutBox

Displays the about box showing the ISIS Xpress version number, Accusoft contact information, and general information about this component.

Public Method Cancel

Cancels the scanning process immediately or waits until the current page is transferred from the scanner before the scanning process is cancelled.

Public Method CancelImmediateImmediately cancels the scanning process.
Public Method ClearScanAheadPagesClears the scanners buffers of any scanned in ahead pages.
Public Method GetFirstConnectedDriverAndScannerGet the first connected driver name and scanner model.
Public Method GetFirstDriverAndScannerGet the first driver name and scanner model.
Public Method GetNextConnectedDriverAndScannerGet the next connected driver name and scanner model.
Public Method GetNextDriverAndScannerGet the next driver name and scanner model.
Public Method GetNumSupportedTagsGets the number of supported tags.
Public Method GetSupportedTagGets the supported tag at the specified index.
Public Method ListLong

The method to get a long value when the DataType Property is a long list for the current scan setting.

Public Method ListRational

The method to get a rational value when the DataType Property is a rational list for the current scan setting.

Public Method ListString

The method to get a string value when the DataType Property is a string list for the current scan setting.

Public Method LoadDriverPreloads the ISIS drivers used for scanning and saving an image.
Public Method LoadSettingsLoads the settings for the current scanner from an .ini file.
Public Method LongDefaultThe method to get a long value at the specified index in the list of long values for the default scan setting.
Public Method RangeMaximumRationalThe method to get the highest possible rational value for the current scan setting when the scan setting is a range of values.
Public Method RangeMinimumRationalThe method to get the lowest possible rational value for the current scan setting when the scan setting is a range of values.
Public Method RationalDefaultThe method to get a rational value at the specified index in the list of rational values for the default scan setting.
Public Method RationalStepThe method to get the increment or step of rationals when changing values.
Public Method SaveSettingsSaves the settings for the current scanner to an .ini file.
Public Method ScanBatchStarts a batch scan process.
Public Method ScanSingleScans a single page and stores it in the file specified by the FileName Property.
Public Method SelectDisplays a predefined dialog box that allows the user to choose a scanner, add a scanner, or configure a scanner.
Public Method SelectConnectedDisplays a dialog box that allows the user to choose a connected scanner, add a scanner, or configure a scanner.
Public Method SetOEMLicenseKeySets the control runtime OEM license key.
Public Method SetSolutionKeySets the control runtime license deployment solution key.
Public Method SetSolutionNameSets the control runtime license deployment solution name.
Public Method SettingRationalGetThe method to get a rational for the current scanner setting.
Public Method SettingRationalSetThe method to set a rational for the current scanner setting.
Public Method SetupThis method displays a predefined dialog that allows the user to change driver specific scanner settings.
Public Method StringDefaultThe method to get a string value for the default scan setting.
Public Method ToHdibReturns the handle to a DIB for the current scanned image. After each scan, this value will be a handle to a DIB if the CreateDib Property is True and the UseCompression Property is False.
Public Method UnloadScannerUnloads the current scanner driver.
Public Properties
Public Property AdvancedGets and sets the advanced tag number.
Public Property CreateDibGets and sets an indicator whether a DIB is created while scanning so the hDib property is valid after each scan.
Public Property CreateFilesGets and sets whether the scanned in data is saved to a file using the full path and filename specified by the FileName property.
Public Property DataTypeGets the data type the information is encoded in for the current scanner setting.
Public Property Debug

Indicates whether debug information is generated and written to the debug log file.

Public Property DebugErrorLevelDetermines the level of messages to return.
Public Property DebugLogFileContains the full path name of the log file.
Public Property DibBitsPerPixelCurrent Dib bits per pixel.
Public Property DibFlipGets and sets whether the DIB that is stored in the hDib property is flipped.
Public Property DibHeightGets the height of the current scanned image contained in the DIB represented by the hDib property.
Public Property DibWidthGets the width of the current scanned image contained in the DIB represented by the hDib Property.
Public Property Directory

Gets and sets the base directory used for the file naming schema during batch scans when the UseSchema Property is set to true.

Public Property DriverDirectoryThe location of the ISIS driver files.
Public Property DriverDirectoryDefaultThe default location of the ISIS driver files.
Public Property DriverLoadedGets an indicator value if the scanner driver is loaded.
Public Property ErrorCodeReturns error codes from ISIS driver.
Public Property ErrorDescriptionGets the error description.
Public Property EvaluationMode

Indicates the License evaluation mode to use for the control.

Public Property FileDataInMemoryGets the file data (e.g., TIFF) in memory for the image that has been scanned.
Public Property FileNameGets and sets the full path and filename where the scanned image is saved.
Public Property FileSchemaGets and sets the file schema used to generate filenames during batch scanning.
Public Property hDib

This property has been deprecated and will be removed in the next version of ISIS Xpress. Please use the ToHdib method instead.

Gets the handle to a DIB for the current scanned image. After each scan, this value will be a handle to a DIB if the CreateDib Property is true and the UseCompression Property is false.

Public Property ListCount

Gets the number of available choices when the DataType Property is a list for the current scan setting.

Public Property ListIndex

Sets the index for the list item to access when the DataType Property is a list for the current scan setting.

Public Property MultiplePages

Gets and sets an indicator if the TIFF file should be saved as a multi-page TIFF file.

Public Property RaiseExceptionsGets and sets if exceptions should be raised by the ISIS Xpress ActiveX control.
Public Property RangeMaximumLongGets the highest possible long value for the current scan setting when the scan setting is a range of values.
Public Property RangeMinimumLongGets the lowest possible long value for the current scan setting when the scan setting is a range of values.
Public Property Root

The property to get or set the root prefix used to generate filenames during a batch scan when the UseSchema Property is set to true.

Public Property SaveFileToMemoryGets and sets an indicator if the scanned image will be saved to a file in memory (e.g., TIFF).
Public Property SaveFileTypeGets and sets the file format to use when saving images. ISIS Xpress supports five different types of TIFF compression, JPEG Color, JPEG Gray, and DCX.
Public Property ScannerNameGets and sets the name of the scanner driver.
Public Property ScanSetting

Gets and sets the scanner setting that is to be retrieved or set.

Public Property SettingLongGets and sets a long for the current scanner setting.
Public Property SettingStringGets and sets a string for the current scanner setting.
Public Property SupportedGets an indicator if the current scan setting is supported.
Public Property UseCompressionGets and sets a value used to enable or disable hardware compression if the scanner supports it.
Public Property UseSchema

Gets and sets an indicator whether a naming schema is used during batch scanning.

Public Property UsingNetworkedScannerGets and sets whether a networked scanner is used.
Public Property VersionReturns the version of the ISISXpress control at run-time.
Public Event FeederEmptyAn event indicating that the scanner feeder is empty.
Public Event ProgressAn event indicating how much of the scan has completed.
Public Event ScannedAn event indicating a scan has completed.
Public Event ScanningAn event indicating a scan is starting.
See Also

ISISXpress Object



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