Accusoft.FSInvoices Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
ClassAddress Contains basic address information.
ClassAnalyzeError Contains error information from Processor.Analyze.
ClassAnalyzeResults Contains the list of form results and the list of errors from Processor.Analyze.
ClassCompanyData Defines the names, addresses, and phone numbers of the company receiving invoices.
ClassDocumentArea Defines a rectangular area on a DocumentPage.
ClassDocumentPage Contains a document page associated with a FormResult.Document.
ClassEmailAddress Contains an email address.
ClassFieldAlias Defines an alias for a FormFieldDefinition.
ClassFileImageProvider Loads images from a Windows file system.
ClassFileTemplateProvider Loads ands saves templates using a Windows file system.
ClassFormDefinition Defines the fields and tables expected on the input forms.
ClassFormField Contains a form field associated with a FormResult.
ClassFormFieldData Contains the data associated with a FormField.
ClassFormFieldDefinition Defines a form field in a FormDefinition.
ClassFormFieldDefinitionDictionary Defines a dictionary of FormFieldDefinition objects.
ClassFormFieldLabel Contains the label associated with a FormField.
ClassFormResult Contains form data output by Processor.Analyze. Contains the fields and tables defined in the Processor.FormDefinition.
ClassFormTable Contains a form table associated with a FormResult.
ClassFormTableCell Contains a table cell associated with a FormTableRow.
ClassFormTableColumnHeader Contains a column header associated with a FormTable.
ClassFormTableColumnHeaderDefinition Defines a column header in a FormTable.
ClassFormTableDefinition Defines a table in a FormDefinition.
ClassFormTableDefinitionDictionary Defines a dictionary of FormTableDefinition objects.
ClassFormTableRow Contains a table row associated with a FormTable.
ClassImageLoader Provides methods for loading images from files, streams, and classes that implement the IImageProvider interface.
ClassImageLoaderPreprocessingOptions Specifies image preprocessing options for an ImageLoader.
ClassInvoiceProcessingException Contains information about exceptions encountered during processing.
ClassLicensing Determines the license edition and behavior, and unlock methods.
ClassPhoneRecord Contains a phone type and number.
ClassProcessingEventArgs Contains processing progress event arguments.
ClassProcessor Provides methods for analyzing images and returning FormResult objects.
ClassRuleDefinition Defines a rule which is run on a form or form fields during processing.
ClassTemplateField Contains a template field associated with a TemplatePage.
ClassTemplateFieldData Contains template field data associated with a TemplateField.
ClassTemplateFieldLabel Contains a template field label associated with a TemplateField.
ClassTemplateIO Provides methods for creating and updating templates.
ClassTemplatePage Contains templates for fields and tables expected to appear on a DocumentPage.
ClassTemplateTable Contains a template table associated with a TemplatePage.
ClassTemplateTableCell Contains a template table cell associated with a TemplateTable.
ClassTemplateTableColumnHeader Contains a template table column header associated with a TemplateTable.
ClassVendor Contains vendor information.
InterfaceIAddress Defines basic address information.
InterfaceICompanyData Defines basic information about a company.
InterfaceIEmailAddress Defines an email address.
InterfaceIImageProvider Defines how and where images are loaded.
InterfaceILogService Defines an interface to perform message logging during processing.
InterfaceIPhoneRecord Defines a phone type and number.
InterfaceITemplateProvider Defines the methods required to load and save templates and template images.
InterfaceIVendor Defines vendor information.
EnumerationErrorLevelInfo Defines the error level of items to place into the debug log.
EnumerationFormFieldDataType Defines the expected type of field data.
EnumerationFormFieldGroup Defines the types of form field groups.
EnumerationProcessingState Defines the processing state.
EnumerationRuleType Defines the rule types that can be run during processing.
See Also


Accusoft.FSInvoices1.Net Assembly



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