Accusoft ISIS Xpress 7
Project Overview
Accusoft ISIS Xpress 7
Class ModuleDescription
ISISXpressThe ISISXpress Object is the main controller component of the ISIS Xpress toolkit.
Public Enumerations
IS_TOHDIBMETHODSpecifies the ToHdib method type.
ISX_DataTypeInfoOption values for the data type the information is encoded in for the current scanner setting.
ISX_ErrorLevelsOption values for the error level to use for the ISIS Xpress control.
ISX_ErrorsOption value for error numbers and error descriptions for the various errors that can occur.

Option values for the licensing evaluation choices that are available with ISIS Xpress.

ISX_SaveFileTypeOption values for the file format to use when saving images.
ISX_ScanAheadChoiceOption values for the ISX_ScanSetting.ISX_ScanAhead setting.

Option values for determining which scanner setting to query or set.


Option values for the Setup Method to modify what is displayed by the predefined scanner settings dialog.

ISX_SourceOption values for the ISX_ScanSetting.ISX_Type setting.



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